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What would YOU do?


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Hey everyone....need a bit of advice...


My OH works for a Graphic Design company and in the new year he emailed his Australian office to see if there were any positions available as it is both our dreams to move over there.


(NB He spent 6 months there last year working for the office in question)


They got back to him and there is a position available. This is where the problem lies....


To sum it up, the lifestyle and the dream is there....but the job isn't exactly what he wanted.


So what does he do? Does he suck it up and do a job for 4 years (Visa contract) that he isn't happy with? Or say thank you, but no thank you and wait until the "right" job comes along?


Thanks for reading and replying


Sooz :)

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I suppose it depends on your desires to get there. Its not easy doing a job for 4 years if your not totally happy with it, this could make your dream turn sour. The other side is the lifestyle may make up for the job, although the OH may not be happy at work this may be counter acted by a happy family and social life. Life is short and sometimes we need to take risks for life to show us the true direction we need to go.


Good luck.

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Does he have to stay in the job offered for 4 years or is there chance of moving around in the organisation? Is it the office he doesn't like or the actual job on offer? If it's the organization then 4 years is a long time. If its the position then hopefully in 4 years new opportunities would arise?????

Seems a shame to have a golden opportunity at a shot for your dream and not go.


I know when I go I will (for the first few months probably) have to start right at the bottom whilst I wait for a job suitable for me. It will be dull and probably a bit demoralizing but its a means to an end

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Really depends on how badly you want to move and just how much he would dislike the role he has been offered.


Speaking from my own experience I have moved both backwards and sideways to reach my ultimate goals. However I have always known how each move would better position me for what I was actually working towards. Also, I have never done anything that I truly hated as I think this would have ended up derailing my plan.


Good luck with whatever you end up doing.

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Guest truebeliver

depends on how much you and oh want it really, and how much yous would benifit from the other things oz has to offer you (lifestyle) if he can cope with the job and you know you can make a go of it then id take the plunge opportunitys like that dont come along everyday and 4 years isnt really that long, think how quick it flys by from one xmas to the next, you only get one life and personally id take the risk



dawn x

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Just how bad is this job and just how many people are really happy in their jobs, tell him from me it can be alot worse, i have been assaulted over 20 times in my job, punched, head butted, bitten, pushed down the stairs, i have had broken bones, lacerations, bruising, ligament damage and threats and abuse on a regular basis. If you want to get to Australia, tell him to read this post and hopefully he will see its not that bad afterall and just to put up with it, to get what you both want. Best of luck.

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Just how bad is this job and just how many people are really happy in their jobs, tell him from me it can be alot worse, i have been assaulted over 20 times in my job, punched, head butted, bitten, pushed down the stairs, i have had broken bones, lacerations, bruising, ligament damage and threats and abuse on a regular basis. If you want to get to Australia, tell him to read this post and hopefully he will see its not that bad afterall and just to put up with it, to get what you both want. Best of luck.



I am glad I read that you were a prison officer earlier. Otherwise I'd wonder what an earth you were doing...........benefit officer maybe????

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Thank you to all the comments so far.


I am completely up for going, which I know makes it harder on him and he wants to make me happy, but at the same time wants himself to be happy.


The role has room to expand and hopefully develop into something more, but they have said there is no guarantee.



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You say it isn't exactly what he wanted. Does that mean it is an ok job, a bit boring or not challenging enough, that he doesn't like it at all or something else?


If its bearable and not something he will hate, then consider it. It might be a step sideways but if it gets you your move to Aus and provides a salary, isn't awful and hopefully had chances of a bit more, it's worth considering.


Many people who migrate don't find themselves their dream job. That can happen but for many its a case of knuckling down in the beginning, starting out somewhere a bit different and then working toward something better or that you'll love not just like or find bearable.


It can help if he likes the office, knows it already, gets on well with the people and knows he'll like living there.


I think you have to consider first and foremost if your partner will be happy in the job for the long term. If the answer is probably not, then I'd forget it. Being unhappy at work for years is no fun and can really affect other areas of life, relationships and more. Starting in a new country is hard enough so make sure of you start out you are both happy with where you are going and why. And that you both fully understand the compromise bring made so you can make that move.

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Guest scottiedog

My take if worth anything go for it!Change is scary but good for u i think! If your oh is good at what he does he will be promoted in no time lifes about taking a chance.

Most people on this site as said and iam one shall be going out to oz with no job set up!

But hope in our hearts a spring in our step and a trust in our judgement that we are going to have a good life there.

I at present am self employed work as a builder employ guys i know when i get there i may have to push a barrow shovel crap do the jobs i would rather not but hey hoh i will.

Cause as freckle face says u got to take a step backwards sideways but as along as you got a goal you will get there.

When you are looking to buy a house in 4 yrs give me a shout iam sure i shall have something to suit your budget:wink:

If you keep waiting on the perfect job you two maybe waiting a while.

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Guest truebeliver

haha k8 i did wonder...... what the hell is his job!!!!!!!!!!!!!


benifits officer lol fantastic suggestion

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It's easy to think that Australia has this lifestyle that is the stuff of dreams - when you are in the UK. Once you get here then Australia isn't a dream, it's just where you live. Four years is a long time to be tied to a job you don't like, just in order to live somewhere else.

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Just how bad is this job and just how many people are really happy in their jobs, tell him from me it can be alot worse, i have been assaulted over 20 times in my job, punched, head butted, bitten, pushed down the stairs, i have had broken bones, lacerations, bruising, ligament damage and threats and abuse on a regular basis. If you want to get to Australia, tell him to read this post and hopefully he will see its not that bad afterall and just to put up with it, to get what you both want. Best of luck.


You still working as a dinner lady at that primary school Hoff? I thought you would've packed that caper in by now...

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Seriously though don't underestimate the effects of a job you dont like on your mental and physical health. And doing a job you hate for 4 years sounds like a cast iron guarantee you'll have a crap time in oz. If however its just a job, one he can cope with and doesnt make him dread getting up in the morning, then maybe.

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It would depend. My oh took a five year step back in his career so that we could move here, but it is a job he loves and in the end it will be better. I know that I couldn't do a job that I hated, but I could do a job that I didn't like as much if it was a means to an end (if that makes sense).

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