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6 years in - an honest view of life in Australia


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Guest tracy23
Great to hear...

I live in Geraldton and a poosible move to Warrnambool on the cards :biggrin:

Hi my husband has been offered a job in geraldton on the railway, Could you please tell me what it is like to live their, Is their much for children to do as we have 2 daughter aged 8 and 9, is their much crime? thank you :animal-frog:
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At least the Howard government left us with a few billion surplus which Labor have squandered. Go and look at Ms Gillards past history and her involvement with the marxists. I don't want to be beholden to this government for handouts, I prefer to make my own opportunities in life. Go and look up the NBN, BER, Pink Batts Border protection and then you may have a better understanding of Ms Gillard.

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I spent 3 months in kenya a few years back , working on engineering tasks , living outside ,


was 49 deg one day , we got used to it ,


Agree, we are from Leeds UK and we have been in Brisbane for a month now, and its hot! But as long as you accept you are going to sweat your way through 2 t-shirts a day, and put plenty of sunscreen on you will be fine to enjoy the sun!

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Australia started going down the gurgler since 2007 when Kevin Rudd was elected as PM along with his Labor party (that's how they spell it over here). He was ousted by his deputy Julia Gillard and things have gone from bad to worse as she has no consideration for the electorate and has lied to us about the Carbon Tax at 23%.

So many stuff ups and cover ups you can't imagine.


70% of Australians hate her and her government and wish she would go back to Wales where she came from.

Everyone crying out for an election.


Well Howard lied about no GST (VAT) introduction and helped flame the idiotic payments for having kids and assisted in the massive rise in house inflation by introducing the First Home Owners Grant as a universal benefit which was later increased by Labor which aggrivated the issue further as well as introducing other economic stimulants to the economy.

My mind both to blame. Australia has found itself in a fortunate position in recent years owing a large part to external circumstances. Have the Libs giving away too cheaply Australias' bounty? Time will tell.

Stuff ups on all sides as usual but we muddle through. Gillard with a voice as she has would sound rather displaced in Wales,would she not?

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At least the Howard government left us with a few billion surplus which Labor have squandered. Go and look at Ms Gillards past history and her involvement with the marxists. I don't want to be beholden to this government for handouts, I prefer to make my own opportunities in life. Go and look up the NBN, BER, Pink Batts Border protection and then you may have a better understanding of Ms Gillard.

Howard Govt spent up big in 07 electon and was rather cynical to boot but to little avail. Even Howard lost his seat. Time to move on and move along the so called conservatives where interests tended to lie with big business.

So what if Gillard was a marxist in her youth. More power to her. You know the saying if not a communist at 21 no heart if still one after 31 no brains? Shows her compassionate side. Better than her preaching the glories of laissez faire market capitalism and globalisation at that age anyway. Besides just look where that creed has taken a lot of the world?

Some folk have greater possibilities to make their opportunities in life. that is a fine mantle if we all come from a level playing field. We cannot hope for equality but we can demand fairness.

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Guest littlesarah

Hi Paul


I got PR with my visa (175), so I can't really help with your question. However, colleagues of mine who were on sponsored temp visas were able to apply for PR with assistance from our employer (there was some sponsoring involved, I think). I believe they had to change visa type, which involved some paperwork and medicals etc. Sorry I don't have more detail.


Just for the record, I don't support any political party. I'm glad I didn't have to vote at the last election, because as far as I can tell most pollies are deciding policy by focus group; which isn't my idea of how the process is supposed to work. I just wanted to point out that Howard wasn't perfect. Most of the people I know don't want an election, because they'd be forced to make the same choice as last time: between a rock and a hard place.


However, this thread is going off topic, so all I'll say is that I'm happy with my choice of homeland.


Maybe we should try to stick the theme of the original post? We'll never all agree when it comes to politics, and I think it would be a shame to turn a positive thread into a political debate.

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Guest robnnic
Hi Robnnic,


Where you looking to move to?


Where you living now? Our Mam lives in Aspatria, Cumbria....


Funny was just telling someone in the office how Hobart reminded me of Carlisle - it's like a bloody mirror image of the place!!! Minus all the scally's and council estates of course......



We are going to Adelaide. I work in Whitehaven hospital and live a little further south, further south than Seascale, but thats prob the only place you'll have heard of.


You got any words of wisdom on Adelaide????



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At least the Howard government left us with a few billion surplus which Labor have squandered. Go and look at Ms Gillards past history and her involvement with the marxists. I don't want to be beholden to this government for handouts, I prefer to make my own opportunities in life. Go and look up the NBN, BER, Pink Batts Border protection and then you may have a better understanding of Ms Gillard.

