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Child maintenance help

Guest The Westons

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Guest The Westons

I will be leaving two children in the uk 12 and 14 years old as they will be staying with their mother, we have been divorced for over 7 years. i have spoken with the UK CSA about continuing to pay them the maintenance from OZ but they have advised me that as i am not going to be working for a company with any links to the uk the arrangement with them will cease.


How does the Australian CSA work - does anyone have any experience of paying money back to the UK or is it best to try to arrange this direct with the other parent even though i may not get any joy from her.


Advice and help appreciated.

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Guest guest36187

This is what we did when we left. We had a direct debit arranged until such time as the kids were 18 or had left full time education.

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Guest JK2510

The uk and oz have a recripral agreement when it comes to maintenance. I'm just going through international csa to get money for my kids as father hasn't paid me a penny in many years.

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Guest The Westons

Phil has always paid through the UK CSA as the Ex constantly wants re-assessments to try to up what we pay, how long a process is the Oz CSA likely to take and is it something she needs to apply for or us when we get to OZ. ??? confusing but we want to do whats right for the children

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Guest Smudger2go

I'm in a similar position, i don't have any experience of Aus CSA but I found out some info from their website. Check out the link




Paying her directly would mean that she has to agree on an amount and what ever suggested even IAW CSA rules is never enough(in my position) . I always go through CSA, even though it can be hard work at times, it proves I've paid and paid the correct amount. She argues with them now and a lots less at me :biggrin:and I've been divorced seven years as well!!! Good luck

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Guest natnat84

I'm probably going get loads of abuse now :skeptical: but I work for the Csa in the uk. Your case will be closed as you will be out of jurisdiction and the Uk Csa cannot chase you for any money as much as she may want to. As far as I am aware we dont have any sort agreement with the Csa in aus but I don't know how the CSA works in aus. If she agrees then i think it would be best for you pay her directly or maybe to a bank account in the childrens names.

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Guest Smudger2go
I'm probably going get loads of abuse now :skeptical: but I work for the Csa in the uk. Your case will be closed as you will be out of jurisdiction and the Uk Csa cannot chase you for any money as much as she may want to. As far as I am aware we dont have any sort agreement with the Csa in aus but I don't know how the CSA works in aus. If she agrees then i think it would be best for you pay her directly or maybe to a bank account in the childrens names.


I would throw abuse at the CSA but maybe not at someone that works there, as some staff are very helpful :jiggy::jiggy: and others just blame the computers and never return your calls!!:realmad::realmad:


But to return to post, if I have a taxable income(pension and maybe rent) in GB but become an Aus citizen, with Aus address, does that put me out of UK CSA jurisdiction?

Just knowing I will have to deal with the one CSA will be a bonus!!!!

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Guest natnat84

Some of us are good at our job and do follow up calls but there are some that do not care!! I'm obviously a good un!! Lol. With regards to you becoming an aus citizen, you will definitely be out of jurisdiction so the case will be closed. And going back to your income, that would only be investigated if you had any arrears and even then the agency would probably not try to collect them anyway.

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Paying into a childs, bank account is not appropriate. Maintenance is for the upkeep of the children and payable to the parent. It funds rent,mortgage,clothing,food etc.


I would suggest you continue to pay what you were expected to pay under the old CSA UK arrangement via a direct debit.

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Guest The Westons

NatNat - thanks for that we have always used the UK CSA and have had really good service so thanks to you and the rest of the staff.

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Guest The Westons

thanks for all the advice we wil try to sort it direct with the ex and see where it gets us.

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