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Query over 457 medicals before requested..?


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Hi folks, looking a little advice.. Wihtout boring you with all the details our original 457 sponsor from early March let us down. Five weeks ago O/H got a further job offer in Melbourne from a 2nd potential sponsor. They are an already approved business sponsor but have only just lodged nomination. Our paper 457 is submitted from early June (was ref original sponsor, sponsor details now ammended), and we have just been allocated a case officer according to immigration. Prob is I am now over half way through a pregnancy and realistically cannot fly long haul after 2nd wk of September!!! Starting to sweat it a bit as hoped nomination would have been in a few weeks ago!!!! :mad: Anyway immi suggested this morn our C/O may not have requested any further docs as yet as may be awaiting the nomination to be approved. O/H in building trade and so shouldnt need medical. Query is have a daughter age 13 yrs who will be attending secondary school, (may she be required to have a chest x ray)?? Also may I be required to have Hep B bloods done as pregnant? I have meds booked for 8th Aug and they are booking 5 weeks in advance so if miss these may have a wait before can get next slot. Should I maybe read in between lines (in anticipation of C/O requesting) and have 13 yr old chest x -ray done and my Hep B test done if C/O does not make contact and request these before 8th Aug then as opposed to miss medical date, given Aug is a really crucial month for time scales to keep this moving.. Am in ireland and only two providers covering medicals for visa. Any advice would be grtly appreciated folks, any at all??

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Guest siamsusie

Hi Karen,


I cant answers your questions .. so bumping up your post for you.


I hope someone can help pretty shortly


Good luck


Susie x

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