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Everything posted by Bibbs

  1. Up late, walk to the beach, have lunch, off to a mates apartment to watch the fireworks. Add booze.
  2. You seem to be the only one typing about it constantly though, and if it were a thesis, I think you'd have gone over your word count.
  3. I'd say the numbers are bored of trying to argue with you about it, and are just getting on with other things. But it's almost 3PM, so time I went and got and $8 beer, followed by a $2 train ride home.
  4. But look on the bright side. All the negative people that want to moan about prices are at home moaning about prices. All the people that don't care and want to have a fun night, are in the pubs, having a fun night.
  5. There are a few pubs that do drinks for under $10. But you need to know where you are going. Last Friday I was in a pub and it was $8.50 a pint all night. I then got the free train home.
  6. A little bit, but it's still easily affordable. The way FOC talks you think it's people starving in the streets, and a few cashed up bogans are paying thousands for chicken in a basket.
  7. You have to remember with FOC, that if we cure cancer, he'll be complaining about Oncologists being out of work.
  8. Good news for your friends then. They'll not have competition from people abroad for their jobs.
  9. I've heard $16 mentioned by people in the business. Once Iran comes on, they'll be adding half a million barrels a day soon, and then another half a million after. That'll have the knock on of stripping Saudi of any of it's savings (~650 billion in the bank, but they overspent by ~250 billion last year). Once Saudi goes broke, they'll throw their toys out the pram and start another big war in the ME (unlike the proxy wars now). That could raise the price. But it'll be a few years in the pipeline ..
  10. Health hasn't happened. Will only be voluntary. Small numbers. Resource industry is transient anyhow, they'll move to where the work is. (You don't seem to want the boom it provides, but hate the job losses when it goes) So unemployed people leaving, will do what to the number of unemployed in WA?
  11. http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/western-australia/wa-unemployment-rate-drops-in-december-abs-figures-show/news-story/a1642b7e71876f8c9158c92fa3d3a80d THE WA unemployment rate eased slightly to 6.3 per cent in December, a fall of 0.3 percentage points from November, Australian Bureau of Statistics figures released on Thursday show.
  12. But I wouldn't have a 'Zero Hour' contract if I had those kind of responsibilities. I'd have a full time job ..
  13. Zero hours are not an issue, if it's what the employee wants (I loved it when i was a student, as it meant I could pick and choose when I worked).
  14. What was the location? I've not seen much movement in prices within the Zone1 area (unless they were horrendously overpriced to begin with).
  15. And looking at the data, a move from part-time to full-time work, with over .3 million more hours being worked.
  16. How much money do i need? Depends on what you are planning to do? $5k would get you a knackered car and a slab of beer. is it relatively easy finding a job? Depends on the job, seems to be easy to get shop sales/coffee shop/bar work from the people i know. Civil Engineering, not so easy. Is it easy enough buying a car on a UK driving license? Yes - no difference at all. Making friends? Are you social? Do you like joining in, or do you prefer to complain that it's "not like home"? That'll make the biggest difference.
  17. I've a couple of friends out on Barrow. They haven't gone yet, but they are waiting for the phone call. O&G is dead, give it 18 months and look again. The freeway is still solid of a morning and afternoon. Rents are cheaper.
  18. Problem is that nothing new in the pipeline at the moment. Once a mine (or rig) is setup, there are not that many jobs required (compared to the numbers required during setup). Mining and O&G companies will be making some big profits soon, now there isn't any prospecting or building going on.
  19. [TABLE=width: 206] [TR] [TD]Annual:[/TD] [TD] 78,000.00[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Medicare:[/TD] [TD] 1,560.00[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Total:[/TD] [TD] 16,897.00[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]%age:[/TD] [TD] 0.22[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] [/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Net Annual:[/TD] [TD] 58,373.00[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Month:[/TD] [TD] 4,994.42[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Tax:[/TD] [TD] 1,408.08[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Medicare[/TD] [TD] 130.00[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  20. In the CBD(ish) area - Kings Park, Bell Tower, Perth Mint, Margaret River Chocolate Company (Swan Valley), Hillarys, Casino, Sport (depends when you are here, but AFL/Cricket/Basketball/Football/Tennis/Sailing/Surfing/V8SC), Freo markets, Freo harbour, Mandurah habour, Mandurah canals (boating), Serpentine dam (and Millbrook), Perth museum, Whiteman park, Pinaroo park, Cohunu park, Armadale reptile center, Adventure World, Core Cider House (Pickering Brook) .. Then you have Margaret River down south with the wine region, the caves, lighthouses etc. Pinnacales up north, and Wave Rock out east.
  21. Looked down the list. So 30c on letters and a ban on commercial sunbeds (of which I don't use either). and Uber is now legal (even though it's been here for ages). So I make that a massive "no change".
  22. Bibbs


    Used them twice a few years back. no issues at all.
  23. I kinda agree. But I've found moving has given me a better 'work/life' balance. Good public transport links means I walk more (leaving the car at home and getting the Train/Bus), and I exercise in the spare 'life' part. More money means I can do outdoor activities that I couldn't before. Also combined with cheaper and better food, means I'm less likely to eat a KFC or a microwave meal.
  24. It's not true. Test showed the same as a placebo. They think it's down to the wrong type of pollen. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/10/health/10really.html?_r=0 My health has improved. My BMI is still the same (~23) but my body fat has dropped. I now walk a lot more (as I've changed my commute and live next the beach), I gym several times a week and am more active on weekends. I've also changed my diet, and cut out a lot of bad eating habits. Also my hay fever is drastically reduced, which is great as the anti-histamines I took for 4 months gave me mood swings (always felt tired and groggy). Haven't had a day off sick in 5 years either (But that could be down to being a contractor. I also wasn't sick often before). Generally I feel a lot better, and am a lot happier.
  25. I think he's the leader the Tories need, to have a viable opposition.
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