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subclass 309 Lodged! The wait begins!

Guest shanoebs

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Guest shanoebs

thanks to all the help we had off here, we were able to complete our defacto visa and lodge it ourselves without the help of an expensive migrant agent! I feel the pressure lifting slowly off the shoulders now that its all paid for and out of our hands...

We front loaded the lot, police checks, medical and form 80 and lodged it this morning!, so hopefully we should get the visa approved by the 27th Oct if the DIAC do their job and get it done within the 5 months!

Wish us luck and we will let know our progress!


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Guest Tillyloola

Its such a fantastic feeling to finally get rid of it. Now from one hard part to the other...the waiting!


Best of luck :smile:

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Guest siamsusie

Good luck Shano,


Now you can join the off shore time frames thread!


Exciting times!


Susie x

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