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Help!!! Schedule 1 175 visa per July 2010 applicant

Guest Louiseholly

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Guest Louiseholly



Would anyone out there be able to help me. I applied for a 175 visa in April 2010 and at the time my occupation was on the Schedule 1 list. I called immigration twice in April and they confirmed I was in Priority 3. When I still had not been allocated a case officer I called again this week and was told I am now in priority 4 as they are retropectively applying Schedule 3, which my application is not on, to everyone who applied prior to its introduction in July 2010.


The immigration website says clearly in several places that Schedule 1 is the list that applies to my application, but the agents have been instructed not to process it. So people who applied after me are getting priority.


I am in Oz on a working holiday visa but my time is up with my employer at the end of this month. They want to keep me on but are not in a position to sponsor me.


Does anyone know what has happened to applicants who applied under schedule 1 prior to July 2010, and can anyone give me some advice?





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