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Someone please help me - IELTS


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For the reading have you tried reading the questions first? That was my advice to my DH, he said it helped. It'll help to highlight the pieces of info that you need and may make it easier to pick them out of the piece.


Good luck everyone my DH going for 2nd his writing lets him down :sad: he writes at the speed of light and its quite hard to read it has to learn to slow down!

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I too am having difficulty with the Reading - Section 3 - tried reading the Q's before & it does help but from the practice tests I have done I am getting a band of 6 and need 7 minimum. Can u start with section 3 in the exam as this seems to be the longest and most difficult? Any suggestions on how to improve on section 3

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My advice, for what it's worth is to.....

a) keep calm - if you get yourself all stressy you'll miss something

b) practice - it's not revision as such, it's getting the hang of the format

c)Listening - pin back the ears!- all the information is there, concentrate - the best way to practice is to listen to what people are talking about around you everyday (you'd be surprised by how many people don't listen!) - don't assume any of the answers

d) Reading - read the questions fast (quite quickly), skim read each paragraph to get the general gist - this will help you to focus on certain parts of the text to retrieve answers - don't over-complicate things and don't assume - if the answer that you seek isn't evident don't panic - 'don't know' could be the right answer

e) Writing - remember introduction, middle and conclusion for the essay..discuss both sides of an arguement and be balanced in the main section - own opinions are best left to the conclusion.

f) Speaking - the main thing is to relax..view it as a simple chat and if you haven't got any examples of the last great meal that you ate - make it up, who's to know!


I did the academic test, kept it simple and aced it! Thought that I would fail as I'm not in the slightest bit academic!

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Hi, we are in a very similar position to you. We have just found out that my husband has failed exam number 4 today, at first he failed the listening then the reading, then the reading and now the writing. You do wonder if it is just a money making process for them? We have exam number 5 booked for the 10th March and will practise the Academic which is meant to make undertaking the general slightly easier. None of it is easy at all despite having professional qualifications. I don't think the pressure of everything changing in July 2012 helps either. Well good luck and I'm sure we will all get there!:-)

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Hi, we are in a very similar position to you. We have just found out that my husband has failed exam number 4 today, at first he failed the listening then the reading, then the reading and now the writing. You do wonder if it is just a money making process for them? We have exam number 5 booked for the 10th March and will practise the Academic which is meant to make undertaking the general slightly easier. None of it is easy at all despite having professional qualifications. I don't think the pressure of everything changing in July 2012 helps either. Well good luck and I'm sure we will all get there!:-)


Oh i am sorry for you...keep your chin up, i kept falling down by 1/2 on different sections. i finally got the elusive 8s on my 4th attempt! The key is practice practice practice...

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My first IELTS attempt resulted in: L9, R8.5, W7.5, S9 I was devastated! So I just took it again (after a lot of practice) on 18 Feb. Will get my result on 2 March. Frustrating!

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I agree it is very stressful. i have my ielts speaking test tomorrow and other tests on Saturday.


In part 2 of speaking i always struggle to talk for 2 minutes. Any tips????


Three words: Espresso; Red Bull and a beer at lunchtime...


Hey! it worked for me.........:wink:


Oh, and make stuff up as you go along. It's a speaking test, not an honesty test.

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Guest guspjmh

Woohoo! Got my IELTS results today and got all 9's! Now just waiting for VETASSESS back - they contacted me to request transcript which I somehow missed out when I sent the documents. Hopefully I can still get everything finished prior to July 1st.

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Woohoo! Got my IELTS results today and got all 9's! Now just waiting for VETASSESS back - they contacted me to request transcript which I somehow missed out when I sent the documents. Hopefully I can still get everything finished prior to July 1st.




Well done that is an amazing result

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest jeffandclare

Got results yesterday 9/9/9/9 thank god I never have to go through that again. Was the weirdest day of my life. Only english first language speaker in the room full of 180 people.

Come on ACS and sort out my skills assessment before July!!!

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Got results yesterday 9/9/9/9 thank god I never have to go through that again. Was the weirdest day of my life. Only english first language speaker in the room full of 180 people.

Come on ACS and sort out my skills assessment before July!!!



Well done amazing scores xxx

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Guest dolphinboy
Got results yesterday 9/9/9/9 thank god I never have to go through that again. Was the weirdest day of my life. Only english first language speaker in the room full of 180 people.

Come on ACS and sort out my skills assessment before July!!!


i was the same, only english person there out of 140 people :D Nice score I managed 9/9/8.5/8

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