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Gold Coast Photography; Pictures of the Gold Coast


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I thought I might add some pictures from my trip there, things to do there for others thinking of going over, I love to see others of the GC as it's such a beautiful place. We went everywhere for the most part, but my favourite was the Botanical gardens on Mt. Tamborine.




King Putt Putt's Crazy Golf at Surfer's (opposite Vomatron!)



The land of sunshine...! I got there when the huge floods hit!



Meeting the local Magpies. I truly think Australia takes normal animals and makes them deadly...our Magpies steal shiny things like in Postman Pat. These ones swoop people and animals, including Harry the cat!



Movieworld in GC, such a fun day out, we got one of the passes each and after the initial hour's wait in line to verify it, we went at least once or twice a week just to chill, have an ice cream, and so that Mark could ride the Superman ride...



Being a pansy this was the only ride I went on (Scooby Doo ride, Movieworld). Well imagine my sheer terror when I realised it wasn't a cute little roundabout with tacky models to jump out and scare you. It was a full on coaster inside that was barely lit but enough so that you could see right down when it shot you down backwards. I was in buckets of tears by the end of it, and as a result, point blank refused to go on any rides at all in a total of five theme parks. I remember at one point being on a tiny log flume and pleading with the staff at the top to let me off!



The butterflies on the GC were humongous. This one was small but they were as large as my hand in most cases and like tiny planes, I loved them!



The local wildlife, the largest spider I saw over there, easily the size of my hand span, probably about as large as a car wingmirror. The cup makes it look small but it's one of those Sea World cups that's HUGE!



Best part about Australia...the water dragons that just laze in the sun all day. I found a few at Australia Zoo that were huge but so tame I could get right beside them and touch them without any reaction! This one was snapped at the GC Botanical Gardens, about ten minutes from Ashmore and a lovely way to spend the day.



Lorikeet in the bushes by our car!


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Another awesome thing about Australia...fireworks are illegal for public use. So much safer and better for our pets and animals!



Me at Dreamworld stroking one of the Kangaroos! (Excuse the rather revealing top, it was nearly 40 degrees that day!)



Taken at Mt. Tamborine Botanical gardens. They have a section of rainforest which was very cool, but I soon became paranoid about which bugs might kill me, so every time one came near I did indeed squeal. This from a girl who's idea of fun is emptying dog's anal glands. I know.




Sea World is another fun day out, loads of animals including polar bears, a big show in the middle of the day, they were even showing Happy Feet!




O'Reilly's (Lamington National Park) was a huge day trip for us, huge drive up a long mountain that scared me half to death (at one part the road was actually crumbling away and I truly though I might die!), up we get...and Stacey locked her keys in the car! So we went to get lunch whilst the mechanic came up the mountain for us, and as soon as we broke out the Anzac cookies this happened...! Mark's face says it all!



Decent grub eh?



The Australia Paradise day out is good fun too, to be found behind Wet n Wild park near Movieworld. Very touristy but a good couple of hours out and you get to feed the animals, as well as camel rides for ten bucks, and the herding demo, which I loved as a doggy nerd.



We hit the top of Mt. Tamborine again to visit the glow worm caves (which were awesome and very intimate, as the flooding had nearly wiped them out) and trek through the rainforest to see the water fall.



Nonna's in Harbour Town was a great foodie, seafood is my fave and it's SO CHEAP in GC, huge basket of fish, prawns, and calamari with a side of beer battered fries, and a huge coke...$20! It seemed expensive to me when I was over there compared to how cheap other fast foodies were, but actually, for the same thing over here it would cost about £20 for all that seafood.



Our last day was at Botanic Gardens in GC, we went and got some Bread Top (awesome Japanese bakery which there are lots of here, which taste incredible!) and a magazene.



Some of the locals joined us for a little breaking of the bread...



Right, that's it from me! I hope that anyone thinking of going to or moving to the Gold Coast can see what a wealth of activities it offers!

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