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Everything posted by aussiedad

  1. FINALLY! We received email confirmation this morning. Visa lodged 26/04, CO assigned 04/05 (AB), Medicals & Police Cert sent 15/05, Subclass 100 visa granted 26/08 What a relief!!! hope all the other april applications are progressed as quickly as ours (4 months exactly)
  2. Have any April applicants heard back about their visa's yet? We are coming up to 4 months this week and not heard anything from our CO (AB).
  3. Wow, that's great news Enaish! We chased AB late last week following the 3 month milestone and got the standard 5-6 months 'update' this morning. Quite frustrating but we'll just have to hang in there.
  4. enaish - looks like we are exactly one month behind you. Ours was submitted 26/04; we haven't heard from AB for a little while, but will wait a few weeks until it's been 3 months and then will drop him a line asking for an update. We REALLY want it by September (as we are going to Oz for my sisters wedding) to save us having to do a seperate trip before May next year just to get in by the initial entry date. We aren't planning on making the move until Sept/Oct next year. Frustrating wait!
  5. We lodged ours in person on 26/04, assigned AB 04/05. If it follows the full 6 months for us, it's too late to use our aussie holiday this year as the initial entry and we'll need to arrange another trip before may next year (medicals and police 9/5). I'm encouraged by the fact that quite a few people that have had AB, have received theirs in about 4 months. We are in Oz for 3 weeks so even if it's 5 months, we can still nip across to NZ for a couple of days and come back! Are your flights booked for your permanent move?
  6. Hi, we have AB - so far he's been brilliant, responded to every one of my wife's emails within hours of sending. He has our travel dates (for oz holiday this year - moving there next year) so knows that we had planned to use this trip to 'validate' the visa. Hasn't told us anything other than the 5-6 months standard but has acknowledged that we'd like it before Sept! (we lodged visa 26/04).
  7. Jacqui70 Thats excellent news! similar time frames to us as well so hopefully we should hear some similar good news shortly! who is your CO?
  8. Thanks Chimpy Chops, you just answered the question I was going to ask! We've since submitted the extra information that was requested for the last two years (with a view to issuing a permanent rather than temp visa), medicals done and just waiting for police certificate. We lodged everything in person on 26th of April, and we're going to Australia for my sisters wedding on 9th of September. We were hoping to get confirmation of the visa by then so wouldnt need an extra trip just to validate it. I'm hopeful that it will either be granted just before we go or whilst we are there (with wife on a tourist visa) in which case I was going to ask if a trip to NZ and back would be ok to do - sounds like it should be ok so here's hoping all the timing works out!!
  9. G'day Folks, first post here, but have been reading this forum for a while. I'm an Aussie, have been living in the UK for 10 years. Wife of 6 years is British and my son (18 months) is aussie by decent (dual passports). We've been together for 9 years so lots of history available to evidence. We lodged partner visa in person on 26th April and paid on the card (payment charged same day). Got the acknowledgement from our case officer (AB) this morning instructing to do medical and police checks, which we are arranging - but also asking for specific proof of that our relationship is genuine between May 09 - May 10 and also Aug 10 - Feb 11. I thought this was quite odd but reading the email it says " may be eligible for the grant of a permanent visa, rather than a temporary visa" The email says evidence is usually provided in the form of joint financial & legal documents. I'm not sure why they picked those specific days - we provided my son's birth certificate, he was born Aug 09 and so falls within the dates requested! Has anyone else been asked to do this? Any ideas would be most welcomed. thanks
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