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Everything posted by paisleylass

  1. I would second Redcliffe - we would move there but for my reliance on public transport! For beaches close to Brisbane and value for rental/house prices it's pretty good ) Btw we live in Chermside partly for transport convenience. It's nice but would not beachy or hikey!
  2. I wish you all the best, but my husband and I feel absolutely no need to try and justify our move here, it's the best thing we've ever done, no looking back. The plain truth is we enjoy our lives more now. It's a shame there are so many argumentative threads on PIO, the in-fighting is getting pretty predictable.
  3. Well I don't even drive and manage just fine, but it does depend where you live! I depend on buses as don't live near a train station, they are frequent enough but can be slow in traffic but that will change next week when the new northern busway opens! Buses tend to be clean and quiet, my experience in Scotland was chips and bits of pasty all over the floor and tinny techno music from phones, so it's quite an improvement! Go Card is great, and when you've used in 10 times in a week the rest of your journeys are free until Monday morning, and that changes to 9 journeys soon so even the Friday commute home becomes a freebie )
  4. No doubt in my mind, use an agent! Our tenant has paid late a couple of times already and I suspect she'd be taking advantage big time if we were trying to manage the rental from here. Also how would you manage repairs, inspect damaga, handle ending a tenancy and starting a new one?
  5. You can only ship sealed, full bottles of booze if it's within the shipper's policy, and even then the tax is horrific. Give away or have a blow out party with all the booze!
  6. I see very little change since I sent money back to the UK next week?!
  7. It's pro rata from when you arrived (or got your TFN?) but I'm sure I read somewhere the marginal rates are fixed?? Meaning you could be refunded some tax paid at the highest rates. I hope this is true as the husband might get some cash back too )
  8. Here's how The Fox Hotel in Brisbane is celebrating the QLD Jubilee weekend (yes, it says Queen's birthday, but it IS Jubilee here - the birthday holiday has now been permanently moved to October) http://www.thefox.com.au/images/queensbirthday_A3.jpg
  9. Yeah we have savings, we already have some money deducted from interest, I assumed that was for tax? It's weird amounts though, like $1.00 for $14 interest, $2.00 for $26 interest - but I'm not bothered as it's all piddling amounts. Got payslip from first pay at new job yesterday, they have me at full tax no thresholds so the TFN declaration must have gone adrift! Oddly I also got paid 28 hours holiday from the previous job with no tax deducted at all - curious. Peh, it's all swings and roundabouts.
  10. Wow, we're lucky in QLD. 11th June is a holiday for the Jubilee and we get a holiday Monday in October in lieu of the usual June Queen's birthday.
  11. Ace, cheers RockDr, sounds simple just like me!
  12. Nope, hasn't righted itself at all - neither emoyer has any knowlwdge of my time as a resident for tax purposes or previous pay/tax (or lack thereof) - as I said, no P45 type thing which corrects your tax in the UK. It appears the tax return does that job so one has to wait a while. Hope it comes through in time for holidays!
  13. Absolutely no issues here retaining UK credit card and bank account, all that changed was the overdraft facility has been withdrawn and credit limits reduced a little, no issues with that as we never used overdraft or got near credit limits, otherwise it's business as usual!
  14. Re. PAYG, that's what I figured as there's no equivalent to a P45 here so the employer has to make an assumption! I am going to try and find out why the sudden panic about tax returns today, v curious. I am at the same address so no issue with the payment summary - they tend to email payslips etc anyway )
  15. Cheers! Though I am in my second job and not sure getting a payment summary from employer #1 would be easy but I have payroll's email so can try ) - or is it sent automatically like a P60? Boss said folk can get their tax sorted through payroll in the final June payment so there is a big rush on, I don't know the mechanics of it, maybe it's something Government workers can do, I dunno. Just as long as it's basic, the UK return for renting looks a nightmare, I've resolved to spend a few quid on software to handle it! I am determined to get that nonsense stopped (sell or leave empty) if/when we go permanent!
  16. Hey all, I have a dumb tax question. Today in work, one colleague went home early to 'do' her tax, and then my boss told me she was taking tomorrow off to do the same. Both mentioned piles of invoices and receipts, and I was told everyone does a tax return. I checked the ATO website and it seems even I, a lowly 457 dependent on a salary with PAYG tax, have to complete a return. I guess this is a good thing as I reckon I'm owed some cashback, having been out of work for 3 months. So, if I have no deductions like work travel/equipment etc, do I just declare what I have earned since becoming a resident for tax purposes and attach all my wage slips? Gotta start on the stupid UK return at some point too gahh!
  17. Just worth bearing in mind, if you travel to the EU you will have to get in the non-EU line at immigration which can take a lot longer than the EU one!
  18. paisleylass

