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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Nice one - shall have to see if we can organise one of the PIO meetups I see on here sometimes for those that make it.
  2. Congrats Mystic. 7 months sounds a bit more than the usual - any ideas why yours took a little longer? Dave
  3. 7 days isn't too bad. I need Scotland & England - not sure if that will slow it down at all. Ill let you know when I get those docs all in - will be interesting how our dates differ. I really want to get my visa in August - so I stand a shot at getting to Sydney in September - so I stand a shot at finding work before the Xmas lull!
  4. Just asked my CO - confirms that I shouldn't bother paying more and that it wont affect my visa timing. Quoted me the 5-6month period. I guess I can hope to have my visa between 16/08/12 and 16/09/12 then.
  5. Hi Dr27, Interesting. I suspected that to a degree as well (that 1 day of my delaying medical/police wasn't 1 day of delayed visa). But its great to read. I am struggling to stop myself paying for the fast track police certificate though incase it does make a difference. So desperate to get the visa and get out there now. I guess like most of us. My medical is booked for the 29th - so next thursday. I hope I can post my police certificate request off tomorrow. I might just do the 'slow' option after all - thanks for that. Dave
  6. Congratulations.... I am rather jealous I must admit. I asked you in PM - but may as well ask here as well! Did you front load your medical & police (Sorry if you said that elsewhere in this giant thread) I am debating doing the 2 day police check (£70 instead of £35) just to not hold my application up further, Congrats again! Dave

    <p> </p>

    <p><p>Well we had the CO assigned, he asked for medical & police. Posting my police thingy tomorrow lunchtime now - and the medical is booked for 29th March. </p></p>

    <p><p>Did you front load?</p></p>

    <p> </p>


  8. I guess he is evaluating you for the permanent visa - which requires 2 years cohabitation. In in the unfortunate boat of being 1-2 months off that - really... (first joint lease was June 2010) ;(
  9. What about a couple more form 888's filled out by your friends/family that state categorically your living arrangements?
  10. The first thing the hospital asked me was for a reference number from my case officer. I provided this and assume its how it will be tracked. I think this is a downside to front loading - perhaps your CO just needs a nudge that its already submitted and he will have to use your name to track it. Mine was not a standard reply - it was tailored to fill the gaps in my application. I assume yours is tailored as well?
  11. I guess like me you will get an email asking for your medical & police stuff at least. Unless you front-loaded? Dave
  12. I just sent my CO a short (unsigned!) document that explains I was born In England - but have lived in Scotland for 2 years. Have never lived anywhere outside of the UK - and not been out of the UK for more than a couple of weeks at a time.
  13. <p><p>Sounds good <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png" alt=";)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p>

  14. Just had the email from my case officer. Asked for Police, Medical & clarification on whether my Son needs to be on the visa (he does not) & finally me to correctly fill out question 82 on 47SP! I had a look at it - and its the question which asks you In which countries have you lived for 12 months (in total) or more during the last 10 years? Please do not write ‘Nil’ or ‘N/A’. Include details for all members of your family unit included in your visa application. I emailed him that I have not lived outside of the UK. I have moved between England and Scotland once - I wonder if I should have put that? Different countries but from a visa perspective I assumed It was safe enough to see them as 1. Perhaps I am wrong? Good luck all
  15. Hey... we posted ours Friday to arrive before 1PM today as well! Also the 309 Spouse visa... and my partner is Australian as well! Good luck
  16. Congrats Lusso! In record time compared to most lately it seems. Posting mine tomorrow all going well at the solicitors tonight.
  17. I wonder what the gap in time is intended to do. It actually costs Australia money to delay in at least one way. The sooner I get a visa the sooner myself and my wife start paying Australian tax rather than UK tax. Anyway - this is a slippery slope down a rabbit hole of trauma - ill side step it and carry on form filling!
  18. Its hard to grasp what will take them 4 months to actually give you the visa.
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