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Everything posted by VDubber

  1. VDubber

    Visa Medical

    I'm not sure why you feel it necessary to be rude, you clearly have no direct experience or facts to share only speculation. If I I was "clearly going to anyway" I would not have asked this question. The particular partner skills assessment actually has a relatively short turn around time if we decided to go ahead with it (hence 80 or 85 points) thus is irrelevant. Since within Australia the medical assessment process is now 100% electronic there is new guidance about completing the medical in advance of lodging your application. If we have already undertaken the medicals then the processing of the application is simpler and more complete from the start, which is in line with advice given by a migration agent to a friend who has been through the process recently. We have already completed the electronic medical questionnaires and have referrals to attend medicals (which would be valid for 12 months). I just would like to know if short-term injury/condition such as this would be a consideration during a visa medical from someone who is able to provide any experience they have or actual facts they could share please.
  2. VDubber

    Visa Medical

    Thanks Rupert, I appreciate your advice. I have actually reduced some of the experience to be on the cautious side and have substantial evidence for what I intend to claim so this won't be a problem. Agreed, we probably won't do the partner assessment as 80 points is plenty. We actually have other reasons for wanting to complete our PR as soon as possible, hence the question as to whether the injury would preclude us from undertaking the medical. Does anyone know whether it would?
  3. VDubber

    Visa Medical

    Thanks Verystormy, it's a good warning but I have been through the points criteria several times to be sure and have already got all the evidence ready to go except for the medicals: Age - 30 points IELTS Superior English Score 9 - 20 points Overseas Employment for at least 5 years - 10 points Australian Employment 1 Year - 5 points Education - Bachelor Degree - 15 points and if my husband gets his skills assessed again (since his has run out now) then partner skills - 5 points.
  4. VDubber

    Visa Medical

    Hi Rupert, thanks for the reply. My plan is to have completed the Medical ready to lodge my application immediately after an invitation is received. Since the medical is valid for 12 months and I will have 80-85 points when I lodge, based on my recent experience of colleagues lodgements, (this may be optimistic), but I'm not anticipating a very long wait between EOI and invitation.
  5. VDubber

    Visa Medical

    Hi All, My husband and I have been in Aus for 2+ years on a 457 visa and now have all our documentation ready to lodge for a 189 visa -except for the Medical examination. Unfortunately my husband recently had a cycling accident and broke his hip. This resulted in surgery with three screws to hold him together. He's non-weight-bearing still for the next 6 weeks and as a result of the injury/surgery he has developed blood clots in his lungs and is currently on a Warfarin treatment plan for the next 12 weeks. My question is whether we can still have our Medical examinations, or whether the above would count against us and we should wait until he is 100% again? Anyone have any experience or advice they can share? Thanks!
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