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What colour vet bed...


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I know it's silly and unimportant, but they all cost the same and I'm wondering what colour vet bed I should buy to put inside Satch's kennel?

And yes I know it'll be chucked after her flight so doesn't matter in the slightest... Or do different colours help dogs relax?


Satch (see my avatar) is a soft golden labrador and my decision is between:

Black, Blue (sky not navy), Brown (pale-ish)

Grey, Lilac or Pink (quite pale, not fluro)


Help anyone?


** edit **

Oh and white as well..

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I have a nice dark red with paw prints, it washes really well - I bought a big piece cut into 3 crate size sections from crufts last year and Poppy is now 18 months old. The breeder I bought Poppy from said you should always use white or cream so you can see if they've had an accident / been sick :)

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