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Everything posted by taniaholmes

  1. I think its good to stay positive and at £340. isn't that bad as losing about £1000. here I would say and I think that you would have your visa before they run out anyway. Good luck. Tania
  2. Thanks for joining, I am sure if this man becomes your new boss and he gets a call from DIAC he would verify you working their and on the other hand they may not phone your company at all as they don't always phone all of them and maybe someone else may take the call, I wouldn't panic yet I would wait to see if the man takes over first and then I would become his best friend. Tania:biggrin:
  3. I would speak to your agent and ask what he advises. Tania
  4. I wouldn't say they have stopped moving its just that we are not seeing much happening at the moment it seems to be very quiet, I think maybe they have had a few SS come through with it being the new financial year and the new quota hopefully it wont be long before we start to see more movement. Tania
  5. Hi SJSabir, Yes this happened to me in 2009 I applied for ss in April 2009 and they removed my husband occupation I think something like June and i still had not heard about my sponsor, QLD put out a message to say they would honor those who applied by a certain date, I got my state sponsor that year in Dec 2009, I would email the state and ask them if they will honor your application as its already lodged. Hope this helps Tania
  6. Welcome to this thread I have now added your details to the front page. Thanks Tania
  7. Hi Lori2011, I cant seem to find your details on the front page would you like to join. I really sorry about your boss and I wouldn't always listen to rumors because a lot of the time that's all they are I would wait and see who your boss is first before you start to panic!! you never know he may be really nice :biggrin:. Thanks Tania Name: Date of Visa application: Nationality: High/Low Risk: Trade/profession: Visa type: Onshore/offshore: Pre-14th July 2010 Category (If applicable): Post-14th July Category: Medicals submitted: Police check submitted: Date CO assigned: Date of employment verification (If applicable): Date visa granted:
  8. Welcome to this thread your details have now been added to the front page. Tania
  9. Yeah I would agree with TraxFM I would wait or at least wait till things start moving again, when did you lodge your application and what does your agent advise. TraxFM your medicals last 12 months. Tania
  10. No because up until July 1st I was the old cat 4 who are now cat 5. Tania
  11. Hi Laura, Have you heard anything since you have moved to the new Cat 4. Tania
  12. Hey keep your chins up I am sure we will start to see some moment soon fingers crossed :hug::hug:
  13. Hi and welcome to this thread I have now added your details to the front page. TANIA
  14. Thanks Laura I am just waiting to see what my agent come back with in response to my email as I have insisted he contact them on my behalf or he gives me the relevant numbers to contact DIAC myself, I will post when I hear anything but thanks. Tania
  15. I don't but lets see if anyone has any comment.
  16. No it seems really quiet!!! for a start of a new financial year, the first couple of weeks are normally quiet but not normally for this long :confused:
  17. Yes I would say so. Tania
  18. I will wait to see what I hear back from the email I sent my Agent as I mentioned to him that if he gave me the reference to my husbands application I would contact DIAC myself if he couldn't send a PLE on our behalf. I will take a look at the form :biggrin: Thanks Tania
  19. Hi Tracy, We can't check online as the first agent did this by paper based :arghh: as I don't think he was MIRA registered that's why the second agent was signing off our documents I think, so we would have to email them I think. Thanks Tania
  20. Hi AAAZR, Thank you for the information I would really appreciate that, what I am worried about is that my oldest is now 18 but still dependent on us and should do another year in college come September I feel I still need my Agent just to make sure I provide the correct information in case I haven't already, in may I sent of evidence to prove he his dependent on us and I am hoping that they won't need anymore. As for my Agent I lost my first one as he was from the UK from a company called Four Corners but they went bust but strangely I got a phone call from a company in Aus using the same name this to be my new Agent saying if i payed $200 he would take on my case baring in mind that I had already lodge my application and my state sponsor so all's this Agent would have to do is send emails on my behalf, this was fine in the first few months but now i find it hard getting him to give me any info also what I found is when I got all my copies of our application from the first agent and went through it all it had the second agents name on all our paper work. Tania
  21. I think once things start to move again I don't think It will be long before you get your visa, yes I so no that feeling of having to wait a long time as we lodged Nov 2008 but that is not anyone else fault its just what the Government want at that time I think I fell very unlucky at the time I applied. Tania:biggrin:
  22. Welcome to this thread I have added your details to the front page. Thanks Tania
  23. Welcome to this this thread, I have now added your details to the front page thanks. Tania
  24. Hi I have a problem getting past my Agent, I have asked him to send a PLE on more one occasion since the 1st July to to request that we would like DIAC to confirm that we have now been move to new CAT 4 and to when we would expect a CO, my agents just says he hasn't heard anything yet this I don't believe so I have just sent another email asking him for my husbands reference that I would need for DIAC and a email address so I can contact them myself. Thanks Tania
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