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Everything posted by emmaroo

  1. No, I have done most of it! He is a night shift worker so he sleeps during the day which makes it awkward for him to do stuff so its been left up to me! :wacko: Thanks Emma
  2. Can I ask who gets notification of progress of application is the applicant or does the sponsor get notification too? Thanks Emma
  3. Just spoken to Australia House and they say I can submit application with copies of aussie stat declarations with a note to say that originals can be provided if necessary! So, I will be stoppping off at the post office tonight! OMG! I feel sick with nerves! :swoon:
  4. I am right in thinking that you should not staple/ paperclip any of your application together? Ta Emma
  5. does anyone know can i send copies of statements from aussies as originals in the post but i have been emailed them also so could print them off or do i have to send originals? thanks emma
  6. Got that too. From what you say I think we are pretty much covered! Fingers crossed! :arghh:
  7. yeah, included them aswell as letters from solicitors, bank etc agreeing mortgage and sale of house!
  8. Thanks Peach. We have letters showing de-facto for past 12 months and then we have also included letters from 2006 when we bought house etc. Is this the sort of thing that would help a 100? :hug:
  9. Do most people get a 309 first or has anyone been granted the perm visa straight away? emma x
  10. Off track but hope someone can help! The passport photos that are included in the application do they have to be endorsed? Thanks Emma
  11. Hopefully we wont be to far behind you- just got to get police checks done. Good Luck Emma
  12. Well thanks to a lot of help from pio folks we have completed all our paperwork!:smile: we are just waiting on police checks and then we will be good to go. thanks all so much for your help Emma x
  13. On form 47sp where it asks for payment method it has a box with AUD in it do you have to put the oz equivalent of visa cost? thanks emma
  14. Me again! Got another question about form 40! Where it asks you fir a certified copy of letter of employed to show employment would it matter if it was an original? Thanks in advance Emma
  15. thanks all so much for your replies. all your info has really helped me and given me the answers i was looking for! your all fab! :notworthy::hug:
  16. Hi I am currently trying to complete form 40 SP and I am stuck and wonder if anyone who has done this could help? Part E- About your Home Is this your home in UK or where you will live in Australia? Thanks in advance! Emma :cute:
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