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Having a melt down...


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OH has to be in Oz by 30th April, we were told this last Thursday!! House is still on the market, we have had 3 viewings since going on the market and no offers to purchase even though we dropped the price well bellow home report value... Still no luck!! SO we are now going to have to rent, this is a big enough challenge in itself, but the bank is being really sticky with it's consent to lease and we can't let to anyone who is a student, DSS, multiple tenants and the list goes on... Have therefore had to turn away a really good letting company who would have guaranteed 6 months rental to start and it was more than our mortgage payments!! Now we have to settle for an amount that won't cover mortgage, insurance etc. so going to have a shortfall to pay from Oz. This is not the worst of it...


Because the stupid house didn't sell there is no relocation pot, OH is going to have to fly out first and the cost of that and the costs involved with letting will deplete any money we have. So I am left here with my girls, with no money, no where to live (hope the in-laws will take us in) and no idea when I'll be joining my husband in Oz.


Are we chasing an impossible dream, is it time to just call it quits? Is anyone out there fighting an up hill battle and feel like they are getting no where?? :arghh:

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Guest mollymoo14

OMG, i feel for you- this is my biggest fear although we are only just starting the whole process. my husband after finding out he was not qualified enough for us to go on the 121 permanent residence visa as vetassess said his qualification is only equivilent to nvq2 and not 4 thats needed. so after a very highly respected agent advising we can go on the 457 temp residence my oh is in chats with a company at present discussing sponsorship etc. if he did get it and the process really kicked off with them applying to sponsor and us applying for the visa (using the agents as way to complex for us;) if it went through quick as i have been reading on here i would be in the same boat as you with hubby having to take the job and go out (providing we were accepted of course) i would be here in a house waiting to sell, with 3 children and dog and not a possibility to rent as we to need the house sale proceeds to put towards our dream move. what did other people on here do- sooo many questions. all info gratefully received and all the best AJW X

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what kind of visa are you going for?


edited, as you seem to be offline.


if you are going state sponsored you can put the loss on the rental of your uk house on your oz tax return and claim the cash back.

in your situation it could work out well for you. a bit more paperwork, but more in your pocket in the end.

clicky linky http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_gearing_(Australia) defenition.


and google it for more info specific to you :)

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Have you got to go back to the mortgage company with tenancy agreement saying who you are letting to? if not would they ever know who you let to? I'm sure they don't check, I would be inclined to do what you want and not follow red tape.



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what kind of visa are you going for?


edited, as you seem to be offline.


if you are going state sponsored you can put the loss on the rental of your uk house on your oz tax return and claim the cash back.

in your situation it could work out well for you. a bit more paperwork, but more in your pocket in the end.

clicky linky http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_gearing_(Australia) defenition.


and google it for more info specific to you :)


We have a 457 employee sponsored visa... Will that work???

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Have you got to go back to the mortgage company with tenancy agreement saying who you are letting to? if not would they ever know who you let to? I'm sure they don't check, I would be inclined to do what you want and not follow red tape.




Hi Paul


We do not have to go back to the bank and tell them which company we are using, but it clearly states on our consent to lease agreement that we cannot let to these tenants. If we do, it will be an unauthorised letting and we will not be covered by our insurance, we could loose everything... If we didn't have so much equity in the house, we might consider taking a chance (actually no, my OH wouldn't take a chance), our life's worth is in this house. We feel better playing by the rules, especially when we're so far away...


In 17 months we can change to a buy to let mortgage and we will be choosing a new lender very carefully!!

