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oz bound pom

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Everything posted by oz bound pom

  1. oz bound pom


    Oh to be there now! I've almost forgotten what blue sky looks like. Looks very familiar from our visit couple of years back, as does your natures window pic, oh happy days (albeit attacked by a trillion flies!)
  2. Hello, congrats on being nearly ready to apply. Unless I've missed something, why don't you just wait a couple of months rather than rely on a long lead time/CO remembering to issue late on? If time is on your side submitting in Aug/Sept/Oct will mean granting in plenty of time for next next July, and you'll have a bit of time spare just in case your plans move back a months or so? Good luck.
  3. You'll be fine, I think marriage is the main qualifying factor along with length of relationship. I honestly don't think its all as hard for genuine relationships as some people fear. i was a bit nervous that I'd not sent as we don't keep stacks of personal paperwork or anything like that, some people say we sent holiday iternieries from X yrs ago, blimey, we bin them when we get back from hols! they don't really care about photos and stuff, unless they clearly show a timeline as it's amazingly easy to 'stage' pics etc hard facts have far more weight so judging by what we submitted and what you've said as long as the meds come back ok you should be fine. CO is MT And I'm being assessed for subclass 100 - Happy Days!! - i think this is weighted in our favour as we've been married nearly 3yrs and have got a child so would have been disappointed with 390 but wouldn't have been end of world
  4. All sounds about standard so far. I think if they have any concerns they will ask for any info sooner rather than later. I have just had an email saying that my visa should be finalised in sept and my CO has just got medical results back so depending how forthcoming your Co is you shouldn't have to wait the full 5-6 months to find out the results. I don't know anyone who has failed to get it, although I'm sure there are. If you are genuine I wouldn't worry about joint bills etc, we hardly had any either but if you can show some evidence of your relationship I think you'll be fine. I don't think spouse visas are restricted so there is no real pressure to keep numbers down. Where are you planning to move to? All being well we'll be in Perth within next 12 months. Good luck!
  5. Strewth! If all applications where that big none of us would ever get to Oz! :wink: still I know how frustrating it can be deciding what to put in, what to leave out etc still it's all done now, now you can just sit back and wait for the visa to be granted (they can't ask for anymore!!) Anyhoooos..... Email from CO today, medical clear, expect visa early September! That would be around 5months for me :biggrin: I'm off to ask nicely if its 309 or 100, fingers crossed
  6. Partner visa posted 10/4/12 Payment taken 11/4/12 C/O requests medical and police check 16/4/12 C/O is MT.
  7. I'll second that, our son's came back in a matter of days. If only the visa was done that quickly!
  8. Partner visa posted 10/4/12 Payment taken 11/4/12 (is this the first page they turn to? :eek: will fill in the rest of the dates as soon as I get them, most importantly the last one! good luck to everyone who is waiting...
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