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No question - just stressed!


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I had a plan but it has fallen apart. The packers had to be moved forward by 10 days so they are starting packing this Thursday. 4 days packing then 1 day loading container.


So I have run out of time to sort through stuff and will end up taking lots of stuff I had intended to ditch. I'm scared they will pack somthing critical that should be in hand baggage. The packing is now running across the weekend instead of Mon to Fri which is more complicated.


The 15 year old is having his leaving party here on Friday and the 16 year old is having his on Saturday, mid pack, boxes everywhere.


Due to new work commitments OH is disappearing from tomorrow morning till after it's finished on Tuesday, apart from Saturday - Sunday.


Today the estate agents phoned to say could someone come and look round the house later in the week, which is great, but......


Just needed someone, somewhere to know that I AM STRESSED.


I can't wait till Tuesday evening when I can relax after the container has gone. :v_SPIN:

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I remember all too well how you must be feeling at the moment - but I am living proof that (believe it or not) it is eventually over and you will get through it.


i'd love to offer advice, but I'm too late as it's already thursday night for you now!


But - Sticky notes everywhere was my key!! And colour coordinate them if you can - Pink ones for NO this ISN'T coming (along with the word 'No') on it :)


Anyway, I'm living proof that it does eventually finish, and you will survive it!!

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Thanks for the support. Pink 'don't pack this' postit notes stuck around the house - packers have been great and as yet haven't packed anything critical.


More than half way through the packing now and feeling much better as I can see light at the end of the tunnel. Last day of packing and wrapping tomorrow and container loading on Tuesday.


Parties went really well despite the lack of space and furniture. The teenagers really didn't seem to care. It was great to see OH, even if it was just for a short time.


Hamish passed his blood tests so we can now go running in the country park again which is great for both of us.


Stress greatly reduced and had time today to look forward to what lies ahead. :smile:

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Guest KatyNick
Hope all is going well for you....:yes:


Im having a major meltdown now! :wacko::laugh:


Sending positive vibes Kelly .... when do you actually go???? Hopefully we'll be able to meet up when we eventually get there! Take care x

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Hope all is going well for you....:yes:


Im having a major meltdown now! :wacko::laugh:


Oh no! About anything in particular or just everything together? When are you due to pack? When might you fly?


There's such a lot to do and so many decisions and plans to make. It is hard for ayone but with children/babies/bumps also to cope with on top of everyday life it must seem like you are climbing a mountain. Hang in there!!:hug: Hope you have a positive day tomorrow.


The container was loaded today and is now on a train. I felt so much better once everything was on (apart from the pets) and the doors were shut. haven't had time to take it in yet as I've been cleaning up and making camp beds. Another house viewer came and wants to look round again in a couple of days - fingers crossed.


Calm is starting to return so maybe OH will come back now that the packing is done.


Trips to tip next.

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