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Everything posted by caramac

  1. My car was registering 11degs at 7pm yesterday, but it was pouring with rain. However, it's still mild this morning and lovely clear skies. I can feel a long walk coming on for later! Apparently it's going to last all week -lovely!
  2. That at may be true, but all other public sector workers have taken a hit on their pensions too, to career average, without having any pay rise to 'compensate'. NHS workers have been told they probably won't get the 1% they were promised either, so MPs aren't doing too badly really, especially when they can claim hotel/flat expenses in London where they already own homes.
  3. It's fine really. It's the first real winter stuff we've had this year and all is calm again this morning. :yes:
  4. It's going to be a bit soggy overnight! http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/homeandleisure/floods/142151.aspx
  5. People have been evacuated from their homes in parts of Norfolk, I heard - 9,000 homes, I think. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/regional_picture_properties_in_wells_flooded_as_tidal_surge_hits_king_s_lynn_hunstanton_blakeney_morston_1_3080978
  6. Is it the start of the high tide? I think it'll be worse in Norfolk and south of there. Poor people.
  7. That was my first thought this morning - thank god I'm not flying anywhere today!
  8. My daughter's on her way back from there now! It was certainly running faster than I've ever seen it in Hexham earlier - the ducks were on their way to Newcastle whether they wanted to be, or not! Branches everywhere and the few remaining leaves have given up hanging on. It was so sunny and calm when I was walking, you'd never have believed what had gone before!
  9. Yes. Amazing to watch too. We had some incredible ones in Spain this summer.
  10. Close your curtains, put the aircon on full blast, light up the tree and watch The Grinch? :cute:
  11. It it was like that earlier here - all the windows and doors at the back of the house leaked, it was so windy! It is definitely dropping now and the sun's come out... Maybe it'll be safe enough to leave the house later this afternoon, but I agree, I'm going nowhere until it is. Stay safe.
  12. I think it may be getting better here now..... There's a bit of blue sky and the wind isn't quite so vicious, but Baz is right, there seem to be overturned lorries all over the place! - two in Gateshead, apparently.
  13. It's a tad breezy here today... The whole house is shaking - it's built of stone with walls at least three feet thick and I think I just heard a slate hit the ground outside....
  14. Oh dear. We're preparing for an 'article blast' starting on Friday. Pack your thermals!
  15. That is the worst bit of it, I agree. Going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark. I used to work in a building with no proper windows so it seemed like I was living in the dark for months. Still, it's under three weeks until the shortest day, then the days will start getting longer again, slowly, but surely.
  16. I think we've had a great autumn really. The past couple of days have been overcast, but we've had lots of bright, sunny days. It does make winter so much shorter when it's like this! We've lit a fire in the evenings, but only had the heating on for an hour in the mornings and for half an hour upstairs in the evenings. Hopefully it'll make up for the reservoir of oil we used last year! It's all set for change by the end of the week though. Mind you, even the cold spells haven't been long. I don't mind winter so much when it's like this - good for long walks with the dog!
  17. Nothing scabby about you Pabs. You're one of the good ones. :yes:
  18. I don't know if it's the same in Aus as here, but I don't think I'd even agree to moving out of the house until you've taken legal advice. I've heard of cases where one partner leaving the house means they have fewer rights than those who are still resident. What a horrible situation for you to be in - it sounds like you've got her whole family to contend with, not just your marriage and children. :sad:
  19. You've had great advice from everyone already, so I won't repeat it, but I think you're right be concerned that you won't just slot back into life here. You might, but it's good to be prepared for a bit of reverse culture shock! You've had an experience that most others haven't and mostly aren't all that interested in. I found that people just wanted me to pick up where I left off and I found that hard (I wasn't desperate to come home like you are though). I wanted to talk about what I'd done - it had been four years of my life after all, and they wanted me to hear about what I'd missed being away, but weren't at all curious about what we'd been up to. It was a strange time and I found it very difficult. However, after a while our lives came together more and I also made new friends who I now have a shared history with. You may not experience any problems being back at all, and may well just be relieved to put it all behind you, but it can be a confusing time when you compare your life 'now' with what you've left behind. Just be prepared for it - I think it's quite normal! good luck!
  20. <p><p>I am honoured - only two other people have ever asked (and one of them has left! :laugh:). Thank you for allowing me into your exclusive club :wink:</p></p>


    <p> </p>

    <p><p>Hi - We've used Pickfords, Britannia and Kents who were all great, but this time was Crown (coming back to the UK). The UK end were fine, but the Melbourne side were dreadful - customer service is an oxymoron where they've been concerned! We came back in August and half our shipment was left behind in Melb. Our sofa arrived in January and lots of things have simply gone missing. Nothing was export wrapped (we didn't know if we were coming back or just moving to another part of Melb, so they packed for a domestic move, promising to rewrap everything if it was for export). Lots of picutres and antique mirrors etc arrived smashed, but the saddest thing is that they lost one of our daughters' memory boxes. We've only just had an offer for compensation which doesn't cover what they lost and no one in Aus has apologised.</p></p>

    <p><p>I'm sure you'll be fine - our other three moves were completely troublefree. Good luck!</p></p>

    <p> </p>



    <p>Hi Gail, we're in the city. Mile End Rd, between Notcutts roundabout and Unthank Rd traffic lights. Where in Oz are you going? We're off to Sydney this time, lived in Perth before 99 - '03.</p>

    <p>Caroline x</p>


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