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Confused about who pays when being sponsored


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Hi all,


As the title suggests I am confused about who pays for the visa when being sponsored.


My boyfriend just got a potential offer for sponsorship and I have been on immi.gov looking through the visa options. It says on there about 1st and 2nd installments that need to be paid. Who pays for this? Would we pay or the nominated employer?


I am an Australian Resident and my dad got job sponsored when we moved over 6 years ago. All they paid for with regards to the visa were medicals and police checks.


Can anyone offer any advice? When reading through the visa 121 timeline thread I see that they have been sending IMO...i assumed this was international money orders but i thought visa class 121 was a fee free application.




Thanks in advance for any help and sorry for the ramble!

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Guest The Pom Queen


To be honest I don't think DIAC care who pays and this is something that you would have to negotiate with the employer and see if you can get it wrote in to the job contract.


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Guest The Pom Queen

Yes you really need to discuss this with the employer, if you have begged for a job then you may struggle getting them to pay. If they wanted you then push for it to be paid and maybe a relocation package.

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yeah we have all the forms filled out ready to put in and was just in the process of sorting out his work stuff when this offer came out of the blue. Just trying to work out with be better financially.


Thanks for your replies



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