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Everything posted by Peccavi

  1. Ahhh! I didn't know that. I remembered both stores from the dim and distant only. It was tongue in cheek of course, but I did mean it. Value your workers and they will value you.
  2. No, but their Management is, because they recognize the value of the workers! :wink:
  3. It will come, I have no doubt of it, because it IS a structure based on taking rather than earning. It will take many decades though, and by then Australia wold have been a Republic for years. I shall miss them when it happens (from up or down there!), in the same way I miss Bush and his utterly fouled up quotes!:biglaugh:
  4. Hells testicles!! Some rich pickings here! Incata you have just given a ringing endorsement to the very worst form of bullying that history has shown. I shall email my aboriginal friend and tell him to suck it up! (TG for the wink!) You sir are an arrogant oaf! Get back to your plough!!
  5. OK. If you want this to go on and on. .......you are correct: I meant 'feeling' differently OK? ........trash tabloid or quality article..........? ..........I'm sure it can,-and I will continue to disagree with sweeping generalisations.... ........the content is in question IMO..... .........it does indeed!!!...... And NO I am not ridiculing your style of posting. I find it difficult to understand sometimes, so set it out in the same way to answer it. Over to you.
  6. I am neither Republic or Monarchy. I have little time for an anachronistic structures, BUT I find the Royals very handy in terms of tourist revenue. I even like the pomp and ceremony, simply because it brightens our day! The right to rule is a bit silly though, but thankfully they no longer chop off heads which is a positive......... It was much easier for our generation. The kind of jobs we could get as filing clerks etc, and then perhaps progress, have gone. All we have now is the automation of press this, press that. What these youngsters have is Mcjobs family breakdown and constant criticism. It is no surprise to me that they give up; they develop their own culture, and ultimately they feel so disenfranchised that so unacceptably many take their lives. We have devalued them; the workplace has devalued them; family has devalued them. They have 'separated' from us, because we have separated them. It is much harder today just on attitude alone. Youth to us; us to youth. Crikey!! I know you mean well, but surely people are allowed to give their own pov? Please don't talk like this?? Pablo wasn't suggesting assassination, he gave his view!
  7. My prerogative indeed! As for others thinking differently, isn't that what a discussion forum is about? But thanks for the link to the Dailymail. It is either a trash tabloid, or a quality journal, dependent on the message we want it to convey.
  8. It depends on the definition of oppression doesn't it? I did not trivialise that which I do not believe exists. This to me is like the self diagnosis of depression. It is now so popular to claim depression for every incident/situation where one is unhappy. Either there is a sudden epidemic of depression-or more people are laying claim to it. Oppression is a relative term. I trivialised nothing. Why doesn't that surprise me... Thanks for this opportunity! Just to be clear: others may differ; have different philosophies, different politics. My philosophical/political outlook is on the Left. I mean the true Left, not the Labour/Labor Party of today. For me the working class full stop is the absolute backbone of any country. Bin the Board-the factory would continue. Bin the workers-the factory would fail. There will be those who can come up with whatever rationale they like to explain that away, but that is a fundamental fact. Where I disagree is that the 'White' working class is an oppressed minority. If we are talking oppression......then why do we refer to 'White' working class? Could it possibly be because of the definition of 'oppression' is a tad skewed? If we talk about the oppression of the working class-ALL. Then I would agree about that oppression. It is coming from the Thatcherthink structure who need the working class to do as they are told.
  9. The 'White working class' might just learn something from that. Discrimination/exploitation/racism has been experienced by so many for so long. Much of it perpetrated by the light skin against the dark skin (I loathe using black/white-neither are either!). Frankly I find the statement whiney and weak. The experiences of so many of our fellow men in this world is vastly worse! Millions are born and die in societies where they are treated like animals. I won't be losing any sleep over the poor oppressed White Working Class.
  10. That's the whole point: you aren't are you? :dull:
  11. Weeelllll, it all depends on the pov doesn't it? However I bow to your expertise on that subject.
  12. Fact? 'Millions'? Dear 'ol multiculturalism-the whipping boy for all societal ills! ..........except of course for the 'minority' of British White people!! Awwww the poor widdle downtrodden minority White British! How many times does it have to be said? The British have no history of being subjugated; rather to the contrary....... And for the record (stuck record), this mantra is regularly trotted out in Australia! (Which is the other country I know well). So the need to make a strong point by suggesting that 'everywhere else' all is preserved is lacking in 'fact'. Like the UK 'everywhere else' will preserve its traditions and cultures as it always has. Just because some daft authority body comes up with some PC crap about a 'non denominational culturally diverse multi belief.................(you know what I'm saying), it doesn't mean the country-any country, is being 'taken over'. It means that there are a bunch of stupid plonkers who have to show that they are in positions of authority-who come up with cockamamie ideas that annoy people because they are as thoroughly stupid as the eejits who first thought them up! It does NOT mean a take over!
  13. I don't care where this occurs. I heard this this morning, and IF this research is correct, it utterly chokes me up that our young feel this despair. I was watching a polishitun on the tiv (UK 'shituns are not familiar to me yet) this morning justifying the increase in rail fares. The disconnect with these creatures is chasmic. Like Australia so many of them have found inventive ways to leech off the public purse,-including-like Aus, employing members of their family. They then make bald statements publicly about why they strip services and increase charges. This fiscal mismanagement for decades (UK/Aus/Greece.....add another country HERE), results in what we see in so many countries. At least a dictatorship is open about controlling and stripping the people of any decent mode of living. 'Democracies' pick your pocket whilst telling you its for your own good! Any Government should hang its head in shame when its young see little to no hope of a decent future. How in the hell did we allow these genetic throwbacks to so easily control and fleece us?
