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Everything posted by Jambos

  1. A May application with a CO (Higgers) things are picking up!:jiggy:
  2. Congrats this is good news Where are you heading?
  3. The Eagle has landed! Well done. This must a huge relief. Lets see what DIAC publish on Monday, this makes things a bit more interesting!
  4. Anybody know if the DIAC update will be available to view Friday or Monday?:confused:
  5. Hi Arc is the below profile yours? Name: ppcark Date of Visa application: 11 march 2011 High/Low Risk: LR Trade/profession: software engineer Visa type: 175 Medicals submitted: no Police check submitted: no Date CO assigned: no Date of employment verification (If applicable): no Date visa granted: ?
  6. Hi AAAZR Its either you or bj27 next I rekon My details are just below this text :jiggy: Good luck AAAZR & bj27
  7. Fantastic news Lori. Very envious but really pleased for you. I just feel sorry for bj27. C'mon bj27 fingures crossed for the end of this week. You must be pulling your hair out.
  8. We surely must get at least 2 Marchians on this thread with a co before the enxt update! C'mon DIAC:daydreaming:
  9. We surely must get at least one Marchian on this thread with a co before the enxt update! C'mon DIAC:daydreaming:
  10. Hi Bpremji Looks like DCAL already had the 01-03-2011 just to keep things interestting I will go with the 07-03-2011
  11. Ok I am going for 01-March-11
  12. The Oz $ could weaken if China continues to slow and the alledged housing bubble bursts. Lots of things can happen over the next 12 months the global economy is very fragile. In terms of time frame it will be at least a year before we get to oz and we will probably rent for a year. Alot can happen in 2 years during this time we will have our money ready to ex-change at a moments notice.
  13. WA Perth suburbs for us!
  14. Hi Bpremji I was going to suggest that but did not want to create more work for you. Many thanks
  15. With all the excitement as a result of the good progress being made, is anyone concerned about the ex-change rates. I imagine that towards the end of next year most of us in this thread will be in Oz. Our plan to rent for the first 6-12 months what is everyone else planning to for those requiring at some stage to exchanfe £'s for $'s. What are other peoples plans? By the way our Chosen destination is WA. Cheers
  16. I agree May & June look very busy especially June. Then it looks as if it could peter down. The processing times within these months will be determined which group you get allocated to. At the current rate they should be at May/June by December-11. I just hope the exchange rate improves a year from now $1.54 = £1.00 is terrible!:mad: Cheers
  17. Cannot believe it just watched 'Wanted Down Under' and saw a family on their from the same village!!! Ashton Keynes. How spooky is that!:swoon:
  18. Hi Bpremji Feeling confident 25-01-2011!!!:err:
  19. Does anyone know if Sav321 or Reflex have a co allocated yet?:unsure:
  20. C'mon DIAC lets have a big week. Good luck everyone. I must admit since joining the forum and following every ones progress. I am supprised at how few rumours there are either from agents or people discussions with CO's etc. They play it very tight to their chest.:huh:
  21. It's all very quiet today!:SLEEP:
  22. We share the same worry in terms of the criteria concern!!:skeptical:
  23. Ok I'll be the first. CO allocation progress in 2 weeks time. I'll take an optimistic 20-02-2011! Cheers:yes:
  24. Got everything crossed for tomorrow morning. Lets all concentrate on a good outcome. (The collective will and all that) I suspect I will be drawn to the laptop as soon as I wake up!! Becoming obsessive! Good luck everyone and pleasant dreams.
  25. Hey :daydreaming: Maybe the update will be Monday as this would then be a fortnight since the last update? Hopefully the no change status was not the update!! Here's hoping for a productive next couple of weeks. Cheers everyone
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