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Medications and visa application


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Hi all


I am going through the skilled visa route with my wife and daughter and 1 issue is concerning me.

My wife has suffered from anxiety other the past 4-5 years and is taking anti-anxiety medication, Citralipram.

She has cut own the size of dose but doesnt feel she can cut out completely.


Would this fact have any effect on the actual application if she is still needeing medication?

If anybody has any information it would be appreciated.



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I don't know if this helps but I had an anxiety/depressive condition for 3 years and was on medication throughout that period, I stopped my medication a few years ago. I had my medical a few weeks ago and was asked by the doctor to get a report from my GP about my condition. The doctor told me there are two categories for medical purposes, Category A is for those who have no health issues and haven't suffered from any significant medical conditions in the past, Category B is for those, like me who have suffered from medical problems or are currently suffering from conditions. Those in Category B will be asked for a GP report, and this is quite common. Australia House then decide if they need to refer your case to a doctor in Australia- most of them time they won't and even if it does get referred, it doesn't mean a visa will be denied. I was told 90% of Category B's get granted visas and those who don't are usually those who are infectious or require extensive, costly medical attention (long hospital stays etc).


The doctor told me that he has no worries about my anxiety at all- so try not to worry. It is very, very, very unlikely to have any effect on your visa application. :-)

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