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what happens at the medical and what do you have to take with you on the day?


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We have recently been for our medicals (2 adults and 2 kids) and it was nothing to worry about.


We took the forms (80?) part filled in and handed them in when we got there along with our passports, they then gave us sample bottles and we went straight in. For the adults we were weighed, height measured, blood pressure, ears, mouth, lie down on the bed and he felt our abdomens and reflexes, for this we only had to remove our trousers but all modesty was kept intact!! I know that some women have had to have breast examinations but that didn't happen.


For the kids it was even more basic, just answered some basic health questions, discussed youngest being in and out of hospital, checked height, weight, throat and ears and that was it.


Me and OH had chest xrays, they supplied dressing gowns for this and didn't take long. We then just needed to wait 15 minutes to make sure they had turned out ok and then we could go. All in all I would allow 2 hours.


Good luck-Joanne

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Hi and welcome to PIO had to say hello to a fellow Scunthorpe person, although I live in Newcastle now.


Meds were pretty straight forward there are 2 lots of forms to fill in but I cant remember the numbers sorry.


We had done


  • eye test (read letters on chart)
  • height and weight
  • BP
  • check heart and lungs
  • checked ears, nose and throat and my eyes because I wear glasses
  • checked abdomens and pulses in ankles
  • breast exam , cough and drop for men, quick peak for the boys make sure testicles in the right place !!!!
  • Blood tests for 14 and over
  • check urine
  • Chest X-rays

Not everyone has the same thing done though some women dont have breast exam or men the cough and drop others I have heard have had to touch their toes.


It is ok not much work for a lot of money though



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