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Everything posted by websie

  1. Hi Jay Yeah I was told they have all documents required now but I have to wait. I was advised to call back after 2 weeks but will call back at the end of this week. What's your timeline again?
  2. I have a direct number from my request for more information, called twice last week. The phone is always picked up immediately but I am just told my file is being processed and they can't tell me how much longer it will be. Mine is being processed in Perth, not sure if that makes a difference. I'd say give it a go you've got nothing to loose.
  3. It's been 50 days since requested more info on my file. Have lost the will to live!!!!!
  4. I'm not sure that the MA has anything to do with uploading the meds, it's normally done direct by the medical practice. My meds still say requested from the 19.11.14, immigration have confirmed that they have them but still nothing changes on my Immiaccount.
  5. I used the number that was on the bottom of my request for more documents. It was direct to Perth office and they answered straight away.
  6. Yeah pretty good place to live after growing up in London for sure. I spoke with Immigration today, was told my application was processing along. No time scale, made me feel like I was asking for the Earth. Why say file is eligible for review after 28 days if there is no chance of them looking at it in that time scale? Over it!
  7. I'm with you Jay, feeling so despondent with the whole process. Been close many times and in come new processing rules and I'm back to square one. Just want a decision, been living in limbo for over 5 years now!
  8. There was an October grant in 40 days so that is reducing the average time considerably.
  9. My MA tried to contact the CO that requested the docs and was told a new CO will look and my docs. You case may be different, who knows with all the changes they seem to be making. What's your timeline again?
  10. Hi Jay It's unlikely that your MA can contact the case officer as once documents are requested you are back in a pile awaiting a new case officer. There was a phone number on my request letter and I have managed to call them and speak to someone although they just confirmed my file was eligible for review but could not give a date. Yesterday I was told my file was "off camera" whatever that means. I'm hoping that it means that it's with a case officer now but that could just be wishful thinking!
  11. I'm not sure anyone knows how this new system works. 28 days after request for more documents your file is eligible for review. This does not mean your file will be reviewed after 28 days but it does mean that it should be reviewed in the near future. As frustrating as it is we just all have to wait. It seems that processing times have increased for everyone.
  12. Hey Jay, I think either you or your MA should call them. My MA called 28 days after my request for docs, DIBP confirmed my file was eligible for review but could not give time frame of when it would be reviewed. At least if you call it brings your file to their attention.
  13. DIBP confirmed my file was eligible for review after 28 days, not 28 working days. You could be lucky and get yours reviewed before then. Where is yours being processed? Mine is Perth.
  14. Hi there I'm not sure about your first question but my medicals were requested on 19th Nov 2014 and completed on 12th Dec 2014. Although my immiaccount says medicals have been finalised they are still showing as requested rather than received. As for your second question one couldn't even begin to imagine who could create such a system then constantly change that system and yet still cause confusion. 4 hours, now that's impressive!
  15. My MA was told that 28 days after the request for more information the case becomes eligible to be reviewed again but couldn't give a timeframe of how long after the 28 days it would be reviewed. I did see one grant go through the day after the extra docs were submitted but that could have been a one-off. So frustrating!
  16. I knew there would be problems with my application and it would take longer than most. It's just unfortunate that they changed the way they process the applications that require extra information right when mine was due a decision. It is so very frustrating. I had a case officer only to be put back in the pool waiting to be allocated a new case officer. What centre is your application being processed at? Has your MA tried to call them. My MA is good and does call them when my stress levels get too high! If you look at the timeline that Byron created you can see that grant times are getting longer for everyone. Just got to sit tight I think.
  17. DIBP couldn't even tell my agent how long. The processing system is new and until it's been running a while timeframes will be purely guesswork I'm afraid.
  18. Just spoke with my agent. She has called DIBP and they have confirmed that my file is now eligible for review (28 days since they requested more info) but they could give no time frame as to when this would actually happen. Oh well, I just have to keep playing the waiting game a bit longer I suppose.
  19. I just restarted my pc and all good now thanks. Not that anything has changed! Grrrrrrrr
  20. Anyone else getting this message? I'm having withdrawal symptoms from not checking Immiaccount every hour.
  21. Hi nicolo I'm originally from the UK so didn't need to prove anything for IELTS.
  22. If the new system works correctly your file should be picked up again today and reassessed. Hopefully if everything is in order you should receive your grant in the near future. It's great for everyone to see how the other applications are progressing.
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