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Everything posted by Spherian

  1. Hi Guys. Just wondering if any of you have had any experiance with my situation. Ok, I am currently in Australia, I am on a student visa which doesnt expire until 2014, but i have managed to secure a great job, however sponsorship is not an option. I have an Australian partner and want to apply for defacto, Now if I filed my application say in January for a defacto visa, could I request that I be placed on a bridging visa so I dont have to attend college - until this visa is granted? Any similar experiances would be appreciated, Me.
  2. www.immi.gov.au is the govenments website with all the latest fee's and visa details. If you are going to be applying for any visa, I suggest you get to know the site well as it will be your best friend
  3. Hey mate, I would be careful though, A WHV is seen a holiday visa, while working to support further travels. Bringing work tools on a WHV may be seen as you primary goal is only to work and not travel and then they may dig deeper and try and find booked tours, accomodation, funds ($5000) if you already have work lined up and ask alot more questions. If they decide your primary intention was to work then they could refuse you entry.
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