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proof of employment

Guest GaryM05

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Guest GaryM05

Hi all,am just wondering due to the lack of construction work(carpenter/joiner) work in Scotland,i havent been in full time employment for the past 18 months but i had been always employed for the previous 18 years. Will this affect me when trying for my 176/1 permanent visa as this seems to be my main concern. Any advice would be very welcome and hopefully set my mind at ease.Thanks:confused::confused:

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Guest GaryM05

Hi Shel,i have been qualified as a joiner/carpenter for 20 years, i have the relevant scotvec qualifications and i could get numerous references if required but any advice you have would be welcome,thanks again.Gary

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Guest GaryM05

Hi there,do you think they would take into consideration the state of the economy over here and what proof would they ask for ,thanks ,Gary

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Hi there,do you think they would take into consideration the state of the economy over here and what proof would they ask for ,thanks ,Gary



Fraid not, the 12 in 24 is what the dept of immigration require for you to meet the requirements for the visa. For proof they require employer/client references, tax returns or P60's, wage slips etc.


They want the recent work experience requirement to try and ensure that new migrants will be able to take up work in their field on arrival in Australia. Working on the assumption that if you've been out of it for years wherever you live theres no guarantee you would want to or be able to get work in Aus.

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Guest GaryM05

Hi Shel,ASA agents assessed my CV and told me i should go for a 176/1 special trade visa and that i could be possibly fast tracked however i do understand the 12 in 24 months criteria but am just wondering why they ve told me this.I dont want to waste time and money on this if i wont pass for the visa in Queensland.Could i send CV to them direct and ask them what i should do.I will get there this year hopefully but am not sure how.Thanks again

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I'd get another agent to take a look at your case, queensland wont tell you if you are eligible for a visa, they are not agents. They would tell you if they would sponsor you if you applied & paid the fee (if there is one) but them accepting you for sponsorship does not mean you meet the visa requirements. If you dont meet the basic requirements, 12 in 24 being one, you'd be rejected & they'd keep your fee!


If you dont qualify for an independent visa you might qualify for a temporary visa, 457 etc (you'd have to check the criteria because I dont know) http://www.immi.gov.au/visawizard/

but these are temporary and there is no guarantee you would get PR out of it and might have to return home when it expires.

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Hi Shel,ASA agents assessed my CV and told me i should go for a 176/1 special trade visa and that i could be possibly fast tracked however i do understand the 12 in 24 months criteria but am just wondering why they ve told me this.I dont want to waste time and money on this if i wont pass for the visa in Queensland.Could i send CV to them direct and ask them what i should do.I will get there this year hopefully but am not sure how.Thanks again


They have made a mistake, the 12 out of 24 months is absolutely mandatory and your application would be rejected.


If I had stuck with ASA as my agent, then looking at the recent timelines, I would be getting my visa about now because of their rubbish advice. Thankfully I dumped them and got my visa 18 motnhs ago.

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Guest GaryM05
They have made a mistake, the 12 out of 24 months is absolutely mandatory and your application would be rejected.


If I had stuck with ASA as my agent, then looking at the recent timelines, I would be getting my visa about now because of their rubbish advice. Thankfully I dumped them and got my visa 18 motnhs ago.

Hi Pumpkin,thanks for the reply and advice,they were going to charge me 6014 in total for everything .All i can go on is information on the net which is a lot to take in so a need all the advice i can get(lol).All i am wanting is to find the best and easiest way to get to Queensland to work as a carpenter/joiner or possibly at the mines.I have 21 years experience and always worked from i left school but due to the state of the UK economy and the bankers and government it has been really difficult to get full time work .Can you or anybody on POI give me the best solutions to help me obtain my dream move.Thanks again,Gary:confused::confused::confused:

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Guest GaryM05

Hi Shel,i took your advice and tried another site.I applied online to the Australian Visa Bureau and they say i am eligible for the 175 independant,176 state sponsored visa,475 state sponsored visa (ya beauty).My only concern was work experience bit,however they asked if i was employed in the last 3of 5,5of 7 and 8of 10 years which i have been but am still wary of the last 12 of 24 months criteria .They have said i pass the criteria on the government website so here s hoping.I am due a call from them in the next 48 hours .Everything crossed i get a positive outcome and not more grey hairs (lol),Thanks again Gary

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The requirements for a 175 or 176 visa are that you have worked:


  • In an occupation listed on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL).
  • For at least 20 hours a week.
  • In a paid position.
  • For at least 12 of the 24 months immediately before lodging your visa application.


