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IELTS....free online practice sites??


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Hubby got his test end of this month so need to get him revising! Can anyone recommend any good sites that are free?


Any tips from anyone that has sat one? Hubby is English but been a while since he sat an English test!


Thanks in advance!

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when i booked my IELTS you could also purchase a practice booklet which included a DVD enabling you to practice the listening and observe the speaking element.


I would assume this booklet is available overseas as well as within the UK. From memory i paid approx £15, but well worth it as it gives you a good idea as to what to expect.


My advice would be to go and pick one up from the test centre or order via post, if anything it just gives you an idea of what to expect!

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Hi there, I bought the two practice aids from the IELTS website at £10 each although just having one to practice from is enough. I'd really recommend this as it'll give your hubby a good idea of what to expect and how to manage his time during the tests as you don't get a lot!!!


Good luck :cute:

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Guest Hacking family

I found the book Target band 7 useful and also IELTS blog.com.


Good luck. Sarah

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Apart from the practice advice above, the only tip I can offer is to make sure he listens during the listening test.

I started daydreaming half way through and dropped half a point because I didn't actually listen to what was being said, it's pretty easy to switch off when someone is speaking your native language.

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