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Close your eyes - what do you hear?


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Morning all,


Well after our grant on thursday it felt like it hadnt sunk it, but weve both been ill all weekend and i think thats taken the edge off our excitment, so we woke this morning and are feeling so much better, when i woke this morning there was little sun peering thru the blind the window was open and all i could hear was the sound of the birds cheeping and calling, it was lovely and im sure helped me wake in a better mood. I love hearing the birds forst thing in the morning as i know its kind of nice out if theyre singing away. It reminded me of when we were in brissy and we would wake every morning to a chorus from the resident lorikeets in the trees it was lovely.


So just take 5 mins to sit back relax, close your eyes and listen to wahts around you, i bet youd be surprised at what you miss when your not really listening!


Have a great day everyone were finally celebrating with a bbq this afternoon, no doubt in our coats, but you know what i dont care coz im going to live in australia!:jiggy::jiggy:Kelly x

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Guest tandcmum

I'm just a bit further north than you in Perth and yes I can hear the birds chirping away and not much else. I will give Scotland this, it is stunningly lovely when the weather is nice and yousoon forget the freezing cold snow and rain, and wind and dreary skies. It's just a shame it's not like this more often. Congrats on your visa grant and enjoy your celebration bbq, i think actually you might get away without the coats today, the weather is supposed to be 18/19 degrees today

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Guest siamsusie

Right now I have a roaring log fire going outside, the Kookaburra birds are making a hell of a noise before they sleep, the Possums are eating left over bird seed, and the pademelons are showing me their young.


Bliss no beighbours!:biggrin: just the noisy marsupials! Pleased you are feeling better.

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