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Which Bank?


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Looking at opening an Australian bank account before I arrive in 3 weeks time...

My fiance will be staying in the UK for the time being to arrange removals, rent out our house etc, so I will need to send money bank to the UK to pay mortgage etc.

Does anyone know which bank is best for this? I notice a few charge $20 for each online bank transfer!



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Hi VDubber

If you are transferring money from one currency to another on a regular basis you really need an account with a money transfer company like UKforex/Ozforex or HIFX which are cheaper than the banks.

You will also need an Australian bank account. I opened one with Westpac and they have been very efficient but they will charge a monthly fee unless your salary goes in every month. My wife opened an account with ANZ who were equally efficient and have similar arrangements. I also found BankWest very friendly and efficient.

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