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Everything posted by vava

  1. Hi there, You say that your sister is there already...................how long has she been a permanent resident? If she fulfils the "settled" requirements then she will be able to sponsor. I assume the balance of family test is ok and that there are no other siblings of yours to take into account. If there are, I'm afraid your parents may have to wait for a while before they can apply. It might be an idea to try to get a free telephone consultation with a migration agent just to clarify all the points. Good luck, Val
  2. Just been having a little chuckle to myself at VALANDMATT's decluttering. I have started on the top cupboard in the bedroom today and have FINALLY thrown away all the cards we received for the births of our daughters (now aged 33 & 30) aswell as years and years of anniversary cards and special Christmas cards.........the list goes on and the paper recycling bin is full! Another good thing to come out of the decluttering is that I made £26.15 by taking all our unwanted clothes, towels and bedding to our local recycling centre. They weigh it and give you 40p per kilo. Just got to get rid of the millions of books in the loft now! Happy decluttering to all those about to begin the next part of the journey to Oz! Val x
  3. Hi Phoebe, Hope you can give it another try and also hope that things will start to look a bit brighter in the other areas too. Keep dreaming...........Val x
  4. Hi again Ann, I made a comparison between HiFX and Halo before we got our visa and needed funds to be over there and found Halo to give a slightly better rate. I just transfer from my online bank to their account and they do the deal. Its really simple and they always talk you through it on the phone to make sure you want to deal at that rate. I could have risked waiting for the rate to improve but I'm on a fairly good rate of interest with ANZ so I dealt at 1.53 as I don't get any interest here! Val x
  5. I checked it on here the other day and the rate was 1.50 I think. So I sent some over with Halo Financial on Wednesday (4th) and got 1.53. They say things may change for the better towards the end of April but there are no guarantees! I was happy enough with 1.53. Good luck! Val x
  6. Thanks so much Linday, I spoke to my daughter last night and she pointed out that since our 173 application she and her husband have become Australian citizens as well as having a baby so it might be worth mentioning this in a covering letter and will also enclose copies of our passports too. Fingers crossed it'll all go smoothly! Thanks again! Val x
  7. Morning all, We are ready to apply for the permanent 143 after being granted a temp 173 last November. I am about to send our completed form 47PT to my daughter along with a blank sponsorship form 40 for her to fill in. It advises in the notes for form 47PT that if circumstances remain the same, proof documents are not required. Does anyone know if that also applies to my daughter? DIAC had all the certified copies of everything in 2010 when we applied and nothing has changed. It seems silly to go to all the bother and expense of getting more certified copies if it's not necessary. I know Linday recently did this application so perhaps if you read this Linday you might be able to help. Thanks in advance....................Val x
  8. Hi again Squiz, Once you have all decided which route you're going to take (which could possibly be covered in a free consultation) regarding which visa your in laws want or could apply for then form filling in is all you need to do. I went with a migration agent but it turned out to be not the wisest thing we have ever done and was quite costly but others will have a different view. You will certainly get lots of help on this site. Like Mike said before, read all the info in booklet 3 and on the immi website, and ask the users of this forum for help with anything you're unsure of - you will always get an answer but as always, its your call. Its a long journey but worth it in the end so Good Luck! Val
  9. Hi Squiz, It seems that your parents in law will pass the balance of family test; that is, at least half of their children are permanently settled in Australia so they would be eligible to apply for a contributory parent visa. For 2 parents the cost is now more like £60,000! The costs rise by about 10% every July too. There is a cheaper option but the current wait time is around 15-20 years! There are other hurdles too such as medicals and character assessments. There are certainly other options but some are age dependant. Have a look on www.immi.gov.au website and see what the options are. Alternatively you could try and get a free short consultation with a migration agent. The parent visas 143 & 173 normally take around 14 months. Hope this helps a little.Val
  10. Hi Linday, Thank you for that. I was getting confused with the dependent over 18 child form as our eldest was back living with us at the time we submitted our 173 application in 2010 and I`m almost positive we filled one out then but she now lives in S. Korea. I will try and get the daughter in Brisbane to hurry her end along when the time comes. Suppose I should'nt be holding my breath for the half decent exchange rate the High Commission is offering just now - surely they will have altered their rate by the time I'm paying the 2nd VAC! Thanks once again! Val x
  11. Hi all, We got our temporary CPV173 last November and validated in December. We have decided to apply for our permanent CPV143 now rather than wait until the 2 years have expired. We are currently still in the UK waiting for the housing market to improve. My question is this; Am I correct in thinking that the only forms I need to fill out and send are form 47PT and form 40? There is another form on the checklist (47A) but we think this is for those who have an adult child still living with them. Our other daughter lives in S. Korea so I am assuming we don't have to do that one. Perhaps if Linday reads this she might know as I understand that she did her 173-143 application not too long ago. We are hoping to get the application in before July when the costs go up again and also when DIAC re-set the rate of exchange at the High Commission in London. Does anyone know how long this application usually takes? Hope someone can help......................regards, Val x
  12. Hi Erika, You could always make contact and be fairly vague to begin with........eg; "I know the wait times are long but should I be worried if 18 months have passed and we still havent got a CO" or "Could the fact that the applicants are from S. Africa be the reason the allocation of a CO be taking a little longer than usual?" You could even say that you are worried that your migration agent is not giving you what you think might be the correct information. As in every business, things slip through the net but the fact that one set of parents is being left out. Do your parents already have their visa? If your migration agents were earning their fee they would be chasing this up for you but I guess I'm quite distrustful of them due to my personal experience. Make that call or write that email or you will drive yourself mad! Good luck, Val x
