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Validation of visa


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From what I've been lead to believe, all persons and dependents on the visa need to validate in order to retain the visa validity for all.


I see your logic in only sending key people to validate, however I suspect you may be entering into another visa application/modification (med checks, et al) which may be just as costly as the flights for the younguns. I do however stand to be corrected, and I'm sure someone will be along shortly to do so.



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All the family are going to have to validate their visa before the end of the validation date - there is nothing to stop you validating and your partner validating seperatley, but the kids will also need to validate or the visa would lapse (is how I understand it). I don't believe that if your children did not validate their visa they could be sponsored (who by?) for a 176 visa as they are not applicants but dependents

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The official time-line for a 101 child visa is seven to eight months. Ours isn't through so I can't tell how long it actually took yet. The visa fee (currently $1995) remains the same however regardless of if it is for one child or more, i.e. it's not $1995 per child.


I'd recommend taking the whole family to validate - it'll be worth the stress of waiting for yet another visa application to go through and what if you lose your job between applying for the 101 and getting the kids visas? You'll be unable to go to move to Oz to find a new job their while you're waiting, or what if you sell your house before the kids visas come through? More expense while you have to find somewhere to rent. Get it sorted so when timing is right you won't be delayed.

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