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Status Updates posted by debbie2302

  1. <p>Me too, took Sian to school for 8.30, sophies gone to footie with stuart and now im about to strip the beds and hoover up before picking sian up and then off to do some shopping this afternoon, it never ends does it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! catch you later and have a nice day too xxxx</p>

  2. <p>Hi nik, sorry wasnt on last night, felt bit down, dont know if claire told you, anyway hopefully back to normal today and catch up with you later xxx</p>

  3. <p>hi nik, the walls a bit pink dont you think, lol, my sian would love it she is a very pinky person, catch you later xxx</p>

  4. <p>Hi hun, how you feeling today, much better I hope, hows Olivia's 1st day gone, good I hope, catch up with you later xxx</p>

  5. <p>Hi Nik, have been trying to get in touch with you past couple of days by phone, claire told me yesterday you are not well, spoke with Paul today, did he tell you I rang, hope you feeling better soon, will try and call you tomorrow, take care, xxxx</p>


    <p>only just got yur message abut chat last night, sorry wasnt on pc all night, we took kids out for tea and when i came back no one way on so I had an early night, going to get ready soon and off to asda for the weekly shop, oh fun!!!!!, catch up with you later xxxxx</p>

    <p>ps have you spoken to nik, wondered is she ok, i will try and ring her later xxx</p>


  7. <p>Oh Lisa, im so sorry for you, you must be gutted, you hang in there though because im sure you wont have to wait too long xxxxx</p>

  8. <p>Absolutely brilliant nik, that certainly must have put a smile on her face, i was crying with laughter, catch you later xxx</p>

  9. <p>Well lets hope that its good news Lisa, once yu sell the house are yu all set to go to Melbourne. Im not feeling too bad today was going to go into work but Sophie still not well so decided to stay off with her, im never off sick but still feel guilty abut being off, let me know how you get on xxx</p>

  10. <p>She is indeedy, shes on the sofa with her quilt watching a dvd, xx</p>

  11. <p>Sue just typed a reply to yu and posted on my own wall, take a look at it there, what am I like!!!!!</p>

  12. <p>Feeling much better today but Sophie still not well so decided to have the day off and, by Monday, I will be as right as reign and rearing to go back to work, NOT, look forward to chatting on skype, we have such a laugh, know what you mean about the nails, because I have them also, but you get used to them, getting mine done at 5pm today also, hope the weather is nice too for you today, have fun xx</p>

  13. <p>what you doing on here Sue, thought youd be getting ready and putting on your glad rags, have a lovely day at the wedding xxx</p>

  14. <p>Hi Lisa, still no news from that EA, give them a ring today and push them along, lol xxx</p>

  15. <p>Helllooooo, where you been today, ive missed you, kept checking on line but you not been in, anyway whereever youve been, hope you had a good day xxxxxx</p>

  16. <p>Yes still off work again, Sophie not at all well, shes still in bed, couldnt have left her on her own today, im feeling much better though, you left them kiddies alone again, being on here, lol, xxx</p>

  17. <p>I went to bed about 111.30, are yu sure it was me showing as logged in, yu got me wondring now xxx</p>

  18. <p>arghhhh thanks nikci for the lovely messages on here and on FB, im off to bed now for a couple of hours to try and shake off this bug will catch up wth you later xxxx</p>

  19. <p>hi nik, not gone to work today, not feeling too good, going to laze in my pit and watch tv, catch yu later xxx</p>

  20. <p>Im not going to work today, dont feel at all well, just going to go back to bed in a min and watch tv in bed, not like me though because im never off work!!!!!!! lol</p>

  21. <p>thanks nik for the website address. another one to keep me going, check out my wall, as i sent you a message this morning then when got in from work this pm realised sent it to myself, dumb blonde or what, catch you later xxx</p>

  22. <p>thanks for the website nik, not got time to look right now but will later, you and claire are determined to drive me mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with all these sites, had a great laugh last night, have a lovely day and catch up with you later xxxx</p>


    <p>thats ok with me, just about to have tea and then sort uniforms etc, etc out, catch you later xxxx</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>whats making yu want to explode, what have I missed xxx</p>


  24. <p>Hi Nik, i was tired when i got home, up so early, then on the coach to manchester and back, had a banging headache when i got back and was really fed up before, chatted with Claire for a bit on skype and was waiting for you to join us but you were having problems connecting i think, try again tomorrow, will be fun chatting on there, have a good day tomorrow and try not to work too hard xxxxxx</p>

  25. <p>Hi Lisa, Sophie started her football last week with a 4-3 local derby with Liverpool and won 3-2 today against Manchester, was up in Manchester for the game, she is finding it much harder now she has moved to the Under 14s as the pitch is bigger, they are playing 11 a side and the goals are full size goals, a real challenge for her but she is enjoying it xxxxx</p>

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