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prospective visa, fiancee entered on lrr visa

Guest glupava

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Guest glupava



i would appreciate your help greatly. Our story goes like this. My finacee entered Australia on a Last Remaining Relative visa in April. Now we are trying to make a Prospective Marriage Application for me. On his visa it was stated that he can not marry before first entry, code 8515, therefor we didn't do anything before he left. After he arrived there he proposed to me via skype and we are officially now engaged.


My question is, will there be any problems because of his type of visa? We can prove that at the time he had applied for his visa we were not dating. But he got his visa last October and had to stay here for 6 months, during what we decided to be together.


Thank you in advance.

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I'd get the advice of a Registered Migration Agent on this one because how can you 'prove' you were not in a relationship when he got his LRR visa? DIAC may think the same and believe he didn't tell the truth on the application for that visa, hence get and pay for some real advice so you dont fall into any troubles with your application.

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Guest glupava

Yeah thanks, i will do that for sure, i was just looking for someone with similar case.


Yes we can not prove something that was not there, but we can give details to our relationship. It started last June more or less the same time he started his application. We were just having fun, we both didn't want anything serious out of it, with the idea that in September he will move to Australia and it will all be over.

He got it in October, but stayed here for 6 more months during what we got closer, and after he left we realized we want to be together. He didn't brake any rules. Now it will be almost a year we have been dating, but at the time he applied and got his visa it was not even a relationship. Even when he had a visit from the embassy they saw a picture of me in his flat, from some wedding we attended, and he just said it was not a serious relationship. He received the visa a few weeks later.

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