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SBS Australia Immigration Nation SBS Documentary 9 January 2011


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Australia Immigration Nation SBS Documentary January 2011


We appreciate our immigrants — if they earn it. Despite past successes, attitudes towards new Australians remain contradictory.


WE used to have the dagos and the wogs. Then it was the slopes and the slanty-eyeds, the yellows, the balts and the Lebs and the curry-munchers. And more recently it has been the towel-heads and the terrorists infiltrating Australia and undermining our way of life.


If there is a lesson in the past half-century or so of migration, it’s that new arrivals can expect a withering initiation. The nicknames may change, and so too the migrant groups subjected to suspicion, derision and worse, but the fear that drives such insults is persistent and widespread….


…Australian society has been supple enough to adapt to wave after wave of migration in the 65 years since World War II, and by and large we like the society we’ve created. So, although there are myriad concerns about how future immigration might threaten our society, our history says we have reason to be confident. We are nothing if not champions of change.



New Series: January 9, 2011 on SBS One “Immigration Nation The Secret History of Us”.

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