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Everything posted by Cadas

  1. Ah insults again, default response from you. At least you're consistent. I find you so sad, pitiful really, you only come on here to provoke, on subjects that have absolutely nothing to do with providing information to those looking to come to Oz. But if that's what turns you on. Wouldn't mind so much if you offered anything constructive in your threads, other than shouting down or insulting those who don't share your rather extreme views. Not sure why you think your views deserve so much airtime. Have a nice life
  2. Thats a cracker! Mind you, if you consider China, Russia, North Korea, Ukraine, Belarus, Bahrain, etc....not part of the civilised world you may......just have a point. I just love how, in the hands of a Marxist, personal indignation goes to fact in a fraction of a sentence.
  3. Being open minded means being willing to listen to those whose opinions differ from your own and making up your mind after that. I do.... Do you?
  4. Here we go again. But I think I get where you're coming from. You use 'right wing' as an insult and no doubt would love to see dissent from your righteous views banned. You regard your opinion as fact and attack anyone who doesn't automatically agree with you. I already stated I have mixed views on abott, but at least I've met him and spoken to him. I base my views on that, I'm guessing you haven't and can only rely on your preferred newspapers to tell you your opinion. I find your comments about Scott Morrison odd, and rather childish. Have you met him? Or are you forming an opinion based on media coverage only? I hate to break it to you, but media outlets have agendas and bias. That's why, in order to be properly informed you should read both sides of the political debate and formulate an opinion that is your own. Don't worry, when the revolution comes you can ban or burn all of us moderates and open minded individuals.
  5. I didn't complain about you having a go at those on the right. I was pointing out the hypocrisy of you insulting those who don't share your political views yet have a hissy when some one calls you left wing. Free speech knock yourself out, insult away. Abbot fan, mixed. I have had the opportunity to spend a bit of time chatting to him at a dinner in Adelaide I sponsored a couple of months ago. Nice bloke. Didn't like his speech, bit formulaic, but he was very friendly and down to earth. He let a couple of my staff take selfies with him. Had dinner just before the last election with Scott Morrison in a closed room (no press). I've got a lot of time for that guy. If he gets to be the next leader it could be vey interesting. Met a few pollies now since coming here four years ago. Julia G told a very un-PC joke about homosexuals in a lift... What I do like here is the access you get to pollies. If you have an opinion it doesn't take a lot to get in front of any of them and express it.
  6. At a recent office after work 'hydration' session were were debating whether it would be possible to fit an 'outrage' button to a computer keyboard. It would save soooo much time. Read one line on a web page you disagree with and you can bash the outrage button which will immediately draft a 'horrified'...'disgusted'....'outraged' email and sent it to someone. I'm beginning to think some members on here have beaten me to it. I was going to get rich off that.
  7. Odd isn't it, you can use words like 'uber conservative' but get all indignant over phrases like 'left wing' Having shared a student flat many years ago with a full on citizen smith devotee, I've never ceased to be amazed at how those on the left demand to be heard, and hector, smear and heckle anyone who doesn't agree with them. Yet when you ask a question or look to engage in debate they run away, or deflect. or, as I found out on here recently, they'll suddenly pull an accusation of racism, etc, out of nowhere and hide behind that. Anything to avoid a real discussion b
  8. I'm not sure the 'vast majority' did think he was a loon. Not sure where you get this fact from. You seem to use the word 'conservative' (small c) as an insult when conservatism in life is fairly common. Many aspects of social change take time. Just because a small group of activists decide today on the new issue for change, doesn't mean that everyone either agrees or is ready a handbrake turn of change. Hectoring people because they aren't as socially aware as you is simply soapboxing and has no more relevance than my elderly neighbours opinion. If you are running a country you can knee jerk to every news article and a particularly vocal left wing view of life which seems very loud these days. Or, you can respond to the views of the wider public and find a path acceptable to a diverse electorate Much of the vitriol aimed at Abbot by the left appears to be because he didn't just roll over and accept their student politic preaching and agenda.
  9. We were given as a leaving gift, a sheepskin rug (no flaming idea what possessed the mother in law). So we had it in checked baggage As I'd been through the entry process before and new what a pain in the bum it was I looked forward to this thing with dread after 24 hrs flying. As I pushed four kids, wife, three trolleys into the quarantine line a senior officer wandered up and 'asked' what have you got. Sheep skin *****dy rug..... He paused and said, 'see that door marked exit....mate, just run......' So sheepskin rugs no problem, neither are oak tables that have been machined and varnished, etc. we had plenty of timber furniture from my former life as a cabinet maker.