  13. Hi Erika, I would phone the parent visa centre or email them. My acknowlegement was end July 2010 and I got my visa last November! I'm assuming that the sponsor is the same for both sets of parents so I cannot see why one is taking so long. Not all migration agents are good value for money (mine certainly wasn't and I reported this to the MARA and they have now been removed from their register) I took over the application before a case officer was allocated. It might just simply be a case of administration mix up. Let us know how you get on. Regards, Val
  14. Hi Caroline, Yes, your mother is allowed to visit for a holiday (need to have the appropriate tourist visa though). Our application took 14 months before the case officer was allocated and then a further six weeks until the visa was granted. I would say less than 18 months in total not 2 years but I suppose this all depends on how busy they are with processing other applications. Regards, Val x
  15. One last thing, If my mum’s application do get approved, then I hear she can receive some money from the Centrelink if she do not work (I won’t want her to work anymore as she is in such old age). So how does this work? When can she start receive the money from centrelink (I heard you need to wait for 10 years). Dear Caroline, The extract below is from Booklet 3; Social Security The social security system in Australia is managed by Centrelink, which has strict guidelines on who can access benefits. • Like most other new migrants, once a person is granted a permanent parent visa, they do not have access to most Centrelink benefits for 2 years. • All migrants must wait 10 years after becoming a permanent resident before they are eligible to apply for an Australian aged or disability pension. • The Assurance of Support bond is held for 2 years for parent category migrants and for 10 years for contributory parent category migrants (even after the person becomes an Australian citizen). I hope this helps but it seems that unless your mother is financially independent, you will be responsible for her upkeep. Plus she will not be entitled to a pension until she has been resident for 10 years. Also the Assurance of Support which is lodged with Centrelink just before the visa is granted will not be refunded until 10 years has passed. I know its a daunting task but by asking lots of questions and reading booklet 3 you will make sense of it all. Val
  16. Hi Moira, We put "not yet known" on the form. Medical was ok and we got the visa so assume that answer was sufficient. Hope this helps! Val x
  17. Hi Frances, Dont be disheartened - I`m sure there are jobs out there. Me and my hubby will both need to get jobs when we go there full time. I`m not too fussed what I do so long as its not outside in the searing heat! Where in Brisbane are you headed for? My daughter lives in Manly - very nice but too expensive for us to consider that area. Got to look on the bright side though - we're committed now we've handed over all that cash to DIAC! We can dream of a lottery win in the meantime........... Best wishes to you Val x
  18. Hi Mollymoo, Well you certainly seem to have all the bases covered. We got our CPV 173 last November and validated it in December when we went out to visit our daughter for Christmas. Have come home now to sort out the house and try to sell it. Cant do anything until its sold. Had a good look at property while we were there and its quite scary. Job situation isnt that good either for 55-60 year olds. Just have to work, work, work and save really hard for the next year or so and hope that the housing market picks up here and the dollar improves there. Its not an easy journey thats for sure! All the best - Val x
  19. Hi Mollymoo, After reading all your posts with interest, has any of you considered (as NONE of you are currently living in Australia) whether or not you might not settle? Plenty of people come back to the UK after only being in Oz a few months or even a year or two. Would it not be more prudent to wait until you and your husband are settled and then apply for your Mums CPV? Its an awful lot of money to shell out if things dont work out. DIAC do not give refunds if you change your minds. Good luck with whatever you decide - Val
  20. Hi Moira, I think its ok to book a one way ticket to anywhere. The thing you have to prove is to be able to afford the return ticket if you are not entitled to stay in the destination you have entered. Thats why they always ask that question on those "Nothing to Declare" programmes on the TV. Dont think you would have any problems though. Just make sure you allow enough time for the visa grant as you must be offshore when its granted. All the best to you! Val x
  21. Hi Cath, I would check with DIAC before you send off your application with the fee. Someone recently was turned down because their son/daughter had not been resident long enough at the time of the application. The paperwork probably is not checked when the application is lodged and must only be put into a queue. Must have been awful to be told that especially all this time later as the son/daughter now qualify as being resident for long enough but DIAC take the date at initial application for permanent residency not when a CO is appointed. Might just save a lot of heartache later if you do a bit of research now. Good luck! Val x
  22. You are right Cath, the 173 does not need the AOS. That comes into play when the 143 is about to be granted. The 2nd VAC will be charged at whatever the rate is when you apply. I understand the fees go up about 10-15 per cent every year - usually July (and maybe January too but not sure). Suppose as long as you get your application in before July the fee will be whatever it shows on the immi website. Ours took 16 months in total. We need to sell our house too but not in too much of a rush just yet. Hope everything goes ok for you! Val
  23. Hi Sonia, We got our visa last November - it took about 16 months altogether. The tracker was started by one of the members of this site - Sandch. If you go to www.gainwave.co.uk you will see the information for parent visas and also the tracker. I think you can register and enter your name and dates etc and as your application progresses you will see how far along everyone else is. I`m now on the other page for visa already granted. Its really helpful - Sandch is very knowledgeable as well as being a wizz with websites etc. I reckon you should be hearing from your case officer very soon if you applied nearly 14 months ago. Hope all goes smoothly for you and good luck! regards, Val x
  24. Hi there, how long ago did you apply for your visa? I looked to see if you were on the tracker but I cant find you. Val x
  25. Well done Chicklet! Make sure you print off the email just so theres no bother at the check-in desk. Have a fab time with your family and hope you get a buyer for your house real soon. All the best! Val x
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