Your description of events in this thread seems to tow a party line that even the party don't 100% believe. I find it inaccurate and unbalanced.

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heyyyy!! nice to see an opinion and the views of oz from a fellow boro person!!! :)


I'm desperate to move to oz, I don't know if anyone has seen my other threads, but basically I had hopes of being a primary school teacher, but recently my applications have been rejected, and i've been told that primary teacher recruitment in oz is pretty grim at the moment, as they just arent needed. But.....i will be going to oz when I finish my degree this june no matter what, thinking of travelling around for a while, and maybe setting up my own business over there :) i love business, desperate to have one of my own, so would love to do this in australia. Any hints about what businesses are doing well over there at the moment?

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You are wrong about Howard and the GST. At first Howard did say there wouldn't be a GST but before the next election Howard made it a policy and the people voted for it and Howard won that election with the mandate from the people. So get your facts right.


Gillard lied about a carbon tax and then got it passed once she was elected against the wishes of 70% of the population.

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Wish I had seen your advice a few months ago. My husband was headhunted for a job in Sydney at the beginning of August so within 8 weeks we moved here from Newcastle upon Tyne. Everyone we spoke to who lives here said we would love it. We have 2 children and in my opinion Sydney is definitely not for families. The cost of living is extremely high and as we still haven't sold our house in the UK we can't afford a car so quality of life isn't very good at the minute. You need a car to get around here. The weather hasn't been good to us either, it's rained almost the whole time we've been here.


The schools don't seem to be very good either, ex pats have to pay $4,500 per child to attend school. Then once they're there everything else needs to be paid for, they've been at school 4 weeks now and we've already received an invoice for $700! This includes 2 x `voluntary contributions' of $100 toward school running costs.


I agree with you, young people with no commitments - go for it. If you're a family don't bother, you're far better off where you are unless you're very well off already and can afford the hit.


Good luck!

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Thanks for your view. We're at the very beginning of trying to emigrate and we're hoping to land up near Brisbane, as we have friends in Wynnum and down in Burleigh Waters. Husband is looking for work as need to come out on a 457. We're out again in November so maybe have a look for jobs when we're on the ground. Things in the UK aren't great at the mo, and Australia has so much more to offer.

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Guest kerry19

as a "lass" from middlesbrough i would be saying to u dont come back to boro! the change in the six years you have been in ausis unbelievable and not in a good way! we are moving to perth (hopefully!) with our three kids for a new start. your info about costs etc are very helpful.


kerry x

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Hya Kerry / Soozan,


Nah – won’t be moving back to the Boro so no issues there like. Still got all our Mam’s family in Saltburn n’ that so actually going in June to show our lass where I grew up.... Should be interesting to have a good look round at the same time like. Will also take her to Boro, show her all the sights me and the lads have been bangin on about for years. Over the border, transporter bridge, captain cooks museum n’ that – hahahhaha

I’ll take her for a pint in one of them pubs in the town too – just to see her face when she see’s the characters. Have also warned here that she’s gonna be getting a parmo too.

Nah, on a serious note – if I ever came back for a bit I would either a) go live in Scandinavia somewhere (Norway / Iceland) or b) go live in Tynemouth...... Which brings me to Soozan;

Glad you agree with my take on Sydney. I’ll be very honest – thinkin back on my travels around the world and places I’ve lived / visited – I can honestly say that I felt most at home in Tynemouth. Bloody loved that little spot. Good chippy, good pie shop, great beachie with decent sandbars. Coupla good boozers (although avoid on Sundays). Sounds like you guys may have needed to leave to see what ya’s had. Newcastle is a bloody cracker of a city – I love the place and thankfully one of me bessy mates still lives there so we will be goin there in June.

Again, and I’m not trying to sound like a ****, but those people who are looking to escape to a ‘better life’ just be careful how much that experiment will cost you. As I’ve tried to illustrate a couple of times on this thread, Australia is a cracker of a place – but it does come with a price (literally). Constant expansion (via immigration) is how the country functions, and constant expansion means constant growth = traffic and people. Get a motorbike license, find a spot with work in one of the regional towns, don’t expect to drive a BMW or buy Burberry handbags and it’ll be all good. Move to a major city and expect exactly the same as a major city in the UK, traffic, high costs, stressed out people, long work hours etc etc. Hell, move to the Scottish highlands first!!!!

Brissy = dead humid in the summer

Syndey = London with sun

Melbourne = best city, getting really busy now though

Perth = too hot for me in the summer, mad mad expensive now

Hobart = great place, tricky to find work though

Darwin = no idea, not bothered either!

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Guest kerry19

Saltburns lovely but when you take her into Boro make sure you take her to the hairy lemon and then the Europa for a parmo :biggrin:

Classy night out that like! Lol

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