  10. I know exactly where you're coming from. We arrived here more by default than intention. It was our fourth country since leaving the uk so we were never approaching this as a 'golden ticket' My wife and I are in a fortunate position that I have a great job, but I don't really feel that I belong here. We won't be leaving anytime soon as our kids enjoy it, schools are great and quality of life suits them. So while, deep down we would prefer to be back in Spain or France, that is for when the kids have left home. That knowledge does make for difficult periods sometimes when this place frustrates me, but they sort themselves out and you get on with it.
  11. Squealing hysterically doesn't make the story go away. There's been little reporting of the 'asylum seeker arrivals' so focusing on a genuine disaster is hardly creating a diversion. As it has be acknowledged many times in this thread, genuine refugees exist and take risks to come here. But, many have also argued, that not everyone who arrives by boat is a genuine refugee, a point you have continued to deride. This ABC article blows a hole through that argument. People come here and pretend to be refugees....it happens, and the government is entitled to manage these arrivals in the way it feels appropriate, especially when backed by a majority electorate.
  12. Nice diversion into the missing plane..... Now can we get back on topic, or is it still too painful for those who argue any one who arrived by boat is a genuine refuge Damn ABC.......why did they have to pick this story to report both sides of the story.....
  13. Nearly a week of silence...........I can feel the pain of those who hate Tony. And it's the abc reporting......et tu brute.....
  14. Practices in Sydney and Melbourne are pretty open to foreigners, almost all of the companies I work with from those cities have a high proportion of overseas architects. They are moving quickly into revit with some firms now working in revit almost exclusively on some projects. There is also a big emphasis on BIM now with full modeling right through to maintenance post construction, so familiarity with that would be a big selling point.
  15. Volume is one issue, but not insurmountable. A quick assessment requires identity papers, etc. The vast majority of those many would consider to be economic migrants, destroy passports, etc to delay the process. Genuine refugees often have lost their passports but are keen to prove identity and assist the authorities in doing so.
  16. I think you need to read the articles objectively Article31 allows potential asylum seekers to come "directly from the country of persecution" so, sail or fly DIRECTLY from Iraq to Australia, claim asylum is lawful. Go via several other countries first is not. Article 32 regarding refoulement only applies to lawful entry, so break 31, 32 doesn't apply. Laws are laws, interpret as you wish but these are fairly unambiguous unless clouded by political bias
  17. You need to check the detail in the lease. I can only speak for NSW but the standard lease contains a break condition that allows you to leave at the cost of 4weeks rent. This can be deleted before signing, but if it isn't, then you simply give notice and pay up, you will get your deposit back as per normal. Under this arrangement the advertising costs, etc are irrelevant. Even if they have a new tenant lined up you still have to pay the break fee regardless. From personal experience, we got caught out, the agent kept offering to reduce the break fee if we helped them let the property quicker, so we ended up with10 open days while trying to pack, and despite finding a tenant, on the day we handed over the keys they gave us an invoice for the full break fee. In future I'd tell them to get stuffed and wait until we've gone.
  18. No you haven't quoted fact....you've quoted websites that support your view...not quite the same thing. I could quote recent OECD 'fact' on falling UK education standards cause by Labour, but because the Guardian refutes it...who is right.. whose facts are correct.. Thank you for proving my point about left wing bigotry and bias... Blair sent his kids to the Oratory... a state selective school... for which he paid no fees. But drove his kids half way across London in state paid for cars with police escorts. Even though there is a waiting list in the local catchment area and the local 'working class' have zero hope of ever getting into that school. But hey, 'his kids went to state school".... I'm equally dismissive of Cameron for not sending his kids to Eton even though its the 'best school he can afford'...because Labour harp on about class in education, and he ran scared.. Dianne Abbot unashamedly paid for her kids to 'opt out' of the public school system to prevent her son having to face the reality that everyone else's kids have to face in that borough. Despite voting and campaigning against that exact opportunity for other kids. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/diane-abbott-i-sent-my-son-to-private-230293 (I used the Mirror so it must be 'fact') Err. I've lost track....is that your quote or mine.....
