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Status Updates posted by debbie2302

  1. <p>where have you been tonite, ive missed you and claire, spoke with Kim for a short while and couple of others but not the same as our exclusive IT WAGS clan, back to work tomorrow so will catch up with you tomorrow evening, have a nice day tomorrow, love debbie xxxxxxxx</p>

  2. <p>fancy coming in chat xxxxxxx</p>

  3. <p>Thanks Lisa, nice to be back, Sophie has already started her training, missed the last two weeks with being away, so back into tomorrow and Tues eve and then her first match this saturday, oh the joys and my son also has training on tues eve and matches on sunday, thats it our weekends are gone now, catch you soon, xxxxx</p>

  4. <p>Thanks Sue, lovely to be back and spending some time on here with all my lovely friends xxxxx</p>

  5. <p>Sue, thanks for clickn my chick, it wont let me click yours says I need to spread some more love first, will keep trying though, thanks again, debbie xxxxx</p>

  6. <p>Hi Nikci, how are you today, sorry I missed you last night when you left, been washing all day today and still not finished, popping on and off this site all day, hopefully be in chat later, if you can make it xxxxxxxx</p>

  7. <p>not a problem nikci, wont be on much longer myself, tired tonite and cant seem to get into it, hopefully back to normal tomorrow xxxxx</p>

  8. <p>Im sure I will have a good hols, thanks for that hun, will be nice if we can meet up week after next, if not, speak to you when I get back, now make sure you update me if anything juicy happens or there is anything of importance. Enjoy your day with all the rabble, sorry kids I mean, will miss our chats but will be back before I know it. See you soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</p>

  9. <p>im off out soon to get my nails done, hope you have a lovely day, catch you later xxxxx</p>

  10. <p>give me 2 mins then ill be there xxxxx</p>

  11. <p>Hi Nikci, just posted yur reply on mine, take a look at it there, cant be bothered typing again, see you latr xxxxx</p>

  12. <p>Hi Nikci, not gone out there yet, about to now, stu phoned and then got distracted with the kids, so im off out there now, enjoy your painting, see you later xxxxxxxxx</p>

  13. <p>Hi Nikci, its gorgeous up north in liverpool, wet norning but sun is out now with my washing on the line, just finishing my "holiday" ironing and then after tea got to take scott to footie practice, will catch up with you this evening no doubt, xxxxxxxx</p>

  14. <p>Morning hun, hope you have a lovely day at Woburn, say Happy Birthday to Olivia from me and hope she got all the pressies she wanted!!!!!!!!!!. Catch up with you later, you missed a good nite last nite in chat, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</p>

  15. <p>Nice to see you in chat Sue, hope you join us again real soon, debbie xxxxxx</p>

  16. <p>Dont worry about it Nikci, not a problem. Doing ironin myself as well as cooking dinner, and washing, multi tasking!!!!!! thats me. Got daughter and her boyfriend coming round to eat later on so not quite sure if will be in chat myself, depends on what time they go!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxx</p>

  17. <p>Morning Nikci, hoping your feeling better today, been doing too much lately, making you tired, have a good day and will catch you later, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</p>

  18. <p>morning to you too, hey you got a bone to pick, know your referring to me "theres a few old birds" wait till I tell Kim, well gang up on you ............. lol, only joking, enjoy the tub last night. When's your visitors going home, catch up later, xxxxx</p>

  19. <p>Hi Nikci, fancy 10 mins or so in chat, maybe the pool area, you up for it, you can then update me on your HIP. debbie xxx</p>

  20. <p>Not a problem, dont need to apologise. Thank you for the nice comments when you clicked my chick. Speak soon. Debbie xxx</p>

  21. <p>Hi Nikci, im just about to go out now, been on here for an hour, still cant see pics of your house, dont know why, how did claire see them, will catch you later, have a good day, debbie xxxx</p>

  22. <p>Off out now to footie training with Sophie, thats why im up at this ungodly hour on a sat morn, anyway shes moaning to go, catch you later, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</p>

  23. <p>Hi, still havent managed to see the piccys of your house, but doesnt matter, dont worry. Sorry about tonite, I was in Asda when you txtd me and then came home for tea and then off to M&S for shoes for the other one, none there she liked, so I will have to go somewhere else tomorrow. Hope youve had a nice evening and will catch up with you tomorrow. Debbie xxx</p>

  24. <p>Thanks, got the link open now but can see any photos, will try later, debbie xxx</p>

  25. <p>Hi Nikci, really enjoyed our chat earlier. Thanks for sending me the link, but it isnt working, what village you in and I can look on fish4sale myself. Hope you dont think im being too nosey .......... bet you do really, lol, catch you later, Debbie xxx</p>

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