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OMG, i feel for you- this is my biggest fear although we are only just starting the whole process. my husband after finding out he was not qualified enough for us to go on the 121 permanent residence visa as vetassess said his qualification is only equivilent to nvq2 and not 4 thats needed. so after a very highly respected agent advising we can go on the 457 temp residence my oh is in chats with a company at present discussing sponsorship etc. if he did get it and the process really kicked off with them applying to sponsor and us applying for the visa (using the agents as way to complex for us;) if it went through quick as i have been reading on here i would be in the same boat as you with hubby having to take the job and go out (providing we were accepted of course) i would be here in a house waiting to sell, with 3 children and dog and not a possibility to rent as we to need the house sale proceeds to put towards our dream move. what did other people on here do- sooo many questions. all info gratefully received and all the best AJW X


Hi mollymoo 14


457 visa's are very quick. The company expects the main applicant to begin work within 3 months of receiving the visa. We have had longer because we know the family (of the owner of the company) from South Africa, so they have been patient with us, but they now have to full the positions and therefore my OH has to get there...


I would suggest you put the house on the market now!!! We are scraping every cent together to get OH there. Then he's going to have to save in Oz to pay for our flights at a later date. I can't work because I have 4 year old and can't afford child care, it's going to be really tough, but I think we may just manage!!! Flip we are going to be poor in Oz for a few years though... It's scary stuff, we never thought our house wouldn't sell... AND I was worried about getting the visa's, turns out that was the easy part!


Good luck...

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Guest mollymoo14

hello again AJW, we to are doing the employer sponsored and if all goes well with this job in particular we are a similar situation, as my oh already knows the person as he does work for them already here in the uk as he is a customs broker (office manager of an importer company) so they would be a little patient with us also ,but as you say they need to fill a space and cannot wait forever. we would not want to lose an amazing opportunity so hence my oh would have to go over.


im a little worried about the visa being temporary also, dont want to have anything happen that means we are having to come back here after in 28 days if oh cant find anything else. but have to try to keep positive. i need to ask in the migration section what the down sides are to the 457- i know you have to pay school fees in certain states and cannot get medicare i think,??? do you know any other down sides?? where are you heading for, must be as exciting as terrifying for you at this point. did you do your own application or agent?.

keep positive about your house and hopefully a sale will follow very soon xx

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@Molly Moo..... i would not sell you house if you can help it. We came over on my husbands 457 July 2011 and he was told last week he is being made redundant in Sep this year. If he cannot find a new job we will have to go home - Thankfully we rented our house out so everything is still there for us. We were going to sell - So glad we did not. 457 visas are not security... wait till you have been here a while then get your perm visa... sell the house then if you need to.... you can apply for a perm visa after living here for 2 years of which you must be working 1 year of that. We are luckly as we have till Sept to sort something out, if he was made redundant now we have 28days to leave the country!


Good luck hope it works out!

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The 457 visa is a risky one. We only agreed to it because we know the company will not let us down. You can apply for PR as soon as you get to Oz, I think once you get it you are then able to get a percentage of medicare, but I'm not sure.


Mollymoo, we are headed to WA, OH is an electrician and is going to be working in the mines, so the money will be better than if he were to work in town. It is scary to think if you sell your house then you have nothing to come back to, but if you can't get there without selling it, what do you do?! I still don't know how we are going to do this, and have no idea where we are going to get the money from. Can't even get a loan...


DeeTowers, hope you get something sorted out by September, good luck!

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Guest mollymoo14

Thank you for taking the time to comment DeeTowers, this must be very stressful for you at the moment. That is the thing that worries me, uprooting 3 children to go to the other side of the world and have that worry hanging over you for 2 years until you can be sponsored for permanent residence as anything can happen.

I am very lucky as in all my family are Australian citizens, been there for years including my brother that went on a temp working visa then permanent now a citizen which we could stay with if need be but still that wouldn't guarantee a new job if my oh lost his. I only have my little family and my mum and step dad here now, and she ensures she will follow as shes only here because i am. but that's a whole added stress as reading on here all the time i know it could take forever for them to get down under as they wont have 40,000 to hand over ,they would need that to put to a home.

I really dont think renting could be an option for us, the added stress as AJW is experiencing trying to get the mortgage company to let us let, having to pay an agency to sort and keep an eye on things (and do they???) and we would need the sale proceeds to put towards costs as we havent got alot of savings, we have been paying off all our bits ,credit cards etc.

