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Old Visa numbers....


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Just about to submit our 176, but just going over the info and cannot find out old visa numbers, some are lost, some wont be accepted on the online app, shall we just put down the closest dates that we went to oz, stretching back 30 years, (as a child) and will the DIAC check the visas and get the numbers or will this be a prob? obvioulsy stating if it was a WHV, Child or holiday one,:chatterbox:


Cheers Guys.

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Hi, we had same problem. Wouldn't accept my whv number put I just put dates in, and could only put holiday date in for other visas, not when actually granted. Didn't seem to have any problems, kind of thought it showed we'd been and they could get more info themselves if needed? Cheers

Gill x

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I know it's in relation to partner visas but hopefully it should be the same - if you look about half way down on the FAQs on the below url then it doesn't seem to matter. Approximate dates should do...





Cheers for this, it is actually for the both of us but my misses does the 176 app and I do all the poms in oz stuff!!!



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