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Everything posted by Jacaranda

  1. Well Adelaide has already had days of 40c!Best tell the rellies to bring some woollies with them!lol
  2. Just a few personal items Joc,nothing too major!Thanks all for your kind messages!xxx
  3. Well as some of you might know,I am returning to Adelaide to live.I can't honestly say its been an easy decision.Infact its probably one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make.I truly love and adore the UK,but my RRV visa runs out on 13th Jan 2016.I have been in the UK for 17 happy years,and managed to renew my 5yr RRV 3 times.However.....Last January it came to renewal time again,and immi only granted me a 1 yr RRV this time around.Only to be expected! I've had to base my decision on returning to Australia,on the fact,Im now separated,have 2 daughters and 3 grandkids living in the UK.My daughters are Australian.The youngest,is with a partner who has an opportunity to move with his job to Australia,so they are looking at that option,the eldest daughter feels they will move across at some point,so if that happens,I will technically be here alone! I guess I am very lucky that I do love and adore both countries.I feel at home in both so re settling into SA won't be a problem.I'm staying with my twin sister initially who lives in the burbs of Adelaide,but I have plans to move somewhere rurally. No job as yet,but I'm resourceful and have a flexible approach when it comes to jobs.My son,two sisters,and 2 brothers (plus various nieces,nephews and cousins)live in SA,so it will be nice to spend quality time with them all.I do feel sad about leaving my daughters and grandkids but we will all be together again one day. I leave the UK Jan 4th 2016 and arrive in Adelaide 6th Jan. I will keep posting until then,and beyond.:cute:
  4. Congrats Stacey!Really happy for you!:cute:
  5. Have you tried selling them on Aust Ebay?Could be a good seller for Xmas presents!lol lol
  6. Could some in handy eh?hahahahaha Will you accept an offer?:laugh:
  7. Sorry to hear about your uncle Stacey.and I hope your Auntie finds the courage to visit her doctor.I had a health scare a couple of years ago,(and I am as stubborn as a mule when it comes to doc visits)but I figured it was better to go and put my mind at rest.Turned out it was nothing major. Have you been in a supermarket yet hon?How are you finding the prices?
  8. Don't be so harsh on where you live right now Missmoffitt!Dare I say it,but a few aussies I know would say the same about where they live too!Leave the UK with love in your heart and move forward.No point in picking it to pieces to justify your move.
  9. Hi Stacey,really happy that things are going better for you now.Sorry to hear about your Auntie.Can your Mum convince her to see a doc?
  10. Aww Rosie,real happy for you!Was the flight ok hon?Yes its starting to look very Xmas'y where I live.Nice decorated tree in the market place,and pretty lights around the town.Welcome home hon!xoxoxoxox
  11. H Julie sorry to hear that!Ive had a RR before and they are lovely dogs.Have you spoken to the pet carrier/Quarantine for any feedback and to explain his appearance,weight loss and nervousness?If not,I would definitely get onto that,and hopefully as some time has passed they might of kept his notes/care plan?Ok Im no expert but have you considered joining a dog training club?Or contacted a dog trainer for some help?Im guessing you've taken him out quite a lot already?
  12. Yes agree 100% on that score LR!
  13. Awww hon!:hug:Sometimes you're the dog?Sometimes you're the lamppost!lol Don't dwell on those mistakes hon.We all make em!Re focus on whats gone right and you'll feel much better! Yep expect to feel that homesickness.Acknowledge it,feel it,and know its only natural.I hope tomorrow will be a much better day for you!xxx
  14. Quokka how come the shift was crap?The regulars didn't upset you did they?:mad:
  15. Extraordinary?Are you serious Flag?lol Nothing special happening that way in my neck of the woods hon.I know two people in Oz,with partners,one 12 yrs younger,the other 8!(The rest are in the UK)You need to get with the times!:laugh:Whats the difference anyway of say an older guy going for a younger woman?
  16. Jacaranda


    Real sorry to hear that news Loulou.Personally I would have to stay with my Mum,but you have to do whats right for yourselves.Speaking from experience,I took a career break last year,back to Adelaide.My Mum had started to decline healthwise and I wanted to spend 3 mths with her.Unfortunately she died suddenly 2 mths into my 3 mth trip.But you know what?Im so glad I stayed with her.Im never going to get that time back,but I am happy I have nice memories of the time I did spend with her.Follow your gut instinct!Thoughts are with you and your family at this time.xxx
  17. Sorry HH,perhaps we should start a new thread?lol
  18. Not where I am Flag!Off the top of my head, I know 7 women with much younger partners,so there must be many more out there?
  19. I think the "trend"these days Skani is for us women to find a guy who's younger!:wink:
  20. Hmm Well I guess on the positive side hon,mixed shifts means you wont always see those annoying customers!haha Why are you missing meals?Just don't feel hungry or what hon?
  21. 8pm sounds like a good time to finish work hon.Are you staying at the pub itself?If so,is your room ok?Im guessing also you're eating at the pub too?Whats the food like?
  22. Hi Bandman,As I was reading through the posts,I was thinking about Paternity tests,and then Collie mentioned it.Personally,I would get this out the way asap.Then start taking the other steps.
  23. Tbh Shak,its much better to leave a country with fond memories.Some people have to conjour up all kinds of crap to justify their reasons for leaving (either country),usually negative stuff.Not necessary and its kinder to yourself to have nice memories of either place.Life moves forwards.If finances permit,you could always buy a property within Europe or futher afield,like a holiday home with view to later retire there. I think people have to come to some form of acceptance of where they are.Otherwise they would be continually moving.I think you're moving at the right time of year myself.Spring will be around the corner,and it always looks so beautiful at that time of year.As for population.Ok Australia is a huge country compared to the UK.Pop is one third of the UK's...but......most of the pop live near or within the cities of Australia,so can also feel crowded.The UK however,for me doesn't feel crowded,but I don't live in a city or near one.I can go for a walk,and not meet a soul for miles across countryside.My town doesn't feel crowded when I go shopping.Best wishes and relax into your decision hon,Im sure all will be fine!
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