It has got me thinking though as if we had to come back to the uk we would have nothing and noone if mum did manage to get out there. such a stressful time already but still such a dream, we loved it when out there with my family. and so many lovely people are doing it, i love reading the good news on here, got visa, booked flights, arrived!!! etc (sad i know lol) oh well i will keep trying to be positive and wish you and your family luck and happiness xx ps where are you in AUS and hows it been until now?

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Guest mollymoo14

Sorry AJW only just seen your last comment. if all goes well with this job with oh he will be managing the office so a responsibility to make sure all goes good but obviously he has no powers over what happens to the actual company although he thinks all is good. I thought it had to be 2 years before you could apply for perm visa, but i did read a thread by en experienced member the other day that said you can apply anytime to get the permanent. my oh failed the skills qualification as not qualified enough for Australia with nvq2 and not 4 equivelent hence the 457 route, but has 20 plus years experience in customs,15 in the same company and 7 in management. Do you know if we could still apply for permanent residency when we get there for the permanent with this in mind (more costs :(

i dont know if the company would sponsor for permanent as oh could move on else where then and leave them although he wouldnt. So much to think about although i am still very excited and read threads here daily- hang in there it seems a good place to be for work in WA with the mines. oh should be on a good wage for you to get somthing sorted, i just dont want the hassle of the house to deal with here whilst we are there. Get hold of your estate agents, get tough and get the whiff of coffee and fresh bread wafting through the house then you will sell straight away :) then you can be with oh on the plane leaving rubbish old weather behind. positive thaughts and really hope somthing works out for you. keep me updated with your journey ,would love to find how you get on.

And if positive doesnt work and the unthinkable happens and oh has to go, please feel free to message me any time if you just want to let off steam or have a chat. xxx

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@AJW, Just reading your last post and you say that you can apply for PR when you get here? where did you see this as i am under the impression from what i read and who i speak to that we need to be living here for 2 years and a year of that working if we want to conver the 457.... We would love PR now as we are loving it and quite frankly i dont want to come back to the UK, i am even typing this as Sydney is having a massive dumping of rain and i sit at my desk wet!!!!! :-)

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Thank you for taking the time to comment DeeTowers, this must be very stressful for you at the moment. That is the thing that worries me, uprooting 3 children to go to the other side of the world and have that worry hanging over you for 2 years until you can be sponsored for permanent residence as anything can happen.

I am very lucky as in all my family are Australian citizens, been there for years including my brother that went on a temp working visa then permanent now a citizen which we could stay with if need be but still that wouldn't guarantee a new job if my oh lost his. I only have my little family and my mum and step dad here now, and she ensures she will follow as shes only here because i am. but that's a whole added stress as reading on here all the time i know it could take forever for them to get down under as they wont have 40,000 to hand over ,they would need that to put to a home.

I really dont think renting could be an option for us, the added stress as AJW is experiencing trying to get the mortgage company to let us let, having to pay an agency to sort and keep an eye on things (and do they???) and we would need the sale proceeds to put towards costs as we havent got alot of savings, we have been paying off all our bits ,credit cards etc.

It has got me thinking though as if we had to come back to the uk we would have nothing and noone if mum did manage to get out there. such a stressful time already but still such a dream, we loved it when out there with my family. and so many lovely people are doing it, i love reading the good news on here, got visa, booked flights, arrived!!! etc (sad i know lol) oh well i will keep trying to be positive and wish you and your family luck and happiness xx ps where are you in AUS and hows it been until now?


Hi There, It has been worth the worry and i hope we can get a resolution. We have been here for 9 months and are loving it! I do not want to come back to the UK at all!

