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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I don't think its appropriate you have to call your CO to remind him to grant your visa. Sounds insane. If you just care about the visa - its probably best to do as your CO says though. *Shrug*
  2. You have to call him to remind him? That sounds horrendous. I think this is complaint territory.
  3. You are over 6 months now aren't you? Have you tried complaining to your new CO? Dave
  4. There are other people who have had their visa a month sooner than yours. Have you had any justification for it? Seems a bit unfair.
  5. Morning Muffinbuns! Sorry to hear you are apart from your partner. What date did you apply?
  6. I suppose we will find out for sure either way. That is a long period of time for a PIO member to not appear with a grant! 2 people that I remember who are due to be granted before then are Harvey88 & "Oz in Dublin".
  7. What did your CO say exactly? Clearly you should take what your CO says more seriously than some random guy on the Internet. Very strange though..........

    <p> </p>

    <p><p>Did i never reply to this message? Sorry if not...</p></p>

    <p><p>The last reply from my CO:</p></p>

    <p><p> The processing times for Partner Migration is 5-6 months from the date you lodged the application (19/03/2012)</p></p>

    <p><p> </p></p>

    <p><p>Me and Libby cannot wait to move now. Counting down the weeks........... </p></p>

    <p><p> </p></p>

    <p><p>I plan to leave my job end of August and move in with my parents down South for a week or two just to give them some time with the small person before we move to the other side of the planet.</p></p>

    <p><p>Where are you guys moving to again? I find it so hard to keep up on this forum. It was Sydney wasn't it?</p></p>

    <p> </p>


  9. Hey Brucey - the guess my grant date is a work in progress. Just using the most recent confirmed person (who is currently still a while ago at Marmitegirl in April!) What we need is a few more recent grants... I'd suspect at the moment this is a worst case scenario. Marmitegirl's application went over Xmas & NYE.
  10. If any of you are interested I thought it might be nice to collate dates from the forum... https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aopvk3Y5mD7HdGp5V2hESFluN3V0QWNBTDg2TWJoLVE Feel free to add/remove/amend your details from the spreadsheet I made it world editable. Dave
  11. @Bazinga End of September fits with recent grants @CharleysMum74 Cleaning the camping gear has peaked my interest! We aren't shipping much - so have ended up using Seven Seas with a few tea chests. We are shipping a bike though - I guess I should clean it up with the same stuff you have used? Good luck with the visa
  12. Seems like there are a bunch (5 or 6?) of us actively posting that submitted in March this year. Lets hope we all have a happy August!
  13. Congrats on the flights Ness & Carl. Which airline are you going with?
  14. You have waited 5 months to the day. Its probably going to arrive this week. Please update us when it does Dave
  15. That's exactly 5 months then Harvey. You hopefully have a very small number of days remaining... looking forward to your next post
  16. Hey Wardie. Yeah we have AB as well. He has been great - and it is probably a sign of his professionalism that he does not give us any further clarification. So to answer your question I haven't heard anything further. I guess ill have my visa around mid-late August. I suppose the only useful thing I can say is that you can look at other peoples estimated dates and find your own yourself. They are in the same queue - being treated in exactly the same way regardless of CO. So find someone with a similar submission date and knock off/add on those few days. Dave
  17. Brucey! First of all well done on submitting & welcome to the queue. Second - immediately stop worrying. You are going to get an email from your case officer in the next few days who will list what you missed - if anything (and I doubt you missed anything after reading that post). & in 6 months you are going to get your visa. You did over do it - its easily done. Its such a huge thing in our lives that we want it to work out. I think a big problem is there is absolutely no promotion of the fact that your CO gives you a chance to address shortcomings. They do not reject applications for omissions (at least not from what I have read here) they just ask you to fill them. I suppose this is one of the reasons we have to wait 6 months. To maintain first in first out they need to ensure people get some time to get a completed application in. Anyway its done now - the woman showed no appreciation to the amount of energy you invested into your application - but look on the bright side - ITS IN!
  18. Congrats on the booked flights PollyGirl. Very jealous. Fingers crossed the visa comes on time for you.
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