    So pretty

    Wow!!! Stunning!

    <p> </p>

    <p><p>Gah my message was too many characters - here's the rest - </p></p>

    <p><p> </p></p>

    <p><p>Don't know yet if I'll be working from next week, but I am available and meet all the criteria so fingers crossed - don't be surprised if I'm still moaning about being jobless into next year hohoho! Nah, there are plenty jobs around, just got to keep plugging away. Cheer for now x</p></p>

    <p> </p>


  20. <p><p>The cost of living is not so bad for us, but I do shop around! Loads of cheap household stuff - our kettle was $7 in Big W! Yeah it might not last forever, but nor did the expensive Kenwood one I bought! Also got 2 packs of great towels less than $30 each, lovely wool duvet $49, full set of queen bedding under $60. We buy longlife food when it's on offer - lovely pasta sauce just over $1 a jar, $20 for 48 cans of Pepsi - and meat is fairly cheap but I've seen ads for even cheaper meat in some butchers, so we'll go this weekend. Even bananas are $1.49/kg now haha! Rent is not so cheap, we pay $440/week but it's a lovely detatched house with aircon etc. I don't think we'll buy a house at all, it was a waste of time & money in the UK, we'd have been better off renting! Pubs are fairly expensive but we mainly drink at home on the patio - best beer garden in town - and should break even on the homebrew next time we make a batch :oD</p></p>

  21. <p><p>Heheh, the temperature's so up and down it's hard to adjust! But it's a sign when you shiver in the evening 'cos the temperature's 'only' 19c! We were out in the garden in lower temperatures than that in Paisley <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/ohmy.png" alt=":o" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/ohmy@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />) Wildlife here is unreal, as well as the fab zoos etc we get all kinds of beasties in the garden - lizards, geckos, strange & noisy birds. Amazing! I just got a call from another agency about a job I applied for last night, they want someone to start Monday, am I available? Hell yes! Hopefully the employer will want me, as I've been waiting nearly 2 weeks to hear back from the first agency interview grr! Hope things pick up for you in 2012, as you say it can't get any worse :oD</p></p>

  22. Gawd knows, had its back to me. Took me about 8 shots until I got one where they weren't just fuzzy blurs! I can't just walk past this shop, always have to peek in the window and see what the kittens are up to :oD
  23. <p><p>I'm rubbish, can't figure out these visitor messages haha! Yeah, nice to have my first non-shivering December. Still feels odd that the coolest time will be July and we might even need the electric blanket at night, got aircon going in the bedroom some nights! Weekends are fun, koala sanctuary was ace, will try and dig out some pics for my little album on here. Weekdays are a drag sometimes as hubby's at work and I'm always waiting to hear about jobs, but am getting used to it and starting to relax a bit. I know things are harder in the UK so can't whinge! Hope you enjoy the Christmassy stuff, not long now x</p></p>

  24. <p><p>Hi charliebhoy, I believe it's generally warmer here than Melbourne, but when it rains it really rains - v heavy rain & thunderstorm today! But the sun more than makes up for the odd storm I think. People are mainly friendly, it's supposed to be a lot more laid back here but then I've never been to Melbourne. Don't go back to Hillington, even after Melbourne it could be a bit of a shocker!</p></p>

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