  14. Well this makes it clear that sympathy and not objective opinion is what was wanted (referring to someone as my husband is a sad illustration of this). At least it's a learning curve. For me only.
  15. Very very happy to, because I am damned annoyed that you could misinterpret what I was trying to say when it was an effort to help you-(and you have had many people here trying to do that). Part of my culture lies not so far from your country of origin, in no way did I mean to patronise you. It might do you more good than I originally thought to read your own posts. You make reference to English foods; English things in general. It occurred to me that you were an Anglophile. It seemed to me that if that is the case, you should try to get to a country you love on your own steam, and not rely on someone who seems to have an answer for everything that allows delay. (And just in case you misunderstand again-I refer purely to you coming to the UK because of a relationship, OK?) I have to say that it has now become very clear to me that you have some strength of character. It wouldn't be difficult for someone like that to work to that end-coming to the UK I mean (just to be crystal clear). It would take time-but time is something that you have become used to. Still waiting.....................
  16. I would appreciate an apology. I did NOT suggest this at all.
  17. I think you love Britain-not for one moment was I suggesting that this relationship was so that you could get to the UK!!! You have my word that it never entered my head. As is your right to stay in Australia. You have totally misunderstood what I was trying to say! 'Your man' EL, has a fear of a lot of things I suspect. But it is now very clear to me that facing reality is not the message you want to hear. No. I wasn't.
  18. Well inevitably I went back and read your history on this. One thing has stuck out for me and that is your nationality. Ultimately what I say is racist, purely because it is based on race! I know we can't generalise specifically because everyone is an individual, but I will generalise...in general! It is I think part of your nature to be somewhat more gentle then perhaps those in a Western culture would be (I am being general folks..), your nature I suspect is a damn sight more forgiving and patient then for many of us. That is why I think what is blatantly obvious, even I suspect to you, has gone on for so long. Caring for someone; loving them, can cause us all to continue on with callous insensitive or even violent behaviour in the hope that it will 'get better'. I am sure there have been cases in this World of this occurring, but I have yet to hear of it. This situation allows the abuse of one over another in whatever depth that occurs. I am bound to say that this man has taken full advantage of that,-and knows full well that it is the nature of you to continue on, and keep looking for the bright side. Do you really-really think there is any future with someone who could treat you this way? Do you really want a man who behaves in this manner? You can make excuses for it, but it IS obvious you know. I wonder if you are holding on to this because of your love not for him, but for Britain, which you seem to love. He gives you a link to that doesn't he? My view has changed now that I know the history of this,-and your culture. You need to talk to YOU. You need to perhaps start researching ways to get to GB on your own efforts, and not on the drag out excuses of another. The English phrase 'flogging a dead horse' comes to mind. LOOK at this situation; really LOOK at it. There is nothing there! I suspect that by repeatedly going over the same ground you are 'validating' it; you are giving it life/substance. Which is what you want, when it is obvious there is nothing there. Don't bother with these responses if they tell you what you don't want to hear;-go and read your own posts on this, and let you yourself tell you what you NEED to hear. Work on your own plan, your own destiny, and get your soul back. Face what you are refusing to face. No one can help you but you.
  19. I think this is hard hitting, but EL,-it really is on the nail. (I had no idea that this has been a topic before). So many of us have 'been there and done that', and we try to take others along for the ride, but ultimately the 'ride' occurs because we don't listen to the advice that we actually asked for! It is almost that we need company for the journey of indecision. This is also harsh: you truly need to put up or shut up.
  20. I don't, because though we have attempted to give advice, much/most of it has been negative to the outlook of the OP. I don't think anyone is that much of a glutton for punishment!
  21. So did I. Both these links show a clear mindset, both by the paper and the poster. Facts are irrelevant. When will you learn? I actually liked the original post and the message it conveyed. Both it and this response make a very clear point. Both are relevant to the OP. It is the vantage point that could make both irrelevant.
  22. I couldn't agree more!! It is something we should all remember.
  23. God Pabs you are so irritating! Here am I trying to get to my bisks and I see another post and respond!! Fair point I suppose, I know this does occur increasingly, but not entirely. We've had the same pov on the other thread haven't we? We look for things sometimes because we know they are there! Because they have been endemically there for years. Last line: it does make sense, but I changed after reading a known writers account of her rape-but more particularly how she was attacked in post after post by males for what she wrote. She was subjected to yet more abuse because she spoke up! I have little tolerance now for any stupid categorising. The message was drink/drugs. Not male female. This truly does not need to be complex. Ah sod it! I'm off.
  24. I'll grant that I was very analytical, but I did so because this type of thing is (in my view) so common and so pervasively subtle. It really is unnecessary to separate the genders in this manner. Just warn them all not to be bloody idiots. It is simple horse sense. There is no need to categorise gender only drink/drugs. What IS there, is why they do it. That is what I tried to show. I would be shocked if a female was involved in this poor promotion.
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