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Everything posted by familybonesinoz

  1. The Debt Graph ties me directly back to a couple of my earlier points. That continuing to accumulate debt is a bad thing. A large proportion of the increased borrowings are only to pay the interest on the previously borrowed money. How crazy is that? You would never be allowed to service your household debt in this way by a bank. This Government, whether you support them or not, must be allowed to start reducing the amount that it is borrowing. If not then it becomes exponential and we, with the exception of the Super Rich, all suffer. Another point that it reiterates is that by continuing to allow unskilled and therefore low paid workers into the country the amount of Government on-costs or more accurately Tax Payers Costs (Family Benefits, Child Benefits, subsidised housing, additional infrastructure costs such as school places and Medicare) all RISE. Be it that they will unfortunately, over their working life take far more out of the system than they are ever able to put in. That is unsustainable. Sad but true.
  2. Paul1Perth I always thought that Tony Bliar was out on his own when it came to self centered, egotistical and self righteous political leaders. And then I came across Premier Barnett!!!!!!!!!!! I agree that any party can over spend and borrow. But I cannot forget that both UK and AU sitting Labour Governments both signed off on exorberent and unaffordable spending pledges in the days before they lost power. A note was left in the UK Treasury office for the incoming Tory minister it read, and I quote, "Too late we've spent the lot!"
  3. Tina2 I applaud your idea about only having social payments for two children. It is undoubtedly a sensible idea. However some will tar you as an extremist. And that is the problem. The lovey brigade instantly scream 'sexist', 'racist', 'homophobe', 'islamophobe' or whatever the in-vogue 'phobe' of the day is. This idea was briefly discussed in the UK earlier this year. It was immediately put down because it was called as Racist by those organisations who have links to Islamic groups. Their reasoning being that as Muslim families have typically in excess of 6 children they would be discriminated against. And so the topic was killed off by tea time. You couldn't make it up if you tried. I hope the Abbott Government would have the courage to discuss it here. The debate on benefits, immigration policies and all those things for which there is not a One Size Fits All solution has to be had, out loud and without fear of stigmatizing those who join in. But when someone starts the debate it is closed down immediately. The other day the UNHCR chairwomen (is it ok to use that term?) of the hearing into Christmas Island stated, "I have SEEN armed guards on every internal sector in the detention centre..." On its own it makes a great sound bite. She was called on this by the Immigration Minister who asked her to withdraw the comment as it was wrong. She became increasingly flustered as her remark was a lie. Not more not less. Her response was to say, "I would like to move on". But the Minister insisted that she either retract her words or give proof. Her answer was that, "she had HEARD there were". A massive difference. Helping people get back on track is a basic part of any Social Policy. Helping people who wont help themselves is not.
  4. Diane I am in complete and utter agreement with you on the fact that there are many other ways to control and cut spending. As I said I am not a member of any political party and am not defending this or any other Government. The absurd idea of paying large amounts of money to high earning women and their spouses who choose to have children is bonkers. But so is the idea of paying large amounts of money to women and their spouses who do not work and cannot afford the children they already have. And no I am not supporting social engineering. But it is vitally important that we do not allow those that deliberately intend not to work to have this choice of lifestyle. Equally the idea of continuing to import (probably) cheap labour into the country whilst qualified Australians are out of work is wrong on many levels. The, soon to be felt, consequences of this policy will be the same as can be seen in the UK. Ever falling wages, living standards and falling tax revenues. Which inevitably leads to even greater Government borrowing. Whichever way you look at the problem, continuing to borrow ever increasing $billions will never solve the problem. And unfortunately history, both here and in the UK, shows that this is the path taken by successive Labour Governments. I once thought that this path was chosen out of a moral and social conscience. But now I fear that it is taken, by them, for political expediency and is all about winning the next election.
  5. I would suggest to all those denegrating Tony Abbott that you take a look at the last 20 years or so of the British financial and social journey into Government debt, muslim enclaves, benefit abuse and the number of people who go on about "my rights" without any idea as to the fact that the money has to come from somewhere. Anybody who has the UK in the last 4 years, like I have, will have experienced the effects of Governments promising and writing cheques that they would never have to deliver on because they knew they would be voted out. Like it or not the last Labour Government spent (and promised even more) more than it should have. Everybody wants fairness from a system. But that includes those that are paying into the system. Everyone wants to have enough money to live on. But some confuse this with enough to smoke 40 a day, drink beer as and when and dont forget the now seemingly obligatory 65" flat screen TV. Why should the people who work and pay into the pot have to cover these costs as well? And before anybody gets excited I am not including those that are on a genuine tough road at the moment. Also those who are genuinely ill and of course those pensioners who have paid taxes all their life. If this fantastic country does not control its spending NOW it will inevitably slide into the financial mud that has seen Western Europe sit on the continued edge of recession for so long. And as for Abbott over turning the change in law that would have meant people being arrested for hurting someone feelings. Well this would have brought Australia, somewhat, into line the UK law. And that law has played a major role in allowing the abhorent sexual abuse of white girls by large gangs of Pakistani men. Their actions ignored by both police and social workers for fear of causing offence to the minority communities. Anyone who has not read the report published today in GB should go online and do so. It also allowed for the unfettered growth in radical islam. All because police were fearful of being called racists. All because of the law that Tony Abbott decided NOT to allow it to pass through Parliament. I am not a member of any political party. I am not an apologist for Tony Abbott. I am not an Islamophobe. I am not a non caring individual. I am a family man. I am a man who judges people by their actions and reactions and not their words. I am a man who chose to come to this incredible country because of what it is and what is stands for. I did not come here to see those 'lovey bleeding heart individuals' be allowed to lead Australia down the road to financial ruin, extremist jihadist tolerance and people making "living on benefits" a life style choice.
  6. Lets be perfectly honest (although some will decide that I am being anti-islamic and totally non pc) we all know that to advance the 'Extreme Islamic Fundamentalist cause' the extremists will do ANYTHING. Now before anybody bothers typing racist or the like I suggest you look no further than the hundreds of suicide bombers including children (and jihad videos that accompany them) that have killed other muslims. It might read as sick or disgusting BUT how many people on here would bet their own families health against the possible scenario that 'the extremists carried out this atrocity so as to gather favour from the west'
  7. Mad Cow's comment to your post was the word 'pathetic'. She is obviously a very polite lady. I would think that 'you stuck up ponce' or 'rude, ignorant and condescending ponce' would be more appropriate. Let me guess that you arrived at an exchange rate far in excess of today. Also you managed to sell up in the UK before the harsh realities of the current housing market came and destroyed many peoples one and only asset. And yes I lived on a council estate in Westminster, London as a kid. Did me no harm. Certainly ensured that my perspective on life was well grounded and that I did not have to look down my nose at others to feel good and get a hard on. Congratulations on becoming the newest member of the 'Holier Than Thou' club, here at PomsinOz. You will be pleased to know that you are in with some other 'very classy' members. Enjoy!
  8. Many Thanks Rossmoyne. Found a lovely family that will now not have the worry of the dreaded 'Home Open' lottery.
  9. Hi All Will shortly be moving out of a 4x2 in Quinns Rocks. Located in the north end of Quinns (near Jindalee), 2 min walk to primary school, 15 min walk to choice of 2 secondary schools, 5 min walk to local shops and 10 min walk to the beach. We have been the only people to have rented the property. Enclosed theatre room, study/bed 4, dbl garage, low maintenance rear garden with big covered alfresco. Also has reverse cycle air but NO pool. The rent is extremely reasonable for the area ($430pw) and the agent will have no problem in leasing it out at a much higher rent if they get the chance. However I have received some excellent advice from certain members on here and would like the chance to 'pay it back' by helping a family get a very good rental (with a good landlord/agent) at an affordable price. Please pm me, with your mobile number and a time to call, for further details.
  10. I have only today been able to access the internet, since my original post. WOW!!! I was totally amazed, firstly, by the number of people that viewed my post. One could make an assumption that a small but significant percentage of those have similar concerns. To those people I say "Keep Positive" and definitely DO NOT take on board ANY of the EXTREMELY small minded and bigoted replies. To those of you who sent 'good luck' style messages I say a heartfelt "Thank You". (You know who you are.) To those of you who sent practical advice, links to previous discussions and constructive thoughts I say another enormous heartfelt "Thank You". (You know who you are.) To those of you who asked that others 'not judge' me because life sometimes takes you legs away without warning I say another honest and heartfelt "Thank You" (You know who you are.) To those of you who judged me, from afar, and with the total security of remaining just an anonymous avatar with an small minded opinion I send you my PITY. (You probably don't recognise you're in this group!) I have made mistakes in my life. I believed that everybody makes mistakes along their journey. BUT NOW I KNOW THAT THERE ARE PERFECT PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD. AND THEY ALL HAVE ACCOUNTS ON THIS FORUM!!!! If I were a vengeful, jealous, bitter or just plain nasty SOB then I would surely wish upon those small minded and ignorant individuals that they have to take my journey of the past few years. That they and their family HAVE to take a walk, in MY shoes, along MY path. I would wish upon you, that you witness the sights I have seen or found yourselves in the places that I have been. That your sleep be stolen by worrying thoughts. That daybreak only brings another day of fear and mental stress. That your family be threatened by others and that your house (your only asset) become unsellable because of the actions of a violent and unhinged neighbour. And that when you ask for help (banks et al) you are ignored or told that "all we are interested in is getting our money". But I am NOT a vengeful, jealous, bitter or just plain nasty SOB. I am just a man who loves his family and does what he can to protect and provide for them. A man who makes mistakes, gets back up on his feet and accepts them as the opportunity to learn. I have always thought of myself as a 'pretty good bloke', nothing special just a trier who never gives up. As a husband and father who wants only to provide love and protection to his wife and children. I have always avoided comparing myself, against others, for the fear that that I may get a 'too high' opinion of myself. I am now, in the light of the bigoted comments posted by Perthbum and others, reviewing that self imposed rule. For their nasty, self centered, righteous, small minded almost Evangelistic pontifications has shown me that I am a much better person than I had ever thought I could be. By the way Perthbum I see that you average 14 posts a day! You should consider getting out more and getting a social life beyond the internet. Just an opinion. My old mum taught me that "If you have nothing nice or positive to say then say nothing". There are a few on PIO who would do well to consider that before posting again. But as I wrote earlier 'They' wont recognise that they are in need of this advice. I joined PIO to gather information, gain access to questions I hadn't even considered, share my excitement about being able to give my children an opportunity that money can't buy and hopefully share my 'learned knowledge' with those that followed. I seriously wonder the motives behind some peoples decision to join. I am now, sadly but happily, going to close my PIO account. Goodbye to those of you who give of their knowledge and experience and may your lives be everything you hope for. I will give those pityful and ignorant posters 1 week in which to reply to this post, after all they are all PERFECT! Far better they vent off at me than turn their head towards somebody else and start another tyrannical witch hunt!
  11. I realise that this has been discussed in the past. Sorry. What I am trying to find out is, Has anyone had (recently) any experience of UK debt being 'sold' onto AU Collection agencies. Do they have any jurisdiction over here? Can UK lending institutions take court action in AU or have earnings attachments issued? Do banks i.e HSBC have the power to transfer, and chase, any UK debt over her to AU? Alternatively does anyone have any contact numbers for solicitors or accountants who may specialise in this area. I read somewhere on here, a long time ago, that any consumer lending agreement signed in the UK was only enforceable in UK. Please do think of me as a bad person. Sometimes in life things happen and you have to act for the future and health of your family.
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