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Everything posted by Peccavi

  1. Hello to Blobby. I was thinking that what might help you would be to go back a good while and start reading your PIO posts from that period. It would give you your mindset as a resident in Australia, and provide a balance to your current feelings. It is a very valuable resource which may help you.
  2. Peccavi

    Cat Leads

    Hello, There are two people in my neighbourhood who do this. One has a Siamese, and the other a very hairy cat! I do not know the breed. They take them around the local streets. Both animals seem perfectly happy and clearly enjoy their walks. These people have won a lot of respect around here for doing this. A neighbour is also going to do the same thing when her new cat arrives. It is starting a trend which is good.:smile:
  3. This is good advice. Keep your chin up OP.:smile:
  4. The difference is talk v confrontation. Confrontation is a losing game, but asking a polite question is not. If this situation is becoming untenable and it appears that it is, then something has to be done to alleviate it. That is not confrontative, but bringing in a witness would be. Thank-you for clarifying. I have no sense of humour so I did not realise.
  5. Hello, your post is very interesting. It seems to me that this visa situation allows exploitative behaviour by an employer or Manager in a workplace, because they know you are 'trapped'. Don't spike her drink-if you are caught out with that-she becomes the victim and you of course the bad person. Also I don't think you should 'grin and bear it'. We can do that but our insides become ever more distressed. I notice something in your post: you said she is worse when the boss is not around. That is significant. You need to ask her for a private talk. Discuss with her your effort to do your job properly, and that you do not understand what you are doing to upset her. (She will deny she is 'upset' aka nasty,-but your message would have got through). Tell her how you are feeling and that you are confused because your performance report has been good. Suggest to her that you do not wish to upset her in any way and have thought of approaching the boss for some advice on how to make her happier with your work,-because 'you only want her to be happy with what you are doing'. I suspect she will not want any approach to the boss..... I don't think any circumstances warrant 'putting up with it'. All that does is allow bullies to thrive. They need to be countered. I wish you the best of luck.
  6. .................and yet again. Anything to deflect the slightest suggestion that there could possibly be racism in Australia. Should I correct that? That Australia is 'the LEAST racist country'! Repetition does not magically morph into truth! ...........and on that note. I have a plane to catch and choose not to take the contraption. There are no phones or internet cafes'. Nirvana! (Enough good people are here to counter the culture of non-racist racists. Please note: I am not addressing any individual). ______________________________ ..............I have enjoyed your posts though. Thank-you for your comments.....Adieu.
  7. I am reminded of a line in a Shakespeare play.....! It is pleasing however, to see the extraordinary lengths taken to make two or more wrongs a right! As for the link. What an intellectual giant!!! This man has a reputation for this, and he comes in very handy to be repeatedly and boringly trotted out as evidence of the unbridled truth! We are all capable of providing any 'evidence' we can find to promote our own point of view, but providing this particular link with this particular man speaks volumes! Unfortunately not for him, but for those who endorse him and offer this up as 'irrefutable evidence'!! You do realise don't you what this link; this man shows?
  8. Thank-you for your comments. Three excellent posts! This one confirms so succinctly what the other two are saying: 'It is not racism/bigotry/intolerance if I am open and honest and exercising my right of free speech.' 'If you deny me that right, you are PC/loony Left/...looney etc. TheButler Post 149. HLSVictory Post 151. Thank-you. There is little point in writing a version of what you have written; you have expressed it far better than I could. Racism /bigotry/intolerance is in most countries. Of course no Government admits to it; but some individuals in those countries proudly DO admit to it. Australia denies; Australia hides it; and in Australia it is actually quite blatant! My thanks to zidden for showing how it is done.
  9. Thank-you for your comments. I really admire your need to make your point very clearly and consistently. I hope that this approach has made you feel better. It doesn't change my view, or what I said. I am enjoying your posts though.
  10. Thank-you for your comments. I can see that you feel you have extensive knowledge and feel the need to strongly convey that. Lies, damn lies and statistics, are a very useful tool to convey 'facts', but they are based in interpretation, and interpretation is opinion. However, I am enjoying your posts. And your opinion of the AHA.
  11. Thank you for your comments. I am so sorry. I realise that I did not observe the apprenticeship of being 'new'. I checked the forum rules and could not find anything about this. I very much appreciate this feedback. It is so enlightening. Particularly as the title is 'Racism'.
  12. Thank you for your comments. For some the cup is half full. For others it is half empty. The same with opinions. You give your opinion. I give mine.
  13. Thank-you for your comments. The nature of a discussion forum is to relate experience/agree/disagree. We disagree.
  14. I have been here 18 years, and know that Australia is very racist. I think this is endemic in so many countries now with the shift of populations and refugees. What I don't like is when it is denied. Australian population policy was rooted in racism in favouring White migrants. I have only seen the issue of Indigenous Australians raised only twice in all of these posts! Why is that? The White occupation of Australia resulted in exploitation and elimination of its Indigenous peoples. That's racism. But is it only in the past? Aboriginals live largely entirely separately from the White population. It is a covert unofficial apartheid. In Adelaide Indigenous Australians have/had a separate Housing Authority than all other groups. I don't know if that still exists. One month ago I was sitting in the waiting room at the local hospital. It has two 'bays' of approximately 30 seats. 'We' sat in one, and then I noticed an Indigenous Australian on his own sitting in the other bay. I moved to sit in his bay because I realised the message I was complicit in sending. Was this seating choice (by us, I mean) racist? .............and then a nurse walked up to this completely sober man quietly sitting there and told him-loudly and condescendingly- to wipe the blood from off the floor that had dripped from his injured leg. .....the blood from my knee had also dripped on the floor. She saw it. Neither of us was badly injured so we had to wait. But he was treated differently. THAT is racism. And to my complete and utter shame I said nothing.
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