We are in the inner western suburbs of Sydney Blamain way, 20mins to the CBD for work. Its awesome. Good luch with everything, Dee

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@AJW, Just reading your last post and you say that you can apply for PR when you get here? where did you see this as i am under the impression from what i read and who i speak to that we need to be living here for 2 years and a year of that working if we want to conver the 457.... We would love PR now as we are loving it and quite frankly i dont want to come back to the UK, i am even typing this as Sydney is having a massive dumping of rain and i sit at my desk wet!!!!! :-)


Hello Dee


I think it was our visa agent in Oz that said we could apply for PR at any time. I don't know any details about this though and of course it costs more money. Sorry can't really help you with that, but I'm aure you don't have to wait 2 years! :cool:


I can't wait to get there I know we are going to love it as well... Our situation has taken a complete u-turn since last week, so we are now very excited again! :ssign19:

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Sorry AJW only just seen your last comment. if all goes well with this job with oh he will be managing the office so a responsibility to make sure all goes good but obviously he has no powers over what happens to the actual company although he thinks all is good. I thought it had to be 2 years before you could apply for perm visa, but i did read a thread by en experienced member the other day that said you can apply anytime to get the permanent. my oh failed the skills qualification as not qualified enough for Australia with nvq2 and not 4 equivelent hence the 457 route, but has 20 plus years experience in customs,15 in the same company and 7 in management. Do you know if we could still apply for permanent residency when we get there for the permanent with this in mind (more costs :(

i dont know if the company would sponsor for permanent as oh could move on else where then and leave them although he wouldnt. So much to think about although i am still very excited and read threads here daily- hang in there it seems a good place to be for work in WA with the mines. oh should be on a good wage for you to get somthing sorted, i just dont want the hassle of the house to deal with here whilst we are there. Get hold of your estate agents, get tough and get the whiff of coffee and fresh bread wafting through the house then you will sell straight away :) then you can be with oh on the plane leaving rubbish old weather behind. positive thaughts and really hope somthing works out for you. keep me updated with your journey ,would love to find how you get on.

And if positive doesnt work and the unthinkable happens and oh has to go, please feel free to message me any time if you just want to let off steam or have a chat. xxx


Hey Mollymoo


Thanx for your kind words, sorry I have not been on PIO much as I have had so much to do. :smile:


We have secured a wonderful tenant, a family of 4 with baby on the way, they both work and they love our house, they are moving in at the end of April. The letting agent we are using is great, she found the tenant in 24hrs. She is helping us with everything and I do believe she will look after our house. To make sure we are covered though, we have landlord insurance, rent guarantee insurance and homecare. It all costs a bit more but at least we know we won't be getting any surprises while we're in Oz.


OH sister in Oz has offered to lend us some money to get flights booked etc. and the shipping company we are using are going to pack up for us, without charge and give us 8 weeks free storage. We will however need to pay them in full before they will ship our stuff, but we are going to be ale to do this from Oz as OH is going to be earning double what he is earning here. (There has to be some perks to living in the middle of no where!!) :biglaugh:


So hopefully I will be one of the lucky ones that can post on here very soon, that our flights are booked!! We are looking at leaving on 23 April, fingers crossed!!


Hang in there, we have proved that anything is possible if you just don't give up... Renting out the house was never our intention, but now that we have, we think it will work out for the better... It will now be our retirement pot and not our relocation pot...


Keep in touch and good luck with all your plans. :biggrin:

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We came over in 2008 on a 457 visa. I was offered a job when i was finishing uni as a mature student and we had a house to sell quickly. In the end we sold to one of these companies that guaruntees to buy your house. We didnt get the full value, but it worked out ok.


I have since had a further 457 and am now PR and looking forward to becoming a citzen this year.


If anyone needs any advice or has any questions please feel free. I also work in mining

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Hello Dee


I think it was our visa agent in Oz that said we could apply for PR at any time. I don't know any details about this though and of course it costs more money. Sorry can't really help you with that, but I'm aure you don't have to wait 2 years! :cool:


I can't wait to get there I know we are going to love it as well... Our situation has taken a complete u-turn since last week, so we are now very excited again! :ssign19:


Well all the best! Its the best move we have ever made and despite all the bloody rain Sydney has had i would not change it.... feel very settled after 9 months, hope it all works out!

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