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Everything posted by placeabo

  1. There are a lot of areas to choose from and jobs vary. A quick check on job sites should give you an indication of how many in which areas. Check out this map... basically if it is not red, then it is considered regional. http://goo.gl/LTrtt
  2. Grant today!!!!!!:jiggy: All sorted from lodge to grant in 2 months and 2 weeks. All the best everyone!
  3. Wow meds finalised in one day! That's great... my wife and i got our meds done on 03/09 in Sydney and they said it would take 2-3 weeks! The final wait is no treat but at least the nerves have calmed since we got a CO. Hope you get the grant soon
  4. We all hope so dredg97!! You have the application with the latest date out of everyone i've found... once i get allocated we will know they are at the end of the line and just have gaps to fill:cute:
  5. New allocation dates up: http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/estimated-allocation-times.htm
  6. Congrats! the 26th of June... they really are on a roll!
  7. Definitely no slow down... if anything quite the opposite! I've seen at least 10 people on various forums that have been allocated since 11th August. http://goo.gl/H6Ez8
  8. Wow... that's great. I've tracked over 20 people from various forums who have had their 175 allocated in the last two weeks. DIAC is doing a ripping job... hope they meet whatever deadline they are trying to meet. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AvyHtJAm7Iv3dGs2bFFGNnFiMVUwYkZMRldDUmg5Nnc&single=true&gid=1&output=html
  9. Yeah! 19 March is quite a jump... i snuck my app in on the 30/06... For a bit of fun i threw together some guestimate dates... so which are you? a dreamist, an optimist, a realist or a pessimist? http://goo.gl/H6Ez8
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