There might be a bit of flexibility for a week or two by DIAC (I might have been just outside the 12 out of 24 months requirement when I applied), but it wouldn't be something I'd count on.


Do you have records of the hours you've worked? If you've spent the last 18 months doing three day weeks then you'd be fine.


The other thing to bear in mind is that it'll take a few months to get a skills assessment and state sponsorship in place, and it's the two years immediately before applying that count. So you'd need to find something in the mean time.

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Go careful there was a thread on here recently where the chap was having terrible problems with the same thing cause he had been unemployed for five months in the previous 24. What you need to appreciate is the state ask for one thing to get sponsorship but at the end of the day it is the diac criteria that is paramount and it clearly says 12 out of 24. I know wa were asking for 3 out of 5 however diac want 12 out of 24.

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Guest GaryM05

Hi Graemsay,am still wondering why the Australian Visa Bureau ask if you have been employed for 3 of5, 5 of 7 and 8 of 10 years when they must be experts in this process.They re due to phone me in the next 48 hours,am i just better to apply for the 475 state sponsored visa and if so do you know the direct link to where i apply to for Queensland,cheers mate ,Gary

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No idea Gary. They might be aware of options that I'm not.


I'd suggest getting in touch with DIAC themselves, and get the official line. Alternatively ask around here for agent recommendations. Go Matilda have a good reputation.


If employment is a problem then look into an employer sponsored visa. The mining boom has meant that there's a massive shortage of trades, and the recent flooding in Queensland will have added to this.

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Guest GaryM05

Thanks Graemsay,a will try and send an email direct to the diac and see what they think is my best and quickest way forward .Cant wait to get out of the uk and go to queensland,cheers mate,Gary

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Guest GaryM05

Hi all,ive just been informed by the Queensland government that carpenter/joiner isnt on their eligible skills list.Gutted so it looks like the mines for me .

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Guest GaryM05

Hi Bensdad,i am a qualified carpenter/joiner with scotvec qualifications and advanced craft,however i always work on sites doing 1st and 2nd fix work.I didnt think of applying as a carpenter as i was told by an agent to apply for the 176/1 special trades visa due to my experience but i will email the Queensland government and ask them if its on their eligible skills list-surely it is due to the damage and expansion work going on.Thanks for the advice mate,

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Guest Guest 47403
The requirements for a 175 or 176 visa are that you have worked:


  • In an occupation listed on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL).

  • For at least 20 hours a week.

  • In a paid position.

  • For at least 12 of the 24 months immediately before lodging your visa application.


There might be a bit of flexibility for a week or two by DIAC (I might have been just outside the 12 out of 24 months requirement when I applied), but it wouldn't be something I'd count on.


Do you have records of the hours you've worked? If you've spent the last 18 months doing three day weeks then you'd be fine.


The other thing to bear in mind is that it'll take a few months to get a skills assessment and state sponsorship in place, and it's the two years immediately before applying that count. So you'd need to find something in the mean time.


Gary I think the agent is right, above is the current requirements for a 175/176 visa below are the basic requirements from 1st July when the points system changes this will be what the agent was likely to on about regarding points for working 3 out of 5, 8 out of 10 etc.


Information about eligibility requirements (from 1st July 2011)


To apply for one of the above visas, applicants need to satisfy the following threshold requirements:

• be under 50 years of age at the time of applying for a visa.


• meet the threshold English language requirement of competent English.


• nominate and hold a skilled assessment for an occupation on the Skilled Occupation List at the time of lodging their application.


•provide evidence of recent skilled employment in a skilled occupation or have recently completed the Australian Study requirement.

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  • 7 months later...
Guest jhutton

I am a nurse who could have same prediciment but am ok at the moment.You could say what you have been doing with your time while unemployed as in updating voluntary work studies etc.I would sidn up for a short course related to your profession and that is what you could be doing as well as voluntarily donating work to people like churches ets.I hope this helps

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