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Its all moving fast!!


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Getting a bit scared now! House has just sold (I really like my house too!!), just waiting for meds to be finalised, seems to have happened all of a sudden! Going to move in with the inlaws for a couple of months! Hoping we can afford to live out there and that the kids will settle! I know everyone must start feeling like this when they get close to leaving! I'm really excited, but really nervous!

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Guest Guest16631

....................good luck to you and yours..................enjoy your time in the uk...........hope all goes well in your move................................:smile:

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Guest RazorSharp

Good luck! I am feeling the same way. I leave in 3 weeks and my wife and children will be joining me in early July. It all feels like it is flying by.

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Guest juliemtaylor

it will all fly by and you will be on that plane to start your new life down under! enjoy the planning!


Julie x

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Guest Taylor72

Hi Im feeling the exact same. Weve sold our house had the survey and now waiting for the completion date and we have our visas ready to go :arghh::arghh:. As soon as we completed i will take pleasure in resigning from the good old NHS and off we go. Sounds simple but im so nervous and excited. It comes in waves sometimes positive and other times utter panic as i could be sending us into financial ruin.. But im with the moto thats its better to have tried than wished you had done !! It will fine im sure but i can teally understand were your coming from scarey times .

Take care

Annette and family

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Hi Im feeling the exact same. Weve sold our house had the survey and now waiting for the completion date and we have our visas ready to go :arghh::arghh:. As soon as we completed i will take pleasure in resigning from the good old NHS and off we go. Sounds simple but im so nervous and excited. It comes in waves sometimes positive and other times utter panic as i could be sending us into financial ruin.. But im with the moto thats its better to have tried than wished you had done !! It will fine im sure but i can teally understand were your coming from scarey times .

Take care

Annette and family

Well put Taylor72!

We also had our buyers surveyor around last week and expect to complete b4 end of May. Hope so because we bought the tickets already for the end of June. We still have not told our children (Lily 10 & John 8) about the sale just in case.

Like you we would rather have tried than sit down in 20 years and talk of 'what if'.

We keep on reminding ourselves that we are lucky enough to be starting an adventure that many dream of and few follow through to completion.

Yes everything will be fine, different, but fine. Scarey but fine. Sleep stealing but fine.


Best Wishes

Michael and Sally

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Thanks guys glad to know you all feel the same. Its the spending out all the money to get there and worrying that if things go wrong we will have alot less in the bank account!! But atleast we will have tried something different and given the kids a taste of Australian life! Not everyone can say they have tried something different in their lives! Here's to making a good go of things and hoping it all works out the way we want it to!!!

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Guest Taylor72
Thanks guys glad to know you all feel the same. Its the spending out all the money to get there and worrying that if things go wrong we will have alot less in the bank account!! But atleast we will have tried something different and given the kids a taste of Australian life! Not everyone can say they have tried something different in their lives! Here's to making a good go of things and hoping it all works out the way we want it to!!!


Well said , whats the worst that can happen you come home with your head held high and start all over again:cute:

At least you will have less in the bank we wouldnt have anything lol :biglaugh: see theres your positive. Be happy with the choice you make Paul, it will all be good. Good luck and think how lucky we are to have such an opportunity so grab it with both hands and give it a good go :biggrin::biggrin:

Annette and family

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Guest Taylor72
Well put Taylor72!

We also had our buyers surveyor around last week and expect to complete b4 end of May. Hope so because we bought the tickets already for the end of June. We still have not told our children (Lily 10 & John 8) about the sale just in case.

Like you we would rather have tried than sit down in 20 years and talk of 'what if'.

We keep on reminding ourselves that we are lucky enough to be starting an adventure that many dream of and few follow through to completion.

Yes everything will be fine, different, but fine. Scarey but fine. Sleep stealing but fine.


Best Wishes

Michael and Sally


Hi Michael and Sally

So scarey times ahead for us all :wub: And thats the way we look at it as how lucky are we to be given this fantastic opportunity. So we need to grab it with both hands and give it a good go. Your children are good ages mine are nearly 16 and 12, so a tad more emotions with the older one, but im focused ready for the emotional storm that will happen when we move :wink: mm well i hope iam :cool:

Good luck and keep me posted would be good to compare notes .

Where you heading ? were off to Brisbane prob around the beginning of june but nothing booked till we have a completion date.

Take care

Annette and family

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