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Everything posted by TraxFM

  1. Where you going for your medicals? I found that MancheSter were really reasonable but prices in Edinburgh were much higher. :arghh:
  2. OMG! Hope this doesn't happen to us as we are travelling to Manchester from Newcastle so got a 2 1/2 hr drive to do!!! Hope it works out ok for you :wubclub:
  3. Congratulations!!!:biggrin:
  4. Just thought I would let you guys and girls know we have booked our medicals in Manchester, but not until 18th October as this was the only date we could both get off work together. :goofy: My agent says a confirmation e-mail should be enough for the CO for now. :wubclub: Hoping to have Police checks back this week or early next week.:policeman:
  5. I'm sure everything will be fine!! Did you have to take a photo? Just as on the top of the app forms it says to attach a photo.
  6. Congratulations, great news!!! :wubclub:
  7. Ha ha, I often wonder to myself what I will do if we ever do get to go to Aus!! Will just have to stress out over the move instead!!!! :goofy: I sent my police checks off today. I can't get a day off work till October for our medicals so I'm hoping a booking receipt will be enough for the CO as we will be a few weeks over the 28 day deadline. We have to travel to Manchester from Newcastle so it will be a long day - checked out Edinburgh but they are even more expensive there!!
  8. Congratulations, I am losing count of all the CO's, it's great!!!
  9. Congratulations!! :biggrin:
  10. Don't think they have contacted my husbands employers yet, they just asked for payslips and p60's to prove you worked for who you say you did!
  11. i just got a panic on reading your post when you said the police checks will land on your agents mat. By this did you mean that you have put his address as the forwarding one? :unsure: I hope you say yes or I am thinking I have done something wrong!! Mine will have to come here as my agent is in Aus.
  12. Congratulations!! What a great start to the week!!
  13. Congratulations Core, that's great news!!!
  14. Hi We are hoping to move to Adelaide, hopefully if we get granted the visa we will go next year for a look around and see where that takes us!!:biggrin: Have you ever been before? Tracy
  15. That's really good news, you have done well to get to this stage!! Tracy
  16. Wow Tania, I am so very pleased for you, you really deserve a bit of luck!! Tracy
  17. Thanks for that guys, that was the link i had saved.:wubclub:
  18. Hello everyone, thanks for all your kind congrats. I was just after a bit of advice. Do i get my Police Checks done through ACRO? I have a link that i downloaded from this site a while ago but i just wanted to make sure. I could ask my agent but he is asleep as he is in Aus!!:SLEEP: Thanks for any advice.
  19. Dear me, sounds like a nightmare!! I'm sure there will be some way to get them all of the info they want, it might just take a little while. Tracy
  20. Hi They also said they didn't get a few other bits and bobs that my agent is going to take care of but we never had to submit any payslips or bank statements when we applied for the visa. Tracy
  21. Hi guys It's official we have a CO!! :jiggy: They have asked for payslips and bank statements and tax details going back some years so will have to see if I even have these!! They are again from Team 2. Good luck for the rest of the week everyone!!!
  22. I would just like to say the same Tania, you are doing a great job and I don't know where we would be without your hard work keeping this thread updated for us all!! Thank you :wubclub:
  23. Not just yet!! Don't want to tempt fate! :wubclub:
  24. OMG I have just checked my online status and it says application being processed further as of yesterday and that they have sent an e-mail , which will have gone to my agent!! It's going to be a long night to speak to my agent tomorrow!!!
  25. Congratulations, that is excellent news!!:biggrin:
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