  19. I think you will find Marxist and far left in my previous post are factual and relevant to the discussion and don't have any relevance to my political attitude. As I've said, my political thoughts are my own and I adopt ideas from all sides of the political spectrum. My dislike is of those who are so bigoted in their ideology to refuse to debate or even consider alternate political views. Especially those that can't debate, but resort to smear as the first step in the discussion. Please feel free to debate the topic, but I doubt you can or will. I assume you will come back with another personal jibe rather than any response to the political debate. How do you feel about Blair, Abbott, et al sending kids to public fee paying schools rather than accepting the 'choice' the rest of us have to. Under the upcoming press control in the UK, this tricky issue will be solved by banning reporting rather than detailing with the hypocrisy of politicians.
  20. You see, there you go again. You've published 100 'facts' collated by a left wing website... They could equally be challenged by 100 'facts' from the daily mail. They are both only opinion, please don't confuse agenda driven journalism with independent fact. Both sides can put forward an 'opinion' and hope to make a case. I see you went straight to smear.... I'm not a zealot, politically, that is. I make my own choices on policies I believe are fair from whichever side of the political divide they come. I am however, a zealot on impartiality . My fatigue with the far left is the absence of choice. Marxism requires an acceptance that you no longer have a choice..... Be it education, work or transport....., etc... Unless you are in power, then you can choose....
  21. Exactly... But when my 'opinion' disagrees with Marxist dogma is dismissed... Yet when Marxist "opinion"... Is put forward ( as you have) you adopt it as fact and attack those who point out that it is only opinion... One-sided, biased, unbalanced "opinion"....
  22. I find these threads so ... Sad in many ways. Unless the OP is still a student in his early 20's then it gets really sad. I lived in a student house full of commies in the late 90's and woke up every morning to the selective news. Odd how the left hate balanced reporting, and focus on the headlines that suit them. I waiting for perthbum to comment on the failures of the last labour government. Education , health local government excess....etc, but you know he won't. They "didn't happen"..... I'm now in my 40's and grew up to be able to decide for myself what is good and bad, right and wrong......Tories have created growth, private sector jobs, whether you like it or not. Labour hate the fact the economy is growing. As soon as the political control of the press comes in then this sort of crap becomes official. Then we can get back to the good old days.... That Stalin chap...
  23. It's not. Take Uk license ( both bits) to RTA. Fill in forms. Handover proof of ID ( fairly standard stuff) proof of address ( lease, bills , etc). And proof of residency ( passport sticker... They won't accept electronic confirmation. ). Smile for the camera and in 10-15 mins you have a license.
  24. I've just done the journey to other way around. We used Kent's who were the cheapest, but as with all of them, once the deal is signed it gets a bit flaky. The Adelaide guys were excellent, the Sydney end was a disaster. Every goes by rail, takes 7 days regardless of what they quote, and when they say they use rail because it's 'smoother' ......b....s..t, it's for their cost saving. Stuff by rail, is well battered, for more than by ship from UK to here. If you are paying consider pods, if your companies paying them they are all much the same.
  25. I was working in the middle east in 2010 with no intention of coming to Oz. I knew things would eventually end and was making plans for the family and me to go to Canada rather than back to the uk. ( we had all lived in France and were French speaking) when I was abruptly laid off in late 2010, and Canadian immigration was going through a restructure, we decided to put an application in for PR in Australia as a just in case scenario. We'd assumed it took years, but were totally shocked to get called for medicals 8 weeks later. I'd planned to take a year off ,!!!! We stretched out the medical to buy some time, but ended up with visas by April. Again the plan was to wait, but after a couple of weeks my wife and I were sat in a pub, and just said "sod it" let's get on with it. I flew down in late June with the grand plan of giving it three months to find a job, else go home. Wife and kids to follow when I found a job. My job finding strategy involved ringing the major property firms HR managers and saying " I'm here, can I see you". Ended up with an interview 24hrs later, and an offer an hour after the interview. The family was stuck in the UK dealing with our old house, so I had to do the house finding, car buying, furniture buying, etc....hoping I'd picked the right house! Family arrived four months later. Two years down the line, two promotions later I'm the new SA/NT region manager living in Adelaide. We've no plans to leave anytime soon. The first two years were very tough work and money wise but it's getting a whole heap easier... We did eventually offered PR to Canada......last Christmas.
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