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Everything posted by llessur

  1. Wow, another 3.5 month turnaround - well done indeed! Where abouts in Oz are you heading? I hope it all goes swimmingly for you! :biggrin: Who was your CO by the way?
  2. Woo hoo - well done! 3.5 months is awesome news. Hopefully this is part of a trend! Best of luck for your future plans in the sun :wink:
  3. Quick update on where we are at the moment: 26/09/11 - 309/100 application sent to AH by Special Delivery 28/09/11 - Email received requesting alternative form of payment (Amex not accepted by AH) 29/09/11 - Full payment taken from Visa card 06/10/11 - Case officer assigned (WP). Medicals and police checks requested plus certified copy of my OH's UK passport (we only sent a copy of the Australian one). 12/10/11 - Medical undertaken at Bridge Clinic in Maidenhead 04/11/11 - WP advised no further information required and hopes to be able to grant within 5-6 months of lodgement date (29/09) WP seems to be granting within 4 months at the moment so with all being well we're hoping for a grant around 29th Jan (we're planning to fly in April so that would be just fine). Just going to sit and wait now I guess... :SLEEP:
  4. Just photocopies should do - that's what we did and the CO had no problem with that. However, I'm pretty sure that this type of evidence holds very little weight so don't go overboard - we just submitted a max of 8 or 9 photos of us together at family events, foreign landmarks etc. As far as I know this isn't a requirement for the partner visa - but I may be wrong - I'm sure someone here will put me right :wink:
  5. Woo hoo - at last I can properly join this thread. Please see timeframe to date below - will add further info as it progresses: 26/09/11 - 309/100 application sent to AH by Special Delivery 28/09/11 - Email received requesting alternative form of payment (Amex not accepted by AH) 29/09/11 - Full payment taken from Visa card 06/10/11 - Case officer assigned (WP). Medicals and police checks requested. Only other info requested at this stage is certified copy of my OH's UK passport (we only sent a copy of the Australian one). Hopefully this is a good sign. Out of interest has anyone else had WP as CO? That's a bit lazy of me I know - I'll look back over this thread...
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