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Everything posted by xlornax

  1. If info is missing they will ask you for it..it depends what u mean by 'isn't correct'
  2. For ahpra registration and to practice as a nurse she does not require ielts if she can prove 5 yrs education taught in english
  3. 16 weeks..got mine back last month...anmac was last thing I did before applying...depends what points you are claiming for as to the other steps before applying for 189
  4. I came for the weather and to see if I could learn anything from aussie nursing
  5. Wow thats alot..exeter court does them free if u live near there! I just sent some e learning module certificates printed off..I didnt have much
  6. I didnt need to do that..I just got ahpra to forward cert to anmac n that was accepted...think I might have put a print out of the cert in wth my application too
  7. Mine took about 2 weeks but you can also print one off when u log onto your ahpra account
  8. I applied to ahpra first then I only had to do modified skills assessment. Go to your local court and ask them to certify your documents before you pay out any money to get them done
  9. Ahpra is more particular when it comes to who can certify documents...but I would carry on wth anmac forwarding all info to ahpra and wait to see if they ask for anything extra...they will let u know if anything isn't there or done right and you get 4 weeks or something to provide what they ask for....most local courts will certify documents for free or small fee
  10. It was only an opinion and a valid one...that is what an open forum is for...could have been worded better/more sensitively though I think
  11. Your local court can certify documents for free or small fee...look on anmac website for requirements of skills assessment. ..I got mine back last week..took 16 weeks x
  12. 12 months to present in person...I got my pin on same day by email
  13. I know how much my parents miss me but I really hope they never felt like this! Truth is that they probably do but hide it well as thats how they have always been wth me..they do what makes me happy...however if they sincerely said to me that it hurt too much me being so far away then I would go back...so I think its important to tell your son how you feel but not overload..he may still go as aus can be like an itch that needs scratched but at least you are all open wth each other...I hate that my parents never tell me how they really feel due to not wanting to upset me! Im trying to save for them to visit and me and my mum like old fashioned letters so we write to each other and it has brought us closer as we say things in letters we wouldn't face to face and really open up about our lives, hopes etc, its therapeutic! I think of them everyday, I feel like they are kind of here wth me, they equiped me wth the tools and values that got me here and resulted in me doing well here so I dnt feel apart from them. Your son may not stay forever either and when u do see him you will have so much to share and catch up on. How you feel is normal...i have been put off having kids incase they put me through the heartbreak of emigrating lol theirs nothing you can do as it can be such a life enriching experience for them. Well done for raising him to be brave and independent, how sad would it be to see your child have so much potential but have clipped wings?
  14. I got a job with nsw health through the free service of healthstaffrecruitment before I was registered, they just wanted me to have applied and be waiting to hear...but yeah applying direct to employers they will def look at ppl already registered first, some wont let you go further with job application until you have registration
  15. Yes ahpra only need you to prove uk education in english, no ielts needed....but if you get your skills assessed by anmac before registering with ahpra as many ppl do you will need a full sklls assesment and that includes academic ielts test. When initially looking at visas etc it looks like a mountain of ridiculous hoops and information overload that will never make sense but for me it has all come together, I understand how it all works now and to keep everyone safe and ensure the right ppl emigrate I think some of these things need to be done...im not using an agent just lots of reading and research. The ielts is just ensuring you have a good understanding of the english language which is obviously important in nursing. I dont know why you would need to do a bridging course and nmc can help wth transcripts if your uni cant. Dont be put off straight away!
  16. Mine took 8 weeks from sydney office...I have seen ppl on here who are still waiting after 6 months! If u get all documents correct first time round it will stop hold ups
  17. She will need to apply and when she recieves letter of eligibility she will have 12 months from that date to go in person to the office in aus to activate...doesnt make a difference about visa.
  18. Thats a horrible experience cheryldavey, im sorry to hear that ..but maybe u couldn't get a job because your registration wasnt through yet??.. as I got a few interviews in melbourne in oct/nov. Are you going to go back?
  19. Strange..they cant need anything else from you now..maybe just a hold up unrelated to anything you can do..someone off sick and not getting through things as quick or something..hope u hear soon
  20. I received mine later the same day via email and then it arrived in the post a few days later too
  21. People used to always say that but I went sydney anyway and got result in 8 weeks which I was happy with..they always answered the phone and emails and were very helpful. ..I think it depends on individual cases (and maybe some luck!)..some people might argue that the bigger offices do more and so are more resourced and efficient...we could argue the workings of ahpra all day though lol who knows. .just wanted to stick up for sydney
  22. Did you get the application tracked .like airsure or something? So you'll know when its arrived? My money came out about a week after i posted it and couple of days after that I got an email to say they had received my application..mine took 8 weeks from sydney office. Good luck
  23. There is a template on their website. .do you not feel thats enough?
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