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Everything posted by kungfustu

  1. what on earth this has to do with anything I dont know.....we are not discussing how or why it all started,,,,,,1550 is going back to the dark ages my old friend.....more recently in 1775 we had the American war of independence.....a lot of water has passed under the bridge since then.....us the Americans, French and Spanish now have an excellent relationship with mutual respect......and have had for many decades.....partly because all sides forgave and moved on.....maybe there's a bit of a clue there......mmmmm
  2. yes....the English have always been very welcoming to our Irish friends....still are.
  3. don't be daft......there is no need for my own experiences to be played out on here.....If you are Irish....you know first hand how bigoted and small minded a lot of the communities are.....things may have softened in recent years but that deep rooted hatred for anything English still flourishes.
  4. .....where on earth do you think I gleaned this impression????
  5. I dont think TM has a lot of choice to be honest.....austerity was the brain child of GO and DC and at the time was as good a plan as any......7 years later its probably time to make some changes and as TM has no majority within her own party she has got little choice but to appease some of her critics and back benchers......its also not fair on those public sector workers that have been hit hard for the past 7 years.
  6. That money tree in Corbyns front garden.......duh!
  7. The end of austerity......thats got to be a good thing.....give those public sector workers a pay rise and put some more money into the NHS.
  8. being an Irish Republican is not about religion......its a way of life....its about teaching your kids to hate anything and everything to do with the British.
  9. The loan is wiped out after 30 years......doesn't matter how much they have or have not paid back......they only start paying when they start earning and it has to be over 21k before they start paying......the loans do not show on their "credit file" so unless asked on application forms they do not have to reveal their student loans......it also only affects their ability to pay back when making mortgage applications, not how much they can borrow. Hope this helps.
  10. Don't need too......I just come on here and listen to all the resident experts.....they really know their stuff LOL
  11. "Strong and stable!" wasn't you paying attention!
  12. Yeh lets all vote for something thats "unrealistic" makes perfect sense in the world of champagne socialism
  13. I hope it never happens.....not a comrade Corbyn and comrade Mcdonnell government......it will be one of those deja vu moments......once he has nationalised all of the UK industries you will get ASLEFF demanding pay rises or their workers will strike.....then UNISON will demand a larger pay rise for their work force......if they are getting a pay rise of 10% UNITE will demand a 12% pay rise because inflation is pushing up the cost of living......you get the picture........then once all those students have graduated and several years down the line "come to their senses" they will all vote conservative and go about rebuilding and paying off the national debt.......
  14. you can't just "magic" students out of thin air......as it was momentum had to beg steal and borrow just about every student in the country......if the election had been held one week later 95% of those students would have been enjoying all of the conservative home comforts mum and dad worked so hard for.......at home.
  15. Its been well reported how bad Teresa Mays campaign was and it is fair to say she cocked up on a couple of issues......dementia tax and failing to attend the leaders debate etc etc......JC on the other hand had a blinding campaign........he started slow but was like a steam train towards the end........he has the backing of the unions and an independent group (momentum) mobilising students across the country.....utilising social media to band together voters even driving them to the polling stations so they can vote.....but with all that assistance and help he still finished 50 odd seats behind a poor, some might say pathetic conservative party......how on earth is he going to win......things can't really get much better for him.....can they?
  16. just been to mine.....all looks normal.....30p for 2lb pots.....dozen eggs £1.75 and mustafa has a consignment of Sergio Tacchini track suits.....2 for 15 quid.....move on......nothing to see here.......
  17. damn them socialist spotty students......brings back memories of the peoples poet......right on Vivienne
  18. You have a very short memory.....not long ago we had a conservative/lib dem coalition government at a time of huge national turmoil.....the country was on its knees financially following the financial melt down of 2007/2008....there was no more money left (remember).....we needed more than ever a stable government to lead us through that financial mess.....there was no majority and a coalition was formed......many said it would never last......but it did and it was an extremely stable government that went someway to restoring stability and dragging the country out of recession....... We will be fine, we will have a coalition government that will start the Brexit negotiations......the country will have stable government and the left will continue to offer some opposition....... Can't believe Corbyn and Mcdonnell are talking themselves up to leading a minority government......."we are ready to lead comrade"
  19. Why is the 3rd most popular category at the bottom of the page? doesn't seem to make sense.
  20. Yes totally agree......never tire of the drive through the alps......quite stunning......my fav is the drive past Lausanne and on to and through the Grand Saint Bernard Tunnel.......some unbelievable scenery.......was cycling in the alps last August.....skiing last week.....will probably be going back for a summer break and then cycling again towards the end of the summer......its a regular haunt of mine
  21. Sorry love but no one is going to take you seriously whilst you are writing silly s#it stirring cr#p like this.......
  22. in a couple of months it will be 10 years for us......not once looked back and regretted it......not once considered being a ping pong.......settled back into our old life in the same town in a beautiful part of the UK......we consider ourselves very lucky living where we do......kids all doing fantastically well at school, college and university......so much more disposable income and opportunities here for us......got home on Saturday night from a weeks skiing in the french alps......could not have hoped for any more from our return journey......always looking forward......never looking back.
  23. In a word "No" Reading your post it appears you have quite a decent life already and are really only looking for perfection which is impossible to find. I honestly do not think you will find a better life in Australia.....from our experience most people we met were desperate for a circle of friends and would move hell or high water to keep hold of any they had.....not very welcoming to new arrivals......I always felt they where fearful of losing what friendships they had to newbies......I would be very careful.....Gareths post is very true and very similar to how we found it (apart from work)......If you live in a nice house.....have a decent job and income.....good lifestyle then stay where you are......go on an extended holiday and enjoy the best parts but be very cautious of giving everything up......when we went it was all we wanted to do and we were 100% on the move.....I cannot imagine going through all that again if I was not 100% convinced it was the right thing......Goodluck!
  24. Italy last August....Lago Viverone in the fore ground....the Alps in the distance.
  25. here he is in the flesh....butter wouldnt melt in your mouth....for obvious reasons he went by the name of "cliff edge" all holiday
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