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new to pomsinoz, need help with a question, anyone?

Guest Sophdolly

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Guest Sophdolly

Hi their, im currently in the UK, but me and my partner are coming to oz in july this year on a working holiday visa, im staying with my aunt and cousins in Adelaide.


Our visa admits us for one year,

however, we would like to migrate to Australia on a permanent basis, my aunt has told us we can stay with her for as long as we want to, but, we would also like to work.

we dont have the funds that you need to migrate to oz, but as my aunt is their and we would be living with her, does that count? im currently not a skilled worker, i work in retail, and i no their are skilled worker visas which allow you into oz and its easier to become a citizen,


The same things runs with my partner too, only he has a qualification in electrical's and has never used it.. my aunt says he can also stay with us their as long as we want to.


Im quite stuck as to how i go about it, as we are both 20 years old turning 21 in November.

our dream is to be in oz with my auntie and cousins but we could never be able to afford our own house their. Iv looked at different visas, but money applies with them.

Id like to migrate and start work in retail but theirs no option for that.



Help please would be much appreciated :cute:

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Guest siamsusie

Welcome to Poms In Oz Sophdolly,


I am sure someone will be along shortly to answer your questions.

We have a fair few members on WHV's that can guide you.


Very best wishes for your future plans here in Australia.



Susie x

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Hi their, im currently in the UK, but me and my partner are coming to oz in july this year on a working holiday visa, im staying with my aunt and cousins in Adelaide.


Our visa admits us for one year,

however, we would like to migrate to Australia on a permanent basis, my aunt has told us we can stay with her for as long as we want to, but, we would also like to work.

we dont have the funds that you need to migrate to oz, but as my aunt is their and we would be living with her, does that count? im currently not a skilled worker, i work in retail, and i no their are skilled worker visas which allow you into oz and its easier to become a citizen,


The same things runs with my partner too, only he has a qualification in electrical's and has never used it.. my aunt says he can also stay with us their as long as we want to.


Im quite stuck as to how i go about it, as we are both 20 years old turning 21 in November.

our dream is to be in oz with my auntie and cousins but we could never be able to afford our own house their. Iv looked at different visas, but money applies with them.

Id like to migrate and start work in retail but theirs no option for that.



Help please would be much appreciated :cute:


Having an aunt to stay with is not going to help you get a visa to allow you to stay in Australia permanently, you said this a couple of times but you need to put it right out of your mind.


Having studied something but never used it is not going to help either. You obviously have your trip planned, I think the best you can hope for is that one of you lands a job on the WHV and manages to secure some employer sponsorship and then whilst you are on temporary employer sponsorship manage to get enough experience and training in a role to get some permanent employer sponsorship.


I feel this could be a long shot. You may also need to be prepared for having to come back to the UK and pt in the hard graft to get established in a career that is in demand in Australia and then try again for skilled migration at that point.


We cannot all just move to Australia because we want to.

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Guest Sophdolly

Its not a matter of Just wanting too. Id like to be with my family who I havnt been with for 15 years and its home. The fact I live in the UK is through death's of my family and my Australian relatives are the closest I have left. I think the majority of people who come from England and migrate to oz is because they obviously want to, else they wouldn't have in the first place.

I simply asked about how I go about my current situation, not made to feel bad about wanting to be in Oz with my family and asking what to do about work. Nor to the fact I have no 'major' qualifications. Thanks for your input, but no thanks, il go else where.

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Hi Sophdolly,


Without an immediate route for skilled migration I would say that your best bet would be to go out this year as planned, enjoy your time out there on the WHV and maybe have a look around whilst you're out there to see if you can find an employer to sponsor you.


I'm not an expert so someone else might have to pitch in but if you undertake a few (3 I think) months of regional/seasonal work then you may be eligible to extend your WHV for a second year which might buy you some time to find something which could lead to a permanent route into Oz.


Try taking a look at the link below:




Other than that, being enviably young, you have plenty of time on your side to think about a career path that in the future could lead to a skilled migration route.


Above all, have a great trip - you never know what it might lead to.... :biggrin:

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Guest Sophdolly

thanks for your help, i appreciate the info in the link youv given me rather then judging me on my current status, thanks very much! :-D

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thanks for your help, i appreciate the info in the link youv given me rather then judging me on my current status, thanks very much! :-D


Nobody is judging you. You are being told the facts. Yes people go to Australia because they want to but they can only go if Australia wants them!


ie they have a skill that is in demand in Australia AND they are qualified and experienced in that trade. To pass a skills assessment, which is a requirement for all visas, you need to be qualified and have work experience sometimes up to 5 years post qualifying!


Some reading for you.........







Having family there is not a way in in the way it was in the past unless you get married to an Australian!

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Guest Tillyloola

If as you say, your relatives in Australia are your only remaining family and you have no others left in the UK, you could look into the last remaining relative visa. I don't know to much about this visa so cannot give you much more info...sorry.

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Sorry Sophdolly, but your only pathway to living in Australia is as a skilled immigrant. You would not be eligible for a Remaining Relative visa - only siblings and parents (not aunts) can sponsor people for those.


Your partners 'qualifications in electricals' would seem to offer your best chance but they would have to be qualifications appropriate for licensing as an electrician or meeting the skills requirements for another eligible occupation AND, he has no chance of getting any kind of visa, not even one with employer sponsorship, without appropriate work experience.

http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/F2010L03158 The ENSOL - lists occupations that are eligible for permanent employer sponsored visas.


FWIW, my advice would be for you to hold off on the WHVs until he has met the experience and qualifications requirements for an employer sponsored visa and then use your WHVs to come to Australia and find sponsorship. It's really difficult to find sponsorship when you're outside the country and a waste of time and opportunity if you come now on a WHV and find sponsorship if he can't meet the requirements for actually getting a visa.


Alternatively, come this year on the WHVs you alrady have; do 3 months of 'specified work' in a regional area so that you qualify for a second WHV; go back to the UK after your first 12 months; get the required qualifications and experience and then come back on your second WHV and look for sponsorship.


He would almost certainly need to spend at least 2 years on a temporary 457 employer sponsored visa before becoming eligible for his employer to sponsor him for a permanent visa.

http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/skilled-workers/sbs/ 457 visa.


You have to realise that there are no shortcuts and no way around the requirements for immigrants to have skills that are of benefit to Australia. If you're serious about living permanently in Australia, you'll take the steps necessary to make it possible.

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Guest The Pom Queen
Its not a matter of Just wanting too. Id like to be with my family who I havnt been with for 15 years and its home. The fact I live in the UK is through death's of my family and my Australian relatives are the closest I have left. I think the majority of people who come from England and migrate to oz is because they obviously want to, else they wouldn't have in the first place.

I simply asked about how I go about my current situation, not made to feel bad about wanting to be in Oz with my family and asking what to do about work. Nor to the fact I have no 'major' qualifications. Thanks for your input, but no thanks, il go else where.

Pumpkin has not judged you at all, she has answered the question that you asked, I am sorry that it wasn't the answer you wanted but unfortunately there are thousands of other members who cannot get in to Oz. My brother and his wife want to come over but can't get in because he isn't qualified, despite me living here and his wife's mother and father living in Perth